OPPO Ace2 (8GB/128GB/All Netcom/5G Version) Comments

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nine point two
  • cost performance ten
  • Performance Configuration ten
  • Battery life eight
  • Appearance and feel ten
  • Photo effect eight

Super players can also take photos

Most satisfied

The Ace2 released by OPPO in April this year, as a high-performance mobile phone focusing on game players, is equipped with Qualcomm's strongest Snapdragon 865 flagship processor, plus a high-quality display screen with a 90Hz refresh rate and a 180Hz touch sampling rate, giving OPPO Ace2 an ultra fast response speed and visual experience. It is indeed a mobile phone tailored for game players, and its configuration is speechless.
Watching the mobile phones for game players on the market, for the sake of controlling the performance and cost, they often reduce the configuration on the video system that game players do not pay much attention to, so that the video function has almost become the short board of this kind of mobile phones. However, the latest OPPO Ace2 uses the IMX58648 megapixel camera, and also adds ultra wide-angle lens, light leak lens and portrait lens. Moreover, OPPO also uses the latest computational photography technology this time. Through the super-resolution algorithm, it uses the sub-pixel displacement between the multi frame photos captured by handheld photography to reconstruct a higher resolution image and take a 100 million pixel photo, which is very helpful for many paintings that need to be enlarged or cut. At the beginning, I thought Ace2 was very good at playing games. When I got it, I was amazed at the photography. It was originally a mobile phone focusing on game performance, and I didn't expect his photos to be taken, but when I went out to take photos, it was pretty good. It was not a problem to take beautiful photos easily, even P Tu saved time to send his friends. In terms of video shooting, it supports ultra clear video anti shake, ultra wide angle video and intelligent video clips. Xiaobai, a novice who likes to shoot Vlog to record his life, can easily shoot blockbusters!
It can not only play games, but also take photos. The OPPO Ace2 is indeed a new machine with many highlights. I didn't expect much from this group of hardware configurations that can only be said to be standard. What I never expected was that the actual situation far exceeded my initial expectations.

Most dissatisfied

The appearance design is full of texture. The only thing that makes me feel a little unsatisfactory is that the middle frame of the phone body is made of plastic material. I feel that the phone is not so strong when it is dropped with this material, resulting in the deformation of the phone body. If this can be done well, it will be more perfect. The process design of the green factory is good. From the overall appearance, the appearance is still online. A mobile phone case can also reduce the damage of the mobile phone case.


In general, the high performance and excellent game experience of OPPO Ace2 are the key to the favor of super players, and they are not lagging behind in photography. There are also some excellent small functions. I am very satisfied with all aspects of the experience. Just like the Reno Ace last year, it is really "fragrant". In short, after starting Ace2, the daily use of the machine is much more convenient, and playing games is no longer left behind by teammates.

1 comment 7 likes Published on: May 20, 2020