
    Harvard University Dismounted Human Skin Book: Secrets Hidden for a Hundred Years Published to the Public

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     Harvard University Dismounted Human Skin Book: Secrets Hidden for a Hundred Years Published to the Public

    Harvard University Library recently removed a 19th-century ancient book from its shelves because its cover is made of human skin. This French book, entitled The Fate of the Soul, was published in the 1880s and mainly discusses the essence of the soul and life after death. The book tells of a doctor named Ludwig Bolan who wanted to decorate the book with human skin. He used his position to obtain the skin of a naturally dead, unclaimed female patient to bind the cover.

    In 2014, after testing, the cover of the book was confirmed to be made of human skin. The Harvard University Library acknowledged its past mistakes in managing the book and apologized to those affected. This practice of binding books with human skin is not rare in medieval Europe. Even as early as the 16th century, the skin of executed prisoners was used to bind books.

    This behavior has gone beyond the bottom line of human dignity, which makes us deeply shocked and angry. We call on all sectors of the society to pay attention to and combat this bad behavior, and protect human dignity and life. At the same time, we should also strengthen the supervision of cultural places such as libraries to ensure that their management conforms to ethical standards.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Harvard University Dismounted Human Skin Book: Secrets Hidden for a Hundred Years Published to the Public true report six hundred and eighty-eight Harvard University Library recently removed a 19th-century ancient book from its shelves because its cover is made of human skin. This French book, entitled The Fate of the Soul, was published in the 1880s and mainly discusses the essence of the soul and life after death. The book tells of a doctor named Ludwig Bolan who wanted to decorate the book with human skin. He took advantage of his position to obtain a doctor from
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