
    [Manual slow without] Fuji X-port special lens TTArtisan 500mm F6.3 ultra long focal lens 1784 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Name of Tears

    TTArtisan 500mm F6.3 ultra telephoto lens is a high quality telephoto lens specially designed for photographers. It adopts five groups of eight optical structures, including two ED ultra-low dispersion lenses and two high refractive lenses. In addition, MC multi-layer optical coating is also equipped to effectively suppress ghost and glare, making details clearer and shooting effect more shocking. This lens can take a close shot of an object of 3.3 meters and show good image resolution.

    This lens is suitable for Fuji X bayonet camera. It is easy to install and can meet your needs for photography. At the same time, it also has its own metal base, which is easy to mount on the tripod and remains stable.

    It should be noted that slight dark corners may appear when using the E bayonet, especially on full frame cameras. Therefore, if you need a lens without dark corners, it is recommended to choose another type of bayonet camera.

    Finally, let me remind you that this TTArtisan 500mm F6.3 ultra long focal lens is currently under promotion. The original price of 1890 yuan lens is only 1784 yuan now. If you are a photographer who likes telephoto or a reader who wants to buy a high-performance lens, you may want to consider this product. No time to lose, no time to lose.

     [Manual slow without] Fuji X-port special lens TTArtisan 500mm F6.3 ultra long focal lens 1784 yuan

    Good price information comes from enthusiastic netizens and merchants' active exposure and recommendation. The promotional discounts and price information of goods may change in real time. Please check and confirm before purchasing. If you find any problems, you are welcome to give feedback through the "content correction", "error correction and problem suggestions" or direct "comments" on the page.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Manual slow without] Fuji X-port special lens TTArtisan 500mm F6.3 ultra long focal lens 1784 yuan true report one thousand and sixty-one TTArtisan 500mm F6.3 ultra telephoto lens is a high quality telephoto lens specially designed for photographers. It adopts five groups of eight optical structures, including two ED ultra-low dispersion lenses and two high refractive lenses. In addition, MC multi-layer optical coating is also equipped to effectively suppress ghost and glare, making details clearer and shooting effect more shocking. This lens can take a close shot of a 3.3m object and show a good image
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