Comments on Huiwei D1010MKII

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Pretty good

Most satisfied

High, middle and low tones can be perfectly interpreted! The sound is clear and exquisite, especially suitable for listening to music, and the bass effect is also outstanding. I bought the M12 before. Compared with the D1010-4, the sound quality and specific details of the M12 are much worse. The legendary M12's luxurious bass effect sounds like paper paste to me. D1010-4 is highly recommended!

Most dissatisfied

The back cover of the main speaker is very hot! A small current sound can be heard when the sound is muted


440 got it at Chengdu Broadway. This price compares many speakers. This is definitely the first choice, and 2.0 really sounds more comfortable than 2.1!

2 comments 30 likes Published on: August 30, 2011