Comments on Konka LED40R6000U

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seven point two
  • cost performance four
  • Number of interfaces eight
  • Appearance design ten
  • Sound quality effect six
  • Features six
  • Picture quality effect eight

The resolution is not worthy of the name, the quality is not good, and the price is not affordable

Most satisfied

Good appearance, can install third-party applications

Most dissatisfied

I bought 40 inches, said it was 4K, connected to a computer with a maximum resolution of 1920 * 1080, connected to a set-top box, and asked for 4K video playback to say that the device could not support it. Sometimes, the screen went black inexplicably. When I connected the remote control, it did not respond. I had to power off and power on again before it recovered. At that time, the old TV was broken during the 2018 Spring Festival. I bought it in a hurry. I didn't think so much, and the price was not affordable. Now I regret it, but forget it!

comment 19 likes Published on: September 6, 2018