
    Even the CPU in Japan has an egg twisting machine: 20 yuan will be drawn to the 8th generation Core i7

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     Even the CPU in Japan has an egg twisting machine: 20 yuan will be drawn to the 8th generation Core i7

    On April 25, a striking egg twisting machine became popular in Japan. This special egg twisting machine can produce all kinds of prizes related to popular IP in Japan. Recently, a highly concerned Japanese oil pipe owner shared his experience of this CPU egg twisting machine.

    According to his description, this strange egg twisting machine needs to pay 500 yen (equivalent to about 23.25 yuan) at a time, and the prize pool is very rich. Surprisingly, after his first attempt, he obtained a core i7-8700 processor. This processor is no longer a high-performance product, but considering its price is only about 20 yuan, the result is still very satisfactory.

    However, the subsequent test results show that businesses are not easy to deal with. There are some problems with this CPU: Windows cannot be installed at first, and it can only be used normally after the CPU is limited to 5 cores and 10 threads. This discovery triggered a heated debate among netizens, and someone humorously said: "The CPU I just twisted out is better than the e3v2 I use now."

    This unique CPU egg twisting machine has aroused extensive discussion and attention in Japan, but it also exposed some problems. This product may not be attractive to consumers who want to get a truly high-performance product. However, in any case, this innovative way has brought a new shopping experience to consumers and demonstrated different attempts of businesses to market demand.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Even the CPU in Japan has an egg twisting machine: 20 yuan will be drawn to the 8th generation Core i7 true report eight hundred and sixty-five On April 25, a striking egg twisting machine became popular in Japan. This special egg twisting machine can produce all kinds of prizes related to popular IP in Japan. Recently, a highly concerned Japanese oil pipe owner shared his experience of this CPU egg twisting machine. According to his description, this strange egg twisting machine needs to pay 500 yen (equivalent to about 23.25 yuan) at a time, and the prize pool is very rich. Order
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