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    Tool Introduction

    The expired domain name query tool provides quick query of expired domain names such as. com,. net,. org,. cn, and can subscribe to expired domain names by length, deletion date, double spell and other special structures; After logging in, you can collect the domain name you are interested in, and have a regular reminder function.

    Deletion type: Delete

    Introduction: "Delete" is to delete the domain name after the normal expiration. Since the domain name has not been renewed after the expiration, it enters the deletion list.

    Registration time: equivalent to new registration, and recalculated after successful registration

    Whether it will be redeemed after winning the bid: absolutely not, the original owner has no right to redeem after normal deletion

    About transfer out: domain names can be transferred out after 60 days of registration [All newly registered domain names have this restriction, which is restricted by the registration office]

    Deletion type: Pre

    Introduction: The domain name released in advance after the "Pre" expired belongs to a foreign registrar. Since the registrar did not renew the domain name after the expiration, the registrar opened the reservation in advance.

    Registration time: the domain name registration time is the same as before

    Successful bid transfer: 0-20 days, except for special circumstances

    Whether it will be redeemed after winning the bid: basically not, but not excluding accidents

    About transfer out: transfer out after winning the bid for 60 days

    Deletion type: Sna Pre

    Introduction: The domain name released in advance after the expiration of "Sna Pre" belongs to a foreign registrar. Since the registrar did not renew the domain name after the expiration, the registrar opened the reservation in advance.

    Registration time: the domain name registration time is the same as before

    Bid winning transfer: 0-5 days, except for special circumstances

    Whether it will be redeemed after winning the bid: No, not yet

    About transfer out: transfer out immediately after winning the bid

    Deletion type: JM Pre

    Introduction: The domain name released in advance after the expiration of "JM Pre" belongs to a domestic registrar. Since the registrar did not renew the domain name after the expiration, the registrar opened the reservation in advance.

    Registration time: the domain name registration time is the same as before

    Successful bid transfer: 0-1 days, except for special circumstances

    Whether the bid will be redeemed after winning the bid: it may be redeemed within 60 days after winning the bid, and the probability is very small

    About transfer out/transfer in to the original registrar: transfer out/transfer in to the original registrar after winning the bid for 60 days

    Deletion type: Xw Pre

    Introduction: The domain name released in advance after the expiration of "Xw Pre" belongs to a domestic registrar. Since the registrar did not renew the domain name after the expiration, the registrar opened the reservation in advance.

    Registration time: the domain name registration time is the same as before

    Successful bid transfer: 35-42 days, except for special circumstances

    Whether it will be redeemed after winning the bid: it may be redeemed within 35 days after winning the bid, with a relatively small probability

    About transfer out: transfer out after winning the bid for 35 days, that is, transfer out after the domain name is transferred

    Deletion type: Name Pre

    Introduction: "Name Pre" is a platform that releases auction domain names in advance, which are submitted by users or released in advance by other partners after expiration.

    Registration time: the domain name registration time is the same as before

    Bid winning transfer: transfer is completed 0-7 days after payment, except for special circumstances

    Whether the bid will be redeemed after winning: the bid may be redeemed within 60 days, with a very small probability (if it is published by the user, it will not be redeemed)

    About transfer out: it can be transferred out normally 60 days after the successful bid transfer is completed

    Deletion type: Netcn Pre

    Introduction: The domain name released in advance after the expiration of "Netcn Pre" belongs to a domestic registrar (Alibaba Cloud/Wannet). Since the registrant did not renew the domain name after the expiration, the registrar opened the reservation in advance.

    Registration time: the domain name registration time is the same as before

    Successful bid transfer: 35-42 days, except for special circumstances

    Whether it will be redeemed after winning the bid: it may be redeemed within 35 days after winning the bid, with a relatively small probability

    About transfer out: transfer out after winning the bid for 35 days, that is, transfer out after the domain name is transferred

    Deletion type: Other Pre

    Introduction: The domain name released in advance after the expiration of "Other Pre" belongs to multiple registrars at home and abroad. Since the registrar did not renew the domain name after the expiration, the registrar opened the reservation in advance.

    Registration time: the domain name registration time is the same as before

    Successful bid transfer: 35-42 days, except for special circumstances

    Whether it will be redeemed after winning the bid: it may be redeemed within 35 days after winning the bid, with a relatively small probability

    About transfer out: it can be transferred out normally 60 days after the successful bid transfer is completed

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