
    Musk: Man's dream of establishing a permanent residence on Mars is expected to be realized within 30 years

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     Musk: Man's dream of establishing a permanent residence on Mars is expected to be realized within 30 years

    Recently, Musk said in a public speech that the dream of establishing a permanent residence on Mars is expected to be realized within 30 years. He believes that this goal can be achieved in less than 5 years when nobody is on duty, while manned landing on Mars may be achieved in less than 10 years.

    This prediction is based on Musk's optimistic attitude towards the development of science and technology and his in-depth understanding of the Martian environment. He believes that with the progress of science and technology, human living conditions on Mars have been significantly improved. Although there are still many challenges on Mars, such as the atmosphere, temperature, radiation and other key factors still need to be further optimized, these are not insurmountable problems.

    Musk also stressed the importance of Martian migration. He believes that in order to deal with the vulnerability of human civilization and become a multi planet civilization, Mars migration is a key step. He said: "If I really want to choose a place to die, Mars may be a good choice. But before that, I am eager to explore the Red Planet in depth."

    In recent years, more and more scientists and entrepreneurs have begun to pay attention to the problem of Martian immigrants. With the continuous development of space exploration technology, we have seen more and more discussions and plans on the construction of the Mars base. This is not only a scientific and technological issue, but also a social issue, involving the future survival and development of mankind.

    Although Musk's prediction has aroused widespread concern, some people still have reservations about his assertion. Some people think that Musk put forward a similar view as early as ten years ago, and it has not yet been realized. However, with the progress of science and technology and people's in-depth understanding of the Martian environment, we have reason to believe that the dream of establishing a permanent residence on Mars will be realized in the next few years.

    In short, the dream of establishing a permanent residence on Mars is expected to come true within 30 years. Although there are still many technical and environmental challenges to this goal, we have enough confidence and technology to overcome these difficulties. With the continuous progress of space exploration technology and people's increasing attention to future energy, food and medical issues, we will be able to create a more livable environment and provide a broader space for human development.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Musk: Man's dream of establishing a permanent residence on Mars is expected to be realized within 30 years true report one thousand three hundred and fifty-five Recently, Musk said in a public speech that the dream of establishing a permanent residence on Mars is expected to be realized within 30 years. He believes that this goal can be achieved in less than 5 years when nobody is on duty, while manned landing on Mars may be achieved in less than 10 years. This prediction is based on Musk's optimistic attitude towards scientific and technological development and his in-depth understanding of the Martian environment
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