Seagate BarraCuda 4TB 5900 to 256MB SATA3 (ST4000DM004) Comments

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seven point six
  • cost performance six
  • Functional features four
  • Product workmanship ten
  • Appearance design ten

Tractor in hard disk

Most satisfied

Brand. The first Seagate hard disk was bought in 2006, but there is no problem up to now. In addition to the 160G capacity, we have always recognized this brand. This one can only be described in general terms

Most dissatisfied

I bought this disk in June 2013. To be honest, I want to replace it. The noise of this disk over the past year makes me want to pull it out of the chassis and throw it away. I'd better use it with SSD to store something. It can't hold the corner of the main hard disk


I think Seagate is a brand, but this hard disk is really so important. If you want diy, you'd better buy an ssd as the main disk. The noise will drive you crazy

25 comments 203 likes Published on: June 27, 2014