
    A British man sued Apple's wife for discovering his deleted iPhone information

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     A British man sued Apple's wife for discovering his deleted iPhone information

    On June 14, it was reported that a British man tried to sue Apple because his wife found his deleted iPhone information on his iMac at home. This name is“ Richard ”Eighty five percent of men began using certain services to remain anonymous later in their marriage to their wives. In order to hide these information, he carefully deleted all messages on his mobile phone.

    However, he clearly did not realize that the automatic function of the Apple ecosystem would synchronize his message history with the family iMac. He didn't set up iCloud family sharing, and used a separate account on the Mac.

    When his wife opened the iMessage, she found those deleted messages on the iMac, and further discovered the messages he sent to others over the years, which revealed her husband's long-term infidelity.

    According to the Times, the man lost more than 5 million pounds (about 6.37 million dollars) in the divorce process, probably because she found this information.

    It is difficult to understand that the man tried to recover the money from Apple. More strangely, he also hoped that other men in similar situations could sue Apple with him.

    He believes that Apple failed to clearly explain to customers that even if they delete messages on the iPhone, they can still synchronize between other Apple devices under the same account. This situation may cause user privacy damage.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: A British man sued Apple's wife for discovering his deleted iPhone information true report eight hundred and forty-one On June 14, it was reported that a British man tried to sue Apple because his wife found his deleted iPhone information on his iMac at home. The man named "Richard" began to use some services to remain anonymous later in his marriage with his wife. In order to hide these information, he carefully deleted all messages on his mobile phone. However, he obviously didn't realize the automatic function of the Apple ecosystem
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