
    Official announcement: learning powerful country launches the native application development of HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

     Official announcement: learning powerful country launches the native application development of HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy

    Huawei officially announced that the Publicity and Public Opinion Research Center of the Central Propaganda Department will launch the native application development of the "Learning Power" App based on the Hongmeng Galaxy version. This measure will bring authoritative and rich content to Hongmeng Ecology, explore the path of digital upgrading, and jointly build a learning application platform with full terminals and scenes.

    At present, more than 4000 applications have joined Hongmeng Ecology. Yu Chengdong said that 2024 is a key year for Hongmeng, and it is necessary to accelerate the development of various native applications. And mainly Software Adaptation is particularly critical to ensure that users can seamlessly switch to the new system. According to the official news, Huawei will hold the "Huawei Developers Conference 2024" next month, when the HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy system will officially start beta testing.

    It is worth noting that the HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy version only supports the application of Hongmeng kernel and Hongmeng system. The system base of this version is developed by the whole line, and the traditional Linux kernel and AOSP (Android Open Source Project) and other codes are removed.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Official announcement: learning powerful country launches the native application development of HarmonyOS NEXT Hongmeng Galaxy true report six hundred and twenty-four Huawei officially announced that the Publicity and Public Opinion Research Center of the Central Propaganda Department will launch the native application development of the "Learning Power" App based on the Hongmeng Galaxy version. This measure will bring authoritative and rich content to Hongmeng Ecology, explore the path of digital upgrading, and jointly build a learning application platform with full terminals and scenes. At present, more than 4000 applications have been added to Hongmeng Ecology. Yu Chengdong said that in 2024
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