
    [Slow in hand] Sony's micro single camera price collapsed, starting with 13788 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Liu Xu Weimeng

    SONY Sony ILCE-7CM2 is a high-performance full frame micro single camera. The image sensor of this camera adopts BSI-CMOS technology, which can provide excellent image quality and high speed performance. Its auto focus system is very powerful and can focus quickly and accurately. In addition, the camera is also equipped with 4K video recording function, so that users can capture clearer and more delicate pictures. At present, the camera is being held at a discount of 1000 yuan minus 210 yuan, and only 13788 yuan can be purchased with actual payment. If you are a photographer or photography enthusiast pursuing high-quality image experience, this camera is definitely your best choice. The time of this promotion is limited. Come and buy!

     [Slow in hand] Sony's micro single camera price collapsed, starting with 13788 yuan

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow in hand] Sony's micro single camera price collapsed, starting with 13788 yuan true report seven hundred and eighty-six SONY Sony ILCE-7CM2 is a high-performance full frame micro single camera. The image sensor of this camera adopts BSI-CMOS technology, which can provide excellent image quality and high speed performance. Its auto focus system is very powerful and can focus quickly and accurately. In addition, the camera is also equipped with 4K video recording function, so that users can capture clearer and more delicate pictures. At present, this
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