
    Ranking of Chinese Enterprises' Overseas Communication Power Index: Huawei and Xiaomi rank top two

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola
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    01 Overseas broadcasting power: Huawei Xiaomi ranks the top two

    Product: CP60 Huawei Charger

     Ranking of Chinese Enterprises' Overseas Communication Power Index: Huawei and Xiaomi rank top two

    Huawei, Xiaomi, Lenovo and other well-known domestic enterprises are very popular in the domestic market. How about their overseas influence? According to the "Overseas Social Media Communication Power Index of Chinese Enterprises (March 2024)" jointly released by the think tank and the World Research Index recently, the results show that Huawei and Xiaomi rank first and second respectively, which is consistent with the public perception.

    The index monitored about 280 enterprises in multiple industries in China and evaluated them on four overseas social media platforms within its coverage. The data shows that the activity of Chinese enterprises on overseas social media platforms increased significantly in March. Some enterprises promote new products, while others release relevant activities and participate in topic discussions to enhance brand influence by increasing the participation of overseas audiences.

    From the perspective of comprehensive communication power, Huawei, Xiaomi, Dajiang Innovation, POP MART, Moutai, OPPO, BYD, MG Auto, Lenovo and Insta360 ranked in the top ten, demonstrating strong overseas social media communication strength. Among them, Huawei has performed well, with a high number of fan interactions on all platforms, and X and Instagram The number of online interactions increased significantly.

    Media analysis believes that for high-tech enterprises, issues such as new energy, environmental protection and energy conservation tend to attract more attention from overseas audiences. Huawei has combined these issues with the launch of new products and achieved good communication results.

    02 Detailed parameters of Huawei CP60

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