HP 1020plus Comments

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Easy to use, the bank is using 1020

Most satisfied

Exquisite, fast printing speed, and affordable consumables. I used Samsung's small single printer before, and the machine is cheap, but the consumables are not cheap, and it seems that the 1020 is not as solid as the 1020. I see that many government units use this 1020, which seems to be good.

Most dissatisfied

The price is a little high, but it's really worth it. It can take five or six years.


OK, good... There are many HP notebooks, desktops and printers. The after-sales service is also very good. I haven't found any problems except for changing the powder. It's very convenient. The big brand is trustworthy. Compared with the Lenovo printer, it is cheap, but the fan drum is troublesome, and the cost performance is not good. Although HP's price is a little high, it is the best reward to let people worry

1 comment 57 likes Published on: December 30, 2012