Comment on Xiaomi Hongmi Note 4 (3GB RAM/All Netcom)

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  • cost performance two
  • Performance Configuration eight
  • Battery life eight
  • Appearance and feel eight
  • Photo effect eight
  • Screen effect eight

Invalid return key, returned

Most satisfied

I didn't find any advantages. I returned the goods directly after two hours

Most dissatisfied

The mobile phone ordered by Xiaomi's official website was delivered from the Nanjing warehouse. When it was started, the return key was found invalid. Contact customer service, do a key test, restore the factory settings, and then recommend that I return the phone, and resolutely return it


I have bought seven Xiaomi mobile phones and experienced the infinite crash of Hongmi note3. This time, note4 was completely disappointed

22 comments 1344 Like Published on: October 12, 2016