
    Hytera's opening work for the new year: commercial interphone S series officially released

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Big C Tour World

    Recently, Hytera held an online conference to officially launch a new business walkie-talkie S-Series. The series includes three models: S1 , S1mini, S1Pro, in terms of appearance, communication, function and other aspects, they have comprehensively upgraded, bringing a refreshing experience to commercial users. Among them, the analog interphone S1 and S1mini have been officially launched in the online flagship store of Shanghai Nengda Jingdong and offline channels, and the digital interphone S1Pro will be launched in the first quarter.

     Hytera's opening work for the new year: commercial interphone S series officially released

    As the opening work of 2024, Hytera not only defines products to meet the needs of commercial users, but also invests more resources in R&D and applies the latest technology to S series products. With the rapid recovery of the commercial market after the epidemic, the proportion of service consumption is increasing. Business users in catering, retail, cultural and tourism industries need efficient communication equipment to carry out real-time team communication, quickly respond to customer needs and provide quality services.

    "The S series is a new exploration of Hytera in the field of commercial communication, which perfectly integrates the 30-year dedicated communication gene of Hytera and the innovation of industrial design". According to the introduction of the S series product manager, "the S series is aimed at becoming one of the best productivity tools for small commercial B users."

    Redefine the appearance of commercial walkie talkie

    In modern business, service personnel stand at the forefront of serving consumers. Their external image and behavior are often three-dimensional business cards of a store and a brand, which are the brand images most directly displayed to customers. As one of the most important working tools for service personnel, walkie talkie also needs to match their external image. Commercial walkie talkies on the market often have the traditional black, thick appearance. In order to design a distinctive walkie talkie that conforms to the style of high-end commercial places, the S series has gone through multiple rounds of user research and scheme screening.

    "We start from understanding the needs of users, to find a balance between function and visual aesthetics, and then to integrate the features of Hytera in the design." According to the chief designer of S series, "S series appearance design connects vision, touch and hearing, creating a pleasant sensory experience, so that business users can feel ritual in their work."

    S1 adopts the minimalist design, the whole machine is only 135g, and subverts the rigid and sharp shape design of the traditional walkie talkie. It mostly uses soft and round curves or surfaces, which improves the visual affinity. S1 has two colors, metallic gray and pearlescent white, which are low-key but not monotonous, and can be matched with different business environments and uniforms. In addition to the PTT button on the side of the walkie talkie, S1 added the round PTT button of "Eye of Soundness" on the front. The design inspiration of the button is derived from the ancient poem "Heart is linked to heart". The surface of the button has been processed by the carving process. With the change of light, circular lines radiate from inside to outside, which is extremely eye-catching. Under the eyes of Lingxi, there is a four hole multi-function indicator called "Streaming Light", which can display the status of sending/receiving, charging and remaining power. Even if there is no screen, there is no need to guess or doubt. Streaming lights provide reliable visual cues for users.

     Hytera's opening work for the new year: commercial interphone S series officially released

    The S1mini, another major catering product released this time, has an extremely mini appearance, which is the size of a lipstick. It is the smallest interphone under Hytera, only 48g, lighter than an egg. The integrated back clip is designed to make it convenient for service personnel to clip it anywhere, so that even if they wear it for a day, it is stable and free of burden. The front of the S1mini fuselage is equipped with an anti fouling and wear-resistant high-definition screen, which can display the channel, personnel number, power, etc., and key information is clear at a glance. At the bottom of the screen is a round PTT button. The button is surrounded by a two-color LED light. The red shows the transmission status, and the green shows the reception status. According to the working characteristics of the catering industry, a label position is set on the side of the S1mini fuselage, and the standard three color label strip can be affixed to write personal information, which can quickly identify the person who belongs to the walkie talkie.

     Hytera's opening work for the new year: commercial interphone S series officially released

    As the most high-end model in the S series, S1 Pro draws inspiration from the Doric style of ancient Greece, and ingeniously combines the characteristics of elegance, symmetry and scale to form a unique artistic style. The front of S1Pro has an OLED shield screen, which displays the power, frequency, status indication, channel and interphone alias, showing everything the user wants to see.

     Hytera's opening work for the new year: commercial interphone S series officially released

    No worries about communication endurance

    Although compared with public security and other industries, industrial and commercial service practitioners do not demand the delay and security of communication tools, efficient communication is crucial to service efficiency and quality when communicating with team members. Based on 30 years of accumulation in the field of dedicated communication, Hytera has integrated high-quality resources such as internal wireless communication and the Sound Lab, giving S series excellent communication experience.

    S1 can meet the needs of 3-5 floors of indoor and 3-5 km of urban communication, and can realize the signal transmission in multiple floors, multiple intervals and other scenarios, and the call can be heard clearly. In addition, users can also replace the 9cm long antenna to achieve greater communication range. S1 dual PTT intercom button corresponds to two channels, which can initiate and wait for two-way calls, avoid frequent channel switching to achieve efficient communication, and meet the needs of service personnel working in multiple call groups. In addition, the two PTTs are designed as an internal intelligent connection. When the call channel comes, press any PTT button to call back and respond.

     Hytera's opening work for the new year: commercial interphone S series officially released

    Although S1mini is small, its communication performance is not weak, and it can meet the indoor communication demand of 10000 square meters. In order to avoid disturbing customers, catering service personnel often need to wear headphones for team communication. S1mini is equipped with 10g ultra light earphones as standard, with pure and exquisite listening sense and clear voice. In addition, it is ergonomically designed, so you won't be tired even if you wear it all day long.

    S1Pro has a digital+analog dual system, which has lower power consumption, wider communication range and more accurate voice transmission.

    The business/service industry often adopts the two shift system, and the communication equipment used by the staff must have strong endurance.

    S1mini has a built-in 750mAh battery, which can meet the working time of 16 hours; The S1/S1 Pro is equipped with a removable 2200mAh battery, which can be replaced with additional batteries to meet the need for longer working hours. These three models are equipped with standard Type-C interface, which can replenish power at any time. In addition, commercial users can also choose to purchase 8-way discharge charging and 16 way discharge charging to charge S1/S1Pro and S1mini in batches, saving time and effort, and avoiding desktops full of messy charging lines.

     Hytera's opening work for the new year: commercial interphone S series officially released

    Intercom management has never been so simple

    With the wide application of commercial walkie talkies, many commercial user teams are faced with walkie talkies device management The pain point of. First, after purchasing a new walkie talkie, users are often confused about how to write the frequency correctly to ensure that new and old walkie talkies of different brands and batches can communicate normally. Second, with the increase of the number of interphones, the management operation one by one is not only inefficient, but also prone to errors.

    To solve this problem, Hytera has equipped S1 and S1mini with one button frequency matching and wireless cloning technology. With the convenient one button frequency matching function, business users only need to use the existing walkie talkie to transmit calls, and S1 or S1mini can quickly identify and copy the frequency information, so as to achieve interconnection. In addition, using wireless cloning technology, the data of one S1 or S1mini terminal can be quickly synchronized to other multiple terminals of the same model to achieve batch configuration copy between interphones. In order to facilitate the batch management of team walkie talkies by commercial users, Hytera launched a mobile version of Hytera walkie talkie APP, which currently supports Android and Hongmeng systems. Connect all S1/S1Pro and S1mini devices with wireless Bluetooth, and set up interphones in intelligent batch.

     Hytera's opening work for the new year: commercial interphone S series officially released

    Hytera S series commercial walkie talkie will bring a revolution to the commercial walkie talkie market with its excellent appearance design, powerful communication performance and simple and efficient management mode. Whether in busy restaurants, retail stores, or in the cultural and tourism industry, the S series will become an indispensable tool for business teams to help them communicate and cooperate more efficiently and conveniently. Hytera S series commercial interphone makes communication easier and business more efficient.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Hytera's opening work for the new year: commercial interphone S series officially released true report five thousand and forty-three Recently, Hytera held an online conference to officially launch a new commercial interphone S series. This series includes three models: S1, S1mini, and S1Pro, which are upgraded in appearance, communication, and function, bringing a refreshing experience to business users. Among them, analog interphones S1 and S1mini have been officially launched online in the flagship store of Shanghai Nengda Jingdong and offline channels, and digital interphones S1Pr
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