
    Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Big C Tour World

    If you like travel photography, then your next camera Why can't it be a picture in one platform?

    Now Fuji medium frame camera has entered its eighth year. Since GFX50S, Fuji medium frame camera has always adhered to the design of lightweight and miniaturization. In 2023, Fuji released its flagship medium frame camera GFX100 II This camera has a compact body design and excellent picture quality of 100 million pixels, and the excellent focusing and anti shake performance makes this camera have excellent daily shooting ability, which can not only be used as a serious creative shooting tool, but also be applied to more shooting scenes. Let's take it with us this time Fuji GFX100 II , take a photography tour of urban architecture in Singapore.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Fuji GFX100 II Singapore Photography Tour

    In addition to the machine body, the number of lens groups of the frame system in Fuji, namely GF bayonet lens, is also very rich. For example, this time, the author carried Fuji GF20-35mmF4 R WR, a medium frame ultra wide angle zoom lens. The equivalent focal length of this lens is 16-28mm, which is a very common focus segment for landscape and architecture photography. The combination of GFX100 II body+GF20-35mmF4 lens can give full play to the advantages of height pixels, and has excellent details in various scenes.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Fuji GFX100 II records Singapore's urban landscape with 100 million pixels

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Fuji GFX100 II shot the night view of Singapore's coastal city buildings (later cut to 16:9 scale)

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Binhai Bay Night View and Sunset

    First of all, for medium frame cameras, the core is the image quality performance. As today's flagship medium frame camera, Fuji GFX100 II has an ultra-high resolution of 102 million pixels. When we take photos, if we directly use photos, we can obtain better detail resolution. For taking photos of urban buildings, we sometimes need to carry out post geometric correction on the photos, or need to carry out certain clipping and secondary composition to obtain better presentation effects. At this time, the advantages of 100 million pixels are very huge. Even if we are not satisfied with the composition, we can easily get the final film with high enough pixels after cutting.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Fuji GFX100 II filmed the Singapore Foya Temple on the Lantern Festival

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    We cut the details of the top of the tower at the upper right corner of the Foya Temple, and we can see that the outline of bricks and tiles, even the details of the eaves decoration, are very clear

    To take the simplest example, after this photo was taken, the author found that a building on the left corner would affect the beauty of the picture, and the overall location of the Upper Sands Hotel and the Binhai Bay Art Center in the picture was not particularly perfect. Therefore, after the photo was taken, we made a slight rotation, and some cutting corrections to remove the prominent buildings on the left.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Original photo before correction

    After correction, we get a new composition photo as shown below. Although we cut the picture to a certain extent, the size of the new photo still reached 7600 × 10133, or 77 million pixels. This is still much higher than the pixel value of current full frame cameras. This photo has enough pixels to meet the needs of different scenes, whether it is used for reprocessing or for printing display.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    After trimming and correction, the photo still exceeds 77 million pixels after the second composition

    For Fuji GFX100 II, in addition to high pixels, what is more important is the excellent tolerance performance brought by the 16bit RAW format. At present, mainstream cameras generally use the 14 bit RAW format, and the 16 bit RAW format has a larger dynamic range in the late stage. For color adjustment, we can do more depth color adjustment, and still ensure that all colors will not be broken. Here, the author first shows the advantages of this camera in tolerance.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    The two photos here correspond to the photos before the exposure adjustment (left side) and the photos after the exposure adjustment (right side) respectively. Because of the appearance of Tindall light, the author deliberately used the - 4EV exposure to shoot, so as to ensure that the sky highlights will not be overexposed. In the later stage, we enhanced the brightness of the dark part of the photo, brightened the dark part more than - 4EV, and enhanced the details and contrast of the photo.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    The above picture shows the comparison of the details of the dark part before and after the modification. It can be seen that although we have made a lot of adjustments to the dark part, the details of the urban buildings are still retained, and the noise increase is not obvious.

    Another advantage of medium frame camera is excellent thermal noise control. The camera generates thermal noise when exposed for a long time. Although the thermal noise can be removed by turning on the long-term exposure function of the fuselage, it takes the same processing time as the exposure time to remove the thermal noise; In landscape photography, the critical golden moment is only about 10 minutes, so we can't waste such an important time to reduce noise. Therefore, we usually turn off the fuselage for a long time to reduce noise. Fuji GFX100 II has excellent thermal noise control, which can bring cleaner final imaging when using a dimmer lens for long exposure. For example, as shown in the following figure, we used a dimmer lens to shoot for 120s. When we zoom in, there is almost no thermal noise caused by long exposure.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    120s long exposure at sunset with ND1000

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    When we zoom in to see the details, we can hardly see the trace of thermal noise

    For the use of dimmer, it is necessary to explain the focusing system of Fuji GFX100 II. In addition to the same AI recognition type as X-H2 and X-H2s, this camera has excellent weak light focusing ability. When we use the ND1000 dimmer to shoot in the morning or at sunset, we don't need to take off the dimmer at all. The camera can focus and shoot directly. This can greatly improve our shooting efficiency.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    In many scenes this time, the author used ND1000 dimmer lens for shooting

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    After using ND1000, the camera can still focus automatically at sunrise

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Photos taken with ND1000 at sunrise

    Another advantage of this camera is that the 8-gear body is anti shake. In the past, we had to rely on a tripod for the middle frame, because the middle frame itself has a shallower depth of field, and high pixels are more sensitive to vibration. With the anti shake of the fuselage, we can shoot many scenes by hand.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Jinsha Hanging Garden, shooting sunset stars in hand

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Enlarge the picture, and you can see that the imaging is very solid, and there is no virtual image caused by shaking

    For example, when shooting in the Hanging Garden of Jinsha Hotel, it is not allowed to use a large tripod. When shooting the starlight left by the sunset and the sun passing through the building, in order to obtain a better starlight effect, the author used the small aperture of F16 to shoot. At this time, the shutter speed is 0.3s. If we zoom in to observe the details of the picture, we can see that the image is very solid, and no trace of jitter can be seen.

    For urban photography, in many scenes, we don't even have a normal shooting method. We may use some strange poses to shoot. At this time, this camera can take excellent photos in some unexpected environments by virtue of its excellent anti shake and excellent high sense performance.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    For example, in the Buddha Tooth Temple, the author found that a location had a good photo taking effect, but it was necessary to stretch out the railing to shoot in the air. At this time, it must be inconvenient to shoot on the tripod, and there was no place to borrow, so we had to rely on the camera's own anti shake and high sense to shoot.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    Finally, this photo was taken using ISO2000, F4 aperture and 1/7s. It can be seen that the picture is very clear without any jitter due to anti shake. And thanks to the excellent high sense performance of the middle frame, the purity of this photo is very good even if ISO 2000 is used.

    Therefore, Fuji GFX100 II is not only a serious creative camera, but also a lightweight medium frame model for recording travel scenery during travel. In addition to excellent picture quality performance, this camera also has excellent anti shake and focusing performance, which can flexibly respond to different shooting requirements in various shooting scenes.

    Finally, I will show you some photos taken in Singapore this time. Whether you are a professional photographer or want to pursue better shooting quality on the way of photography, Fuji GFX100 II is worth having.

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

     Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Charm of 100 million pixels Fuji GFX100 II Singapore city scenery true report five thousand one hundred and eighty-eight If you like travel photography, why can't your next camera be a medium frame camera? Now Fuji medium frame camera has entered its eighth year. Since GFX50S, Fuji medium frame camera has always adhered to the design of lightweight and miniaturization. In 2023, Fuji released its flagship medium frame camera GFX100 II, which has a compact body design and excellent paintings of 100 million pixels
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