
    C # Won the First Place in TIOBE Programming Language List Every Year

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The sea is the reflection of the sky

     C # Won the First Place in TIOBE Programming Language List Every Year

    Recently, the TIOBE Programming Community Index released the ranking of programming languages in 2023. C # won the first place with the programming language with the largest annual increase, which is the first time that this language has won this honor. Officially, C # has ranked in the top 10 for consecutive years, and has become more and more popular in web application backend, games and other fields, thanks to the promotion of Unity engine. In addition, Fortran and Kotlin replaced R and Perl as the new top 20 members.

    In addition to C #, there were many interesting changes in the TIOBE index last year. Fortran is the best choice for processing numerical information, and it is still one of the favorite languages of university professors in many fields. Kotlin is a competitor on Android platforms such as Java.

    The following is the ranking of TIOBE programming languages in January 2024:

    Python ranked first, accounting for 13.97%, down 2.39% this month. C ranked second, accounting for 11.44%, down 4.81% this month. C++ranked third, accounting for 9.96%, down 2.95% this month. Java ranked fourth, accounting for 7.87%, down 4.34% this month.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: C # Won the First Place in TIOBE Programming Language List Every Year true report six hundred and twenty-eight Recently, the TIOBE Programming Community Index released the ranking of programming languages in 2023. C # won the first place with the programming language with the largest annual increase, which is the first time that this language has won this honor. Officially, C # has ranked in the top 10 for consecutive years, and has become more and more popular in web application backend, games and other fields, thanks to the promotion of Unity engine. In addition, Fortran and Kotlin replace R and P
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