Comments on Konka LED43E330C

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No longer support Konka

Most satisfied

After all, I watched TV for three years, so I gave it to two stars. As soon as the warranty period came, the screen broke. Call the manufacturer to repair it. OK, I can't repair the original sound. Then ask what happened. They said that they would change the screen. It's estimated that it would cost more than 1000 yuan. Isn't it possible to buy a new one? Now it's left at the bottom of the bed, and no one wants 200 yuan. It was bought in 2008 or 2009, about 3000 yuan. After just three years, the sky broke. Besides, Konka's remote control is so rotten that the words on it have worn off in less than a year.

Most dissatisfied

Look at the advantages.


No more, no later.

2 comments 47 likes Published on: 2013-02-26