
    The official release of Baokemeng Legend ZA is set in Miare

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     The official release of Baokemeng Legend ZA is set in Miare

    At the latest Baokemeng press conference, the new work "Baokemeng Legend ZA" was officially released. According to the official statement of Nintendo USA, this work will tell a new story with the city of Miami as the background. This means that players will only be able to carry out activities in the city of Miare, not the whole Carlos area.

    It is worth mentioning that the city of Miare appears in Baokemeng: X/Y for the first time, and is the central city of Carlos. In Baokemeng World, it is also recognized as one of the most populous, largest and prosperous cities.

    In addition, it is mentioned in the trailer that the city of Meare has been rebuilt. This detail may indicate that the size of the city will increase, and there may be new areas for players to explore. This game is expected to be launched next year. Players can look forward to this new Baokemeng adventure.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The official release of Baokemeng Legend ZA is set in Miare true report five hundred and twenty-one At the latest Baokemeng press conference, the new work "Baokemeng Legend ZA" was officially released. According to the official statement of Nintendo USA, this work will tell a new story with the city of Miami as the background. This means that players will only be able to carry out activities in the city of Miare, not the whole Carlos area. It is worth mentioning that the city of Miare first appeared in Baokemeng: X/Y, and it is
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