Canon EOS M6 (single machine)

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Canon EOS M6 (single machine) portrait and animal proof

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Owning a camera and taking good photos have made many photography lovers suffer from this "gap". How can I make better use of my camera? This time, let's introduce some tips on focusing settings so that we can take more wonderful and interesting photos. Let's see how some simple setting changes affect our final work.

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple

Canon EOS M6 (single machine)

Wonderful by capturing, focusing and continuous shooting should be combined

It may have been unimaginable for many people before to use micro sheet to shoot moving objects. However, with the progress of camera technology today, it is no longer a dream to use a micro unit such as EOS M6 to complete the capture task that can only be completed by the SLR before. Especially with the full pixel dual core CMOS AF technology, the camera's focusing efficiency has been greatly improved. What we need to do is to set the camera's focusing mode, and then we can shoot happily.

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
By using the servo auto focus and continuous shooting functions, we have a higher chance to capture wonderful moments

When shooting moving objects, we need to use focus tracking+high-speed continuous shooting to ensure the success probability of taking the ideal picture. Whether birds or other animals, it is their nature to be active. If you want to shoot them better, you must increase the speed of the camera. Therefore, the settings of the three elements, continuous shooting, focusing and shutter speed, are very important.

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
Snap a leisurely cat

In terms of shutter speed, it is recommended that you use a shutter speed of more than 1/300s to shoot to ensure that you can capture the desired picture.

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
The high-speed continuous shooting function can be used more for shooting birds, because birds are usually very active

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
Full pixel dual core CMOS AF technology enables EOS M6 to better track moving objects and focus correctly

The setting of continuous shooting itself is also very important. When capturing moving subjects, it is recommended to use the camera's high-speed continuous shooting mode. High speed continuous shooting ensures that more photos can be taken at the shooting stage, and more photos can be taken every second, which means that it is more likely to get the photos you want. The EOS M6 has excellent continuous shooting speed, with a maximum continuous shooting speed of 9 shots per second, and can shoot 7 shots per second without losing focus. If you are a beginner, it is recommended to use more high-speed continuous shooting in focus mode to ensure success rate.

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
Shooting small birds, continuous shooting and focusing function can bring great help

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
At 100% magnification, we can see that EOS M6 performs very well in focusing accuracy under focusing

After confirming the shutter speed and continuous shooting, be sure to switch to the tracking AF focusing mode to ensure that the focusing system is always working during continuous shooting. Whether birds or animals, to overcome their hyperactivity symptoms, they need to rely more on these settings for shooting motion scenes.

It can be both dynamic and static, which is our requirement for cameras. As the "selfie craze" heats up, the selfie army continues to grow. Due to the lack of picture quality and other aspects, mobile phones are inferior to cameras in self taking. EOS M6 With self timer mode, the operation is very simple!

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
use EOS M6 Self timer, self timer mode itself should be selected

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
The delayed self timer function is very helpful for self timer

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
Flipping the screen can ensure easy shooting in selfie

Take a selfie first by making good use of the camera's flip screen function. Flip screen can ensure that you can correctly compose and maintain your more satisfied expression when taking selfie.

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
In the selfie mode, we can also set EOS M6 's built-in portrait optimization effect

When taking selfie, it is recommended to turn on the camera's face recognition and intelligent auto focusing functions (face+tracking). Save the trouble of taking selfies but not busy focusing.

 Touch and touch Canon EOS M6 focusing is so simple
How about the self portrait effect of the no reflection camera~

In addition to focusing and touch screen control, the author recommends that you use the delayed shutter to shoot in the shutter setting. The advantage of delayed shutter is that you can still adjust your posture when taking selfie within the delayed time range. In this way, our self portraits are more natural. Prepare the camera settings, press the shutter, then use the delay time to pose, click, and a beautiful selfie is completed.

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