
    The 360 security guard software pop-up window in the computer has been officially rejected

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     The 360 security guard software pop-up window in the computer has been officially rejected

    Recently, netizens reported that 360 Security Guard Software The pop-up window keeps popping up. The official responded to this. According to netizens' feedback, the software has more than 50 options for "pop-up settings", while there are many options for closing it. No matter which way you choose, pop-up ads will still appear after a period of time.

    This issue has aroused widespread concern and heated discussion, and many users have said that they have also encountered similar situations.

    In response to this problem, the official customer service said that "no more display today" means that the advertisement will not be displayed that day; "No display in the near future" means that the advertisement will not be displayed in the next few days; However, "No ads will be displayed in the near future" means that no ads will be displayed in the corresponding sections in the next few days.

    However, the customer service did not give a clear answer to the "near future" time frame. When asked whether all pop-up ads can be closed, the customer service staff replied: "If the user makes relevant checks in 'Settings', pop-up ads can be canceled. If the user still encounters pop-up ads after setting, he can click' Question Feedback 'in' Settings' to give a detailed description and attach a screenshot. Normally, the staff will check and reply within 1 to 3 working days. "

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The 360 security guard software pop-up window in the computer has been officially rejected true report seven hundred and seventy-one Recently, netizens reported that the 360 security guard software in the computer kept popping up. The official responded to this. According to netizens' feedback, the software has more than 50 options for "pop-up settings", while there are many options for closing it. No matter which way you choose, pop-up ads will still appear after a period of time. This problem has aroused widespread concern and hot debate, and many users have said that they have also encountered
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