ASUS EX-RX580 2048SP-8G Comments

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nine point seven
  • cost performance ten
  • Mute effect ten
  • Appearance design ten
  • Product workmanship ten
  • Heat dissipation capacity eight
  • Game performance ten

Measured 450 single circuit 12V without pressure, no need for more than 500W,

Most satisfied

Video card game performance is very good, full special effects eat chicken without pressure, video card runs 18W+, the fan is very quiet. In terms of power consumption, the measured 450 single circuit 12V has no pressure and does not need more than 500W. Using GPU-Z, the maximum power consumption of a single card in performance mode is about 215W, which is very satisfactory.

Most dissatisfied

Very good graphics card. I haven't found any shortcomings after using it for half a month


Eating chicken with extreme special effects can make you play stably, and the heat dissipation performance is also very good!

1 comment 13 likes Published on: December 13, 2017