Comments on Xiaomi TV 4A 55 inch

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seven point eight
  • cost performance ten
  • Number of interfaces six
  • Appearance design eight
  • Sound quality effect eight
  • Features ten
  • Picture quality effect six

Cost performance first choice, video fans bypass

Most satisfied

At the current price, few TVs have 2G operating memory. The system is also very convenient to use, and the software compatibility is good.

Most dissatisfied

The screen resolution is too powerful. It's 1080P. My phone's screen resolution is 2K, OK?! All the interfaces are in the middle, in case of hanging on the wall, it is not easy to connect? There is no VGA interface yet, and the built-in audio quality is generally enough.


On the whole, the cost performance ratio is very high. If you use the Internet and APP to buy more of this product, it is still good, because it is really rare to get stuck, and the resolution and sound quality are just enough. If you care about the resolution and sound quality, please take a detour.

11 comments 133 likes Published on: 2017-04-06