
    [Manual slow without] Sony E 11mm F1.8 ultra wide angle fixed focus lens only costs 2973 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Ying Mei

    Sony E 11mm F1.8 Ultra Wide Angle Fixed Focus camera lens Now JD sells for 3149 yuan. However, if you are a JD Plus member, you can enjoy a coupon activity of more than 2000-160 yuan. In addition, 15.74 yuan can be deducted for a single order. In other words, the actual price paid is only 2973.26 yuan! Such a good price is rare.

    This lens is suitable for Vlog shooting, and has soft casual scene and fast and reliable auto focusing performance. The large aperture of F1.8 can achieve the effect of shallow depth of field, making your video more vivid and attractive. In addition, it also has three aspheric lenses and three ED glass lenses, weighing only 181g and measuring 66mm * 57.5mm.

    If you like this lens, don't miss this promotional purchase opportunity! Its nearest focusing distance is about 0.12 m. When using manual focusing, the maximum magnification is about 0.2 times * 1; It is about 0.15m and 0.13x when using autofocus.

     Sony E 11mm f/1.8 (SEL11F18)

    Good price information comes from enthusiastic netizens and merchants' active exposure and recommendation. The promotional discounts and price information of goods may change in real time. Please check and confirm before purchasing. If you find any problems, you are welcome to give feedback through the "content correction", "error correction and problem suggestions" or direct "comments" on the page.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Manual slow without] Sony E 11mm F1.8 ultra wide angle fixed focus lens only costs 2973 yuan true report nine hundred and two Sony E 11mm F1.8 ultra wide angle fixed focus lens, now JD sells for 3149 yuan. However, if you are a JD Plus member, you can enjoy a coupon activity of more than 2000-160 yuan. In addition, 15.74 yuan can be deducted for a single order. In other words, the actual price paid is only 2973.26 yuan! Such a good price is rare. This lens is suitable for Vlog shooting, and has a soft casual scene and fast and reliable
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