Comments on Intel Core i7 10700F

Comprehensive score
nine point nine
cost performance
nine point nine
nine point nine
nine point nine
  • Product review (1379)
  • With figure
  • With video

Packaging protection: traditional Intel chip packaging, blue outer box plus corrugated inner box.
Scoring test: the score is very high, and this chip may be the highest in I-7 at present.
Running speed: The running speed is very fast. With 32g of memory, it is not too fast.
Game effect: I didn't play the game, so it would be good to add a unique display..
Operating temperature: normal use, not very hot, very good!
Compatibility performance: Intel chips are very compatible.

Published on: August 28, 2020 07:24 fabulous comment

I bought it on February 7, June. Now in August, the number of pieces has dropped below 2000. I'm a little unhappy
I wanted to give a good comment, but my physique is pretty good. I'd better give it a good comment
My U voltage of 1.12V can pass the FPU of AIDA64 for 2 hours. It is emphasized that passing the FPU does not necessarily mean stability. The 1.12V will occasionally be blue, and then 1.14V will be given, which is basically stable
The air cooling radiator FS140 or Dashuang tower is recommended, because you may buy Lei U, which cannot be compressed by single tower air cooling in summer
Finally, let's say that for U without K, the ring frequency can not exceed 4.3G. It is recommended to buy U with K if you plan to waste memory. The ring frequency has an impact on memory performance

Published on: 12:33, August 8, 2020 1 likes comment

Packaging protection: the box was found to be complete and undamaged when it arrived, so it was easy to disassemble
Scoring test: eight cores and sixteen threads, understand everything, excellent
Running speed
Game effect: no pressure, open at will, and you can have more online games

Published on: 11:04, October 2, 2020 fabulous comment

Purchase information

Time: 2021-09

Location: Beijing

appearance: eight Workmanship: eight Function: eight cost performance: eight

Most satisfied

Very good performance. The maximum temperature of 60 frame video output of 360 upper water-cooled pr 1920 * 1080 does not exceed 70 degrees

Most dissatisfied

The lower the price, the better

Published at: 09:22, September 26, 2021 106 likes comment

The actual price fluctuates between 1289-2199 yuan

Published on: 08:18, May 23 fabulous comment

Packaging protection: the box is very good, and the built-in radiator can not be used.
Scoring test: good performance, suitable for matching with 3070 graphics card.
Running speed: very fast, without feeling stuck.
Operating temperature: the load will not be too high, and the temperature will not be too high..

Published on: 01:58, December 6, 2020 345 likes comment

Running speed: very fast, performance improved, 170000 points

Published on: 01:18, July 20, 2020 212 likes comment

The authentic products of the Bank of China represented by Digital China are packed tightly, and the processors are very good. The computers are lit up at one time and stable. The CPU is a little hot. It's honest to have a fan of more than 100 yuan.

Published on: 04:46, May 25, 2021 172 likes comment

Intel i7-11700 8-core 16 thread boxed CPU processor

Published on: 09:21, June 20, 2021 79 likes comment

Packaging protection: packaging protection is basically qualified, and there is still room for improvement

Running speed: the running speed is very smooth, and there is no flash card

Operating temperature: the operating temperature is normal, of course, it must be equipped with a radiator, and its own heat dissipation effect is general

Compatibility: smooth and compatible

Published on: 09:19, July 16, 2021 68 likes comment

The computer at home has been used for 5 years, and the configuration is relatively old, which can no longer meet the needs of editing. I bought the 618 at a price of more than 1000 yuan this time. If there are many things, I won't evaluate them one by one. Master Lu scored 498000 points, which is much better than buying a complete machine. You can choose your own accessories. Originally, my budget was only more than 8000, but finally I couldn't help buying accessories in the early 10000's.

Published on: 10:25, June 8, 2020 62 Like comment

The price has gone up too much this year. I bought it at 618. The price dropped slightly. This I7 processor works well. The power on speed is 8 seconds. With MSI exhaust bubble, the western data of pirate ship 16G, M2 is solid. It's used as a lever.

Published at 06:12, July 21, 2021 49 likes comment

Packaging protection: strict
Operating temperature: OK
Running speed: very fast

Published on: 04:10, July 10, 2021 43 likes comment

I like it very much. The price is affordable and the performance can meet the demand. I will buy it again if I need it in the future. Support.

Published on: 06:33, April 15, 2021 42 likes comment

Except for the graphics card, other accessories were bought in the self run store, so I gave a unified evaluation. The 10700 cpu, b460 mortar, Mingxuan 2060, Iceberg Kingdee GX550, Shiquan Vulcan memory card, Dashuang Tower cooling, Western Blue Disk, Wind Seeker 416PTG, and ID COOLING chassis fan are very good, much better than the previous master machine.

Published on: 10:42, October 2, 2020 41 Like comment

CPU performance is good, running games is not stuck at all, I like it, and the packaging is exquisite

Published at: 01:42, January 10, 2021 40 likes comment

It hasn't been installed yet. There should be no problem. At present, prices are rising and there is often a shortage of goods.

Published on: 10:38, May 31, 2021 27 likes comment

The things are very good. There are enough practical materials for workmanship. Come back to buy them when you have a chance

Published at 05:20, February 17, 2021 27 likes comment

This is a small thing. It's more than 2000. The i7 is still #. It's estimated that this computer can be used for more than ten years. The i7 will not be out of date for ten years

Published on: 12:51, April 18, 2021 20 likes comment

The video card is broken. It's a good product to buy a CPU with integrated display

Published on: February 17, 2021 01:40 22 Like comment
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