
    Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Pomegranate

    Fuji GFX 100 II is a no inversion device equipped with a middle frame sensor camera The effective pixels of the 43.8mm × 32.9mm middle frame sensor are up to 102 million, which can bring excellent image quality performance. In addition, the high-speed and intelligent focusing system can quickly lock the shooting object, and the high-speed continuous shooting performance of 8 pictures/second can easily freeze the wonderful moments when facing the high-speed moving subject. In the field of ecological photography, especially bird subjects, there are high requirements for picture quality and speed, which is where GFX 100II plays its advantages.

    Hunchun, Jilin - Raptor Time

    In February every year, Jingxin Wetland in Hunchun City, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province welcomes migratory birds returning to the north. Jingxin Wetland is located in Jingxin Plain at the junction of China, North Korea and Russia. Rivers run through it and wetlands are connected. It is an ideal migration, reproduction and habitat for many migratory birds. In early spring every year, rare birds of prey such as tiger headed sea eagles and white tailed sea eagles will come to Jingxin Wetland to stop and roost, which is the best time of the year to shoot "big birds".

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Fuji GFX 100II

    Super long focal lens is required for bird shooting. Fuji GFX 100II passed this time GFX transfer ring, transfer a full frame 800mm f/5.6 ultra telephoto lens. When using this lens, turn on the GFX 100II's 35mm cutting, and the pixels still exceed 60 million, which can bring very fine image quality. In addition, the GF lens system corresponding to Fuji medium frame camera is also under constant construction and improvement. It is reported that the GF series telephoto lens with a 500mm focal length is also under planning. Let's look forward to it together.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience

    Large size sensor for excellent image quality

    Some readers may have no idea about the medium frame camera. In fact, compared with the current popular full frame camera, the medium frame camera has a larger sensor area and higher effective pixels, which can bring better picture quality performance. The sensor area of Fuji GFX 100II is 43.8mm × 32.9mm, 1.7 times that of full frame model. A larger sensor area means that higher pixels, larger single pixel area, and less interference between pixels can naturally bring better picture quality performance. This is what the photography circle has always said: "The bottom is bigger than the bottom."

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    The area of the frame sensor in Fuji is 1.7 times that of the full frame CMOS

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/100s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 100
    Golden Eagle

    Golden eagles are birds of prey belonging to the eagle family and the eagle family. The body length is 76-102 cm, the wingspan can reach 2.3 m, and the weight is 2-6.5 kg. It is widely distributed in northeast China, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai and other northern regions. As we said just now, even though the full frame telephoto lens has been used, the GFX 100II can still output images of more than 60 million pixels, so the definition is completely correct. Enlarge the head area of the golden eagle 100%, and you can see the eyes, beak and hair clearly.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    The picture is magnified 100%, and the details are excellent

    Fuji GFX 100II's large medium frame sensor can not only bring exquisite imaging, but also has excellent high sensitivity imaging performance. Under the high sensitivity of ISO 5000, the bird photos with pure pictures and rich details can still be output.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 5000
    Shooting flying sea eagles in a high sense

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Enlarged photos still have excellent image quality under the high sense of ISO 5000.

    Intelligent high-speed focusing solves the difficulty of bird shooting

    The biggest difficulty of bird photography lies in focusing. Their flight tracks are irregular and fast, and because the distance from the main body accounts for a small proportion in the picture, it is difficult to focus, and it is even more difficult to follow and lock all the time. GFX 100II introduces AI based object detection auto focusing developed by using deep learning technology. It can detect common wild species such as animals, birds and insects, and automatically track the detected objects and maintain focus. In the actual shooting, we can focus more on the shooting time, shooting composition, and focus on the GFX 100II.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Fuji GFX 100II bird recognition focusing function demonstration animation

    Through the GFX 100II focusing demonstration animation above, we can have an intuitive understanding of the outstanding focusing performance of GFX 100II. With a long distance and a small proportion of the main body, the GFX 100II can still easily identify fast flying birds of prey. After half pressing the shutter to focus, the focus will continue to lock the main body.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 200
    The white tailed Eagle

    White tailed sea eagles are the first level protected wild animals in China. They are mainly distributed in northeast China and are named after their white tail feathers. This white tailed sea eagle is hovering at low altitude on the ice lake. At this time, its flight path is unpredictable and difficult to capture. Thanks to the intelligent focusing system of GFX 100II, this white tailed sea eagle can be identified quickly after entering the picture. I can lock its vigorous and relaxed posture and fix the most beautiful moment by just pressing the shutter.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 400
    Two white tailed sea eagles meet in the air

    This time, I also photographed the extremely precious tiger head sea eagle, which has been listed as a vulnerable animal. The tiger head sea eagle is named because its head is dark brown and has grayish brown longitudinal lines, which looks like tiger spots. The tiger head sea eagle is distributed in a narrow area, mainly in northeast and north China, eastern Russia, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 200
    Steller's Sea Eagle

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 200
    The tiger head sea eagle and the white tail sea eagle are in the same frame

    The significance of high pixels for bird photography is not just the clear wings that make the Maoists cry for joy. When the focal length is not long enough, the main body can also be enlarged by cutting the secondary composition in the later stage. For example, in the above photo, the tiger head sea eagle occupies a small proportion in the picture, but because of the high pixel advantage of GFX 100II, it can be magnified by cutting.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    The picture is still clear after cutting and zooming in.

    8 shots/second, high-speed continuous shooting, freeze frame and wonderful moments

    Bird photography also has high requirements for the high-speed continuous shooting performance of equipment. One second of high-speed continuous shooting can take multiple photos, thus recording the most stretched wings and the most wonderful posture of birds. The high-speed continuous shooting performance of Fuji GFX 100II is up to 8 pictures/second, which is a great achievement in high pixel medium frame models.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience 30 pictures in a row

    While realizing the high-speed continuous shooting performance, the focusing system of GFX 100II can also track and focus the main body, ensuring that every continuous shot has a clear focus and rich details.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 200
    Choose one of the 30 consecutive shots with the most satisfactory posture

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Zoom in to see clear focus and excellent details.

    Intelligent high-speed focusing+high-speed continuous shooting can help me capture the most beautiful state of big birds. Record their vigorous posture of spreading their wings to soar and inciting them to take off.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 2500

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 400

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 400

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus segment: 1000mm (1.25 x zoom), shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/7.1, sensitivity: ISO 800

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 800mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 200

    Record the smart forest birds in the mountain forest

    The sharp eyes and graceful stretching posture of raptors show the grand beauty of ecological photography. The smart and lovely forest birds in the mountain forest bring a very different visual experience. They live in mountains and forests, flickering among branches. It is not easy to catch them. Fortunately, I have Fuji GFX 100II.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus segment: 500mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/4, sensitivity: ISO 200
    Sparrows widely distributed in China

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 600mm, shutter: 1/1600s, aperture: f/6.3, sensitivity: ISO 1250

    Sparrows are the most common small birds in China, which are widely distributed in mountains, woodlands and gardens in cities. Yes, it is the bird in the famous saying "The bird knows the ambition of a swan". The high pixels of GFX 100II bring excellent detail performance. The magnified screenshot is 100%, and the hairs on the beak are clearly visible, which is really the gospel of the "hair counting party".

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus segment: 500mm, shutter: 1/2000s, aperture: f/4, sensitivity: ISO 200

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Enlarge the picture above, and you can even see the hairs on the edge of the beak

    The northern rosefinch breeds in Siberia, Russia. It is a tourist bird and winter migratory bird in China, and migrates to northeast, north and northwest regions in winter. Although they feed on grain seeds, in fact, they mostly feed on weed seeds, which is beneficial to farmland. In China, the northern rosefinch is a second-class protected animal. The color of GFX 100II is satisfactory, especially for many transitional colors in nature.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus segment: 500mm, shutter: 1/2500s, aperture: f/5.6, sensitivity: ISO 640
    Northern rosefinch that breeds in Siberia and winters in China

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus segment: 500mm, shutter: 1/2500s, aperture: f/4, sensitivity: ISO 320
    North Rosefinch

    The golden finch has gorgeous plumage and beautiful soft voice. It is distributed in Northeast, East China, South China and other regions in China, and inhabits low mountains, hills and plains. Because most of the feathers are golden, they are also given the laudatory name of "nobility of bird species".

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 600mm, shutter: 1/1600s, aperture: f/6.3, sensitivity: ISO 800

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 600mm, shutter: 1/1600s, aperture: f/6.3, sensitivity: ISO 640
    parus palustris

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus segment: 600mm, shutter: 1/500s, aperture: f/6.3, sensitivity: ISO 640
    Grey-headed Woodpecker

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Focus section: 600mm, shutter: 1/1000s, aperture: f/6.3, sensitivity: ISO 3200

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience
    Fuji GFX 100II can also identify and focus bird eyes in actual use

    Fuji GFX 100II can effectively identify bird subjects in actual use. This is even more effective when shooting small forest birds, which greatly improves the shooting success rate and ensures that the focus of the shooting subject is solid, clear and sharp.

    Outdoor worry free use, long endurance performance

    Fuji GFX 100II has excellent protection performance, which can effectively prevent cold and water drops, so it can also work normally in outdoor cold, rainy and snowy weather. The GFX 100II is equipped with a large capacity lithium battery, which also has a good endurance performance when it needs continuous tracking and focusing and frequent high-speed continuous bird photography. This camera also supports Type-C interface charging, which is also very convenient for power supplement.

     Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience

    In cold outdoor environment, GFX 100II can also shoot normally.

    High quality ecological photography

    Fuji GFX 100II's large medium frame sensor brings us high image quality imaging, which is satisfactory in terms of detail performance and high sense noise control. The excellent focusing system solves the biggest pain point of bird photography. Both the recognition rate and the focusing speed are satisfactory. The creators can spend more energy on composition and timing. The continuous shooting speed of 8 pictures per second seems not eye-catching, but you should know that this is a 100 million pixel medium frame model, and this continuous shooting speed is actually enough for bird photography. GFX 100II is a medium frame camera that pays equal attention to image quality and speed, and it is also an ecological camera.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Avian ecological photography sharp tool Fuji 100 million pixel medium frame GFX100II shooting experience true report six thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine Fuji GFX 100II is a non reflective camera equipped with a medium frame sensor. The effective pixels of the 43.8mm × 32.9mm medium frame sensor are up to 102 million, which can bring excellent image quality performance. In addition, the high-speed and intelligent focusing system can quickly lock the shooting object, and the high-speed continuous shooting performance of 8 pictures/second can easily freeze the wonderful moments when facing the high-speed moving subject. Ecological photography
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