
    Versatile performance micro single Canon full picture EOS R6 II sold for 16499 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Pomegranate

    Canon full frame micro single with 24.2 million pixel imaging performance EOS R6 Mark II You can also shoot 6K supersampled 4K 60P video. The second generation full pixel dual core CMOS AF auto focusing system it uses can identify people, animals, vehicles and other subjects, making the focusing process more intelligent and efficient. The high-speed continuous shooting performance of 40 pictures per second meets the needs of some users for high-speed photography. The body is also equipped with an anti shake system, which can provide up to 8 levels of anti shake effect in combination with the lens. At present, in the official flagship store of Canon Image JD, this high-performance microenterprise camera The price of the single machine is 16499 yuan.

     Versatile performance micro single Canon full picture EOS R6 II sold for 16499 yuan

     Versatile performance micro single Canon full picture EOS R6 II sold for 16499 yuan

     Versatile performance micro single Canon full picture EOS R6 II sold for 16499 yuan

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Versatile performance micro single Canon full picture EOS R6 II sold for 16499 yuan true report five hundred and fifty-one Canon full frame micro single EOS R6 Mark II with 24.2 million pixel imaging performance can also shoot 6K supersampled 4K 60P video. The second generation full pixel dual core CMOS AF auto focusing system it uses can identify people, animals, vehicles and other subjects, making the focusing process more intelligent and efficient. The high-speed continuous shooting performance of 40 pictures per second meets the needs of some users for high-speed photography
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