Huawei smart screen V75

Huawei smart screen V75 image quality test

——Parsing 1

Objective instrument test:

As Huawei's first large screen product, the image quality performance of this Huawei smart screen also fills us with expectations. From the official information, Huawei's smart screen uses quantum dot light backlight technology to achieve higher color gamut coverage and more accurate color control. What's more, Huawei's smart screen has an independent image quality engine - Qiguang colorful image quality engine , which is an important symbol of high-end products.

 This is the first test of Huawei smart screen

 This is the first test of Huawei smart screen

There are 10 adjustable modes in the image settings of Huawei smart screen, which precisely locate different content users. After the optimization of image mode adjustment, the improvement of image quality is visible. In addition, in advanced settings, the degree of freedom is very high, and the adjustable dimensions are very comprehensive.

In the test part, we verified the quality of this screen by objective instrument test and playing 4K pictures, 4K videos and HDR videos.

Color restoration accuracy: excellent data

Color accuracy is an important part of the image quality and expressiveness of large screen devices. Excellent large screen devices also need to be able to accurately restore the true picture. We use Spyder 5 Elite to test the color accuracy of this Huawei smart screen:

 This is the first test of Huawei smart screen

The actual test shows that the Δ E value of the color restoration accuracy of Huawei's smart screen is 1.17 (the lower the value, the better), which is enough to obtain the "almost perfect" evaluation. What is this concept? It should be known that in the field of displays, if the accuracy Δ E value of color restoration is lower than 3, it can be evaluated as a professional display product. Moreover, among all the large screen equipment products we have tested, none of them has a color restoration accuracy Δ E value of 1.17, which is enough to show that Huawei's smart screen has excellent color restoration.

Gamut value

 This is the first test of Huawei smart screen

         In terms of color gamut performance, the color gamut value of Huawei's smart screen is 92% NTSC, and the color gamut coverage is far beyond the industry's standard color gamut coverage of 72% (NTSC1931). This value once again amazed us. Higher gamut values can avoid distortion and color patches to a certain extent, and more kinds of colors can make the level of the picture more clear, and more details can be displayed, thus approaching the quality of the original painting.  

Extract from: This is the first test of Huawei smart screen Author: Zhou Xun

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