
    Strong growth of image business, rapid growth of revenue and profit Nikon released its financial report as of March 2024

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Pomegranate

    Nikon officially released its financial report for the whole fiscal year ending March 2024 (April 1, 2023 March 31, 2024). Data shows that the total sales revenue of Nikon Group in this fiscal year was 717.2 billion yen, up 89.1 billion yen compared with the previous fiscal year, up 14.2% year on year; Operating profit totaled 39.7 billion yen, 3.7 billion yen more than expected. Among its many business units, the imaging business unit has performed particularly well, with annual sales revenue up to 279.7 billion yen, up 23.2% from 227.1 billion yen in the same period last year; The operating profit also exceeded 46.5 billion yen, 42.2 billion yen higher than the same period last year. Based on the excellent performance of the Group in this fiscal year, Nikon set its sales revenue for the next fiscal year at 745 billion yen.

     Strong growth of image business, rapid growth of revenue and profit Nikon released its financial report as of March 2024

     Strong growth of image business, rapid growth of revenue and profit Nikon released its financial report as of March 2024
    Nikon Z8 And Nikon Zf

    In the past fiscal year, Nikon launched a number of high-performance airframes and lenses for the middle and high-end market, which attracted wide attention from the industry and received strong market response. Nikon Z8 will be officially released on May 10, 2023 Z9 The advanced optical technology and lighter and more compact body provide users with professional imaging and video solutions, making it the favorite choice of countless photography lovers and professional photographers around the world. Another micro single Nikon Zf launched in this fiscal year was officially released on September 20, 2023. The classic shape inherited from Nikon FM2 precisely matches the love of photography enthusiasts for the retro appearance, and its powerful performance brings more choices and possibilities for users' personalized expression.

    In addition to the fuselage, the 7 models of Nicole Z lens released in this fiscal year have also been constantly highlighted, meeting the diversified needs of the majority of users for lenses: Nicole Z 135mm f/1.8 SPlena has caused a great stir in the industry as soon as it was released, and its soft virtualization and beautiful natural rendering effects have shocked countless users. Nickle Z 70-180mm f/2.8, Nickle Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR, Nickle Z 28-400mm f/4-8VR and other zoom lenses cover a wide range of focal lengths and respond to the challenges of various photographic scenes with strong flexibility. Nicole Z 600mm f/6.3 VRS meets the needs of telephoto lightweight, and is competitive in telephoto shooting topics such as cars, sports and wildlife. For APS-C frame users, Nikon also released Nikol Z in this fiscal year DX Two DX format lenses, 12-28mm f/3.5-5.6 PZ VR and Nichol Z DX 24mm f/1.7, fully meet the diversified needs of users at all levels.

     Strong growth of image business, rapid growth of revenue and profit Nikon released its financial report as of March 2024

     Strong growth of image business, rapid growth of revenue and profit Nikon released its financial report as of March 2024

    Nichol Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena and Nichol Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR

    stay Software On the other hand, Nikon has always been committed to updating and upgrading the firmware of its products to bring users a sustainable use experience and after-sales protection. In this fiscal year, Nikon launched firmware versions 4.00, 4.10 and 5.00 of Nikon Z9 and firmware version 2.0 of Nikon Z8, updated multiple new functions such as automatic shooting, high-speed picture capture, pixel shift shooting, and continuously improved the operability and functionality of the fuselage in the spirit of excellence.

     Strong growth of image business, rapid growth of revenue and profit Nikon released its financial report as of March 2024

    In terms of user experience, Nikon's rich online and offline activities have built a bridge for communication with users. In offline activities, activities such as "Nikon Super Creative Camp", "Nikon Creative Camp" and "Nikon Creative Camp Outdoor Shooting Activity" spread all over the country, narrowing the distance between Nikon and users. Nikon has also actively appeared in various exhibitions, including the China Expo, 2023ChinaP&E, P&I and other exhibitions, to convey its unique charm to more people. At the same time, various online activities are also brilliant. Among them, Nikon China's official twitter account will officially meet with users in September 2023. In November 2023, Nikon ushered in the 90th anniversary of Nichol lens. At the same time, the Nikon Photo Contest 2022-2023 also officially ended in this fiscal year, with 26 winners.

     Strong growth of image business, rapid growth of revenue and profit Nikon released its financial report as of March 2024
    Nikon Super Creative Camp

    In addition, Nikon officially completed the acquisition of the well-known film camera manufacturer RED in April 2024. In the future, Nikon will actively integrate and utilize the advantages of the two companies in the technical field to jointly promote the innovation and development of the professional film camera market with RED.

     Strong growth of image business, rapid growth of revenue and profit Nikon released its financial report as of March 2024

    Nikon's outstanding achievements in the past fiscal year are inseparable from the support and love of Nikon users. In the next fiscal year, Nikon will continue to pay attention to the market demand and trend based on its strong strength in the optical field for a century, take the consumer's demand as the core, and create better products and services to give back to users. We will move forward together in the future.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Strong growth of image business, rapid growth of revenue and profit Nikon released its financial report as of March 2024 true report two thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight Nikon officially released its financial report for the whole fiscal year ending March 2024 (April 1, 2023 March 31, 2024). Data shows that the total sales revenue of Nikon Group in this fiscal year was 717.2 billion yen, up 89.1 billion yen compared with the previous fiscal year, up 14.2% year on year; Operating profit totaled 39.7 billion yen, 3.7 billion yen more than expected. Among its many business units, the performance of the imaging business unit is particularly outstanding
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