
    [No manual speed] Canon micro single camera flagship model, 28804, only 28999

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The original place

    Canon EOS R5 Microsingle camera Set, flagship model, with 45 million pixel high resolution, efficient auto focus system and powerful dual anti shake technology. In addition, it also supports high-speed continuous shooting and high-definition video shooting, which is simple and convenient to operate. However, it should be noted that the Micro HDMI interface of this camera is easy to damage, the continuous shooting speed will decrease in low temperature environment, and the shooting performance under high ISO conditions is not as good as that of low pixel models.

    This camera is very suitable for professional photographers and enthusiasts. However, attention should be paid to maintenance during use, and long-term continuous shooting in low temperature environment should be avoided. At the same time, we should carefully understand the sampling method and video function characteristics.

    At present, the price of JD's self operated camera is 28999.00 yuan. After participating in the PLUS member exclusive discount, the paid in price is only 28804.01 yuan. If you are a professional photographer or enthusiast pursuing high-quality images, you may consider purchasing this excellent camera product.

     Canon EOS R5 set (RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM)

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [No manual speed] Canon micro single camera flagship model, 28804, only 28999 true report nine hundred and thirty-seven Canon EOS R5 micro single camera set, the flagship model, has a 45 megapixel high-resolution, efficient auto focus system and powerful dual anti shake technology. In addition, it also supports high-speed continuous shooting and high-definition video shooting, which is simple and convenient to operate. However, it should be noted that the Micro HDMI interface of this camera is easy to be damaged, the continuous shooting speed will decrease in low temperature environment, and the shooting performance will be improved under high ISO conditions
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