Seagate BarraCuda 4TB 5900 to 256MB SATA3 (ST4000DM004) Comments

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just so so.

Most satisfied

The sound is low. The original use of Win7 took 1 minute to boot up, but now it's OK after more than 30 seconds. Then I now have a dual hard disk. The original one, also a 1TB one, cost 700 to buy. It has been used for more than 5000 hours, and there is no red block at all. Very good. This brand of hard disk is really trusted. By the way, it used to be OK to reinstall the system for the computer. Very strong!

Most dissatisfied

When I sometimes start some large programs, or when I have not started for ten days or more, suddenly start some programs, the hard disk will make some clicking sounds, which makes me feel very worried. I don't know what the problem is. Seek explanation


Great. I really praise this brand. It's all right. Give me a compliment

9 comments 32 likes Published on: October 9, 2012