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US politicians maliciously misinterpret UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and connive at the response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs supporting "Taiwan independence"

2024-05-06 16:46:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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On May 6, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a regular press conference hosted by Spokesperson Lin Jian.

When a reporter asked, it was reported that Lan Moke, Deputy Assistant Minister of the East Asia Bureau of the US State Council and China Affairs Coordinator, said at the event of the US think tank, General Assembly resolution 2758 "does not recognize, equal to or reflect the consensus on the one China principle, has nothing to do with the sovereign choice of countries in relations with Taiwan, does not exclude Taiwan's meaningful participation in the United Nations system and other multilateral forums, and does not constitute a position of the United Nations system on Taiwan's final political status". What is the speaker's comment on this?

Lin Jian pointed out that the relevant statements of Lan Mo ke were totally a distortion of the facts, a falsification of history, and a trample on international law and the basic norms of international relations. An official of the US State Department in charge of Sino US relations openly lied and fabricated and spread lies, which is shocking and indignant. China has made solemn representations to the United States.

Lin Jian stressed that there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the Government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing the whole of China. This is an undeniable objective fact, as well as a common consensus and recognized basic norms of international relations in the international community. 183 countries around the world, including the United States, have established and developed diplomatic relations with China on the basis of the one China principle.

Lin Jian said that in 1971, Resolution 2758 adopted by the 26th United Nations General Assembly clearly stated in black and white that it had decided to restore all the power of the People's Republic of China, Recognize the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate representatives of China in the United Nations Organization and immediately expel the representatives of Chiang Kai shek from the seats illegally occupied by them in the United Nations Organization and all its affiliated institutions.

Lin Jian pointed out that the resolution clearly stated that the Government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing all China, including Taiwan, in the United Nations, and made it clear that Taiwan is not a country, that Taiwan is part of China's territory, and that Taiwan is a non sovereign entity. The resolution not only completely resolved the issue of China's representation in the United Nations, including Taiwan, politically, legally and procedurally, but also made it clear that China has only one seat in the United Nations, and there is no "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" problem.

Lin Jian stressed that since the adoption of the resolution, the United Nations and its specialized agencies have followed the one China principle on the Taiwan issue, and the official documents of the United Nations refer to Taiwan as "Taiwan Province of China". The legal opinion issued by the Legal Affairs Office of the United Nations Secretariat emphasizes that "the United Nations believes that Taiwan, as a province of China, has no independent status" and "the Taiwan authorities do not enjoy any form of government status".

Lin Jian said that Taiwan's participation in international organizations must and can only be handled in accordance with the one China principle. The United Nations is an intergovernmental international organization composed of sovereign States. As a province of China, Taiwan has no basis, reason or right to participate in the United Nations and its related institutions. This is a provision of the Charter of the United Nations, a principle that all Member States must follow and an obligation that should be fulfilled.

Lin Jian pointed out that the United States, as a major country and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, should have taken the lead in complying with the resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, international law and the basic norms of international relations, but it acted in the opposite direction, maliciously misinterpreted UN General Assembly resolution 2758, concocted the narrative of "Taiwan's meaningful participation in the United Nations system", and thus hollowed out the one China principle, It connives at and supports "Taiwan independence" secessionist activities, and serves to curb the dangerous malicious intentions of suppressing China. This wrong act of "reversing the course of history" and risking the world's great disapproval is doomed to be resisted and opposed by the just forces of the international community, and it is also doomed to be impossible to succeed.

Lin Jian stressed that the UN General Assembly resolution 2758 cannot be challenged, and the one China principle cannot be shaken. Playing the "Taiwan card" will inevitably hit the South Wall, and supporting "Taiwan independence" will inevitably lead to fire. We urge the US side to stand on the side of most countries in the international community, to stand on the right side of history, to abide by the solemn decisions made by the United Nations General Assembly, to earnestly abide by the one China principle and the three Sino US joint communiques, to abide by the commitments of the US leaders not to support "Taiwan independence", not to support "two Chinas", "one China, one Taiwan", and to stop bumping China's bottom line on the Taiwan issue in any way red thread. (Editor/Zhang Ling)

[Editor in charge: Zhang Ling]