
    Unexpectedly, the noise reduction earphone you use every day took a century to invent!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Calido

    With the progress of science and technology, noise reduction headset It has become an indispensable part of daily life, especially in today's increasingly serious noise pollution, we can not do without the peace brought by noise reduction headphones. However, do you know how it was invented after we used noise reduction earphones for so long?

    In the global real wireless headset market, the shipment of noise reduction headphones was about 60 million, up 38% year on year. According to the prediction of Canalys, a technology market analyst, the market share of noise reduction wireless earphones will reach more than 50% this year. It can be seen that the demand of consumers for noise reduction function is getting higher and higher

    I don't need to repeat the benefits of noise reduction earphones. It definitely belongs to the experience that can never be separated after use. For example, I use noise reduction earphones in the subway every day, which has become a habit. Even the draft of this video was written with noise reduction headphones. When it comes to the invention of noise reduction technology, it is a long process. It has experienced decades of development from noise reduction theory to practical application.

    In 1933, the German physicist Paul Lueg applied for a patent, which describes a technology that uses a microphone to pick up external noise and speakers to generate reverse phase sound waves to eliminate noise. This patent is considered to be the pioneer of active noise reduction earphone technology, and laid the foundation for the development of active noise reduction earphones later.

     Unexpectedly, the noise reduction earphone you use every day took a century to invent!

    Unfortunately, Paul failed to succeed because the electronic technology at that time was not developed enough to realize the noise reduction technology described in the patent.

    The world's first active noise reduction earphone has been waiting for 17 years!

    American scientist Laurence Fogel invented the "active noise cancellation system", which is a technology that uses sound waves to cancel noise. The biggest advantage is that it can effectively eliminate low-frequency noise, such as the noise from aircraft engines and car engines, and protect people's hearing. Vogel's technology was later applied to the first commercial active noise reduction earphone of Bose, and promoted the popularity of active noise reduction earphones.

    In the 1960s, with the rapid development of the aviation industry, more and more people traveled by air. At this time, European airlines began to provide passengers with audio-visual entertainment experience through "pneumatic earphones", which are tubular earphones and look like a stethoscope. Later, after technical improvement, in the 1970s, pneumatic earphones were replaced by more advanced electronic earphones.

     Unexpectedly, the noise reduction earphone you use every day took a century to invent!

    One day in 1978, Dr. Amar Bose, the founder of Bose, wore this advanced electronic headset for the first time when he was on a plane, but the effect was very disappointing to him. Although earphones can help passengers alleviate boredom during the journey, the engine noise on the plane seriously interferes with his interest in listening to music and stimulates his motivation to study active noise reduction earphones.

    Later, Dr. Bose borrowed the "resonant tuning fork principle" of German physicist Herman von Heners and conceived a pair of earphones: it can use a "microphone" to detect external noise, and the electronic components in it can generate an equivalent reverse signal to cancel the noise before it reaches the eardrum of the listener. After that, more in-depth research on noise reduction technology was started.

    However, due to the limitations of semiconductor technology at that time, the noise reduction effect has not been ideal. This research and development project with huge investment has lasted for 11 years. The first commercial noise reduction headset was born in 1989, which is a milestone for Bose: Series One Since then, Bose engineers have successively developed a number of active noise reduction earphones for the aviation and military markets, of which the representative ones are Headset X and TriPort, both of which have excellent noise reduction performance.

     Unexpectedly, the noise reduction earphone you use every day took a century to invent!

    In 2000, after 22 years of Bose's research on noise reduction technology, Bose finally launched the first QC (QuietComfort) series noise reduction earphones, Opens a new chapter in the history of Bose noise reduction earphones Since then, Bose has launched the second and third generation noise reduction earphones of the QC series. Among them, the QC 3, launched in 2006, is the first ear mounted noise reduction earphone, which not only has strong performance, but also has a smaller size.

    Back now, the noise reduction principle of most noise reduction earphones on the market is basically the same as that invented by Dr. Bose that year, and they are all based on the doubly fed active noise reduction technology. The price of ear noise reduction earphones is becoming more and more popular. Now we can experience the noise reduction effect of earphones at only two or three hundred yuan. The performance of active noise reduction has also evolved from only dealing with low frequency noise in the early days to covering all frequency band noise, and even adaptive cancellation of noise in different frequency bands.

     Unexpectedly, the noise reduction earphone you use every day took a century to invent!

    The invention of noise reduction earphones is a long process, which has experienced nearly a century of technical accumulation. From the initial idea to wide application, each technical breakthrough has promoted its further development. In this long process, many scientists have made contributions to the progress of active noise reduction technology. Today, we have the equipment that the passengers in 1978 did not have. Although the noise reduction earphone does not work for the bear child who is sitting behind you kicking the stool, it effectively eliminates the engine noise on the plane and the conversation sound of the passengers in the next seat, and reduces flight anxiety and sleep difficulty for passengers. Thanks to all the pioneers, it is you who let the music play again in the noise and refresh in the quiet.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Unexpectedly, the noise reduction earphone you use every day took a century to invent! true report three thousand four hundred and sixty-four With the progress of science and technology, noise reduction earphones have become an indispensable part of daily life, especially in today's increasingly serious noise pollution, we can not do without the peace brought by noise reduction earphones. However, do you know how it was invented after we used noise reduction earphones for so long? In the global real wireless headset market, the shipment volume of noise reduction earphones is about 60 million, the same as
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