Comments on Konka LED43E330C

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I don't want to buy black, so I bought this one

Most satisfied

I'm very impressed. USB can be read in any format. Although the interface is not beautiful, there is really nothing to say about compatibility. Because I don't have high requirements for picture quality, I feel that this aspect is acceptable, and the sound quality is also reasonable.

Most dissatisfied

I have bought it for two or three years, but once the machine couldn't be started, the customer service people came to me to do it. I didn't understand a tool, but I could use it again after fooling around. It seems that my problem is common, and the quality of domestic products is still worrying. In addition, only one HDMI is too wicked.


I have encountered faults in the process of use, but the solution is fast. I am now in cable HD TV station, and I have given HDMI interface, and then I want to connect other HDMI players and so on. All the dishes have stopped. This machine has only one HDMI, which is depressing. Not bad. The USB interface compatibility is good

comment 36 likes Published on: June 27, 2013