
    Huang Renxun's equity is worth nearly 500 million dollars! Nvidia's performance is excellent

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     Huang Renxun's equity is worth nearly 500 million dollars! Nvidia's performance is excellent

    Nvidia's GPU sales are good, but the company's employees did not receive bonuses. This is because the company failed to achieve specific financial goals in 2023, so the senior management team did not receive any cash rewards. However, due to the company's strong performance and ownership structure, Nvidia successfully avoided a large number of brain drain.

    For example, Huang Renxun, CEO and founder of Nvidia, received a cash award of $2 million and stock options of $4 million in fiscal year 2022. However, in the new plan for fiscal year 2025 announced by the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors last month, his salary still remains at this level.

    Nevertheless, Huang Renxun's equity plan is worth nearly 500 million dollars. This shows that his benefits from the company far exceed his cash salary.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huang Renxun's equity is worth nearly 500 million dollars! Nvidia's performance is excellent true report four hundred and sixty-three Nvidia's GPU sales are good, but the company's employees did not receive bonuses. This is because the company failed to achieve specific financial goals in 2023, so the senior management team did not receive any cash rewards. However, due to the company's strong performance and ownership structure, Nvidia successfully avoided a large number of brain drain. For example, Huang Renxun, the CEO and founder of Nvidia, was awarded the title of "Best in Class" in the 2022 financial year
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