
    [Slow hands] 138 yuan for free! Magic Sound XKT11 Bluetooth headset only costs 289 yuan to play continuously for 50 hours

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Ying Mei

    The Magic Sound Bluetooth Headset XKT11 is on sale now, with an original price of 229 yuan, but you can buy it with a coupon of 229-80 yuan or more. And if you are a plus member, you can also enjoy a discount of 0.57 yuan. In addition, you can also get a coupon of more than 200-10 yuan, which will be mailed when the purchase price is 138.43 yuan. This headset uses an upgraded version of Bluetooth V5.2 chip, which can achieve the effect of continuous stuttering, and the charging compartment automatically starts up when the lid is opened, and can be connected back in seconds. Its battery capacity is 35mAh, it takes about 1.5h to fully charge, and the headset itself has 4 hours of music playing time. The most attractive thing is that it uses a 13mm large dynamic unit and a new antenna design, which can let you experience a more three-dimensional sound effect, and maintain the clarity of the middle and low frequency vocals and the permeability of the middle and high frequency instruments. If you are looking for a Bluetooth headset with excellent sound quality and performance, you may want to consider this magic sound Bluetooth headset XKT11.

     [Slow hands] 138 yuan for free! Magic Sound XKT11 Bluetooth headset only costs 289 yuan to play continuously for 50 hours

    Good price information comes from enthusiastic netizens and merchants' active exposure and recommendation. The promotional discounts and price information of goods may change in real time. Please check and confirm before purchasing. If you find any problems, you are welcome to give feedback through the "content correction", "error correction and problem suggestions" or direct "comments" on the page.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hands] 138 yuan for free! Magic Sound XKT11 Bluetooth headset only costs 289 yuan to play continuously for 50 hours true report nine hundred and twenty-five The Magic Sound Bluetooth Headset XKT11 is on sale now, with an original price of 229 yuan, but you can buy it with a coupon of 229-80 yuan or more. And if you are a plus member, you can also enjoy a discount of 0.57 yuan. In addition, you can also get a coupon of more than 200-10 yuan, which will be mailed when the purchase price is 138.43 yuan. This headset adopts the upgraded Bluetooth V5.2 chip, which can achieve the effect of continuous jamming
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