
    Evaluation of Canon G7 X Mark III camera

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Cai Xiang   |   Editor in charge: Chen Liang

    The 1-inch card machine has always been the preferred portable camera equipment for many players. On the one hand, the 1-inch sensor has a higher imaging level than conventional equipment such as mobile phones; On the other hand, the configuration of "small body+large aperture zoom lens" not only brings excellent portability, but also can meet various complex shooting needs, which is very practical.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Canon G7 X Mark III

    When it comes to the existing 1-inch card machine, we have to mention Canon's G series: mini size, simple control, comprehensive performance... These characteristics make it a worthy "Internet celebrity artifact". On July 9 this year, Canon launched the G7 X Mark III, the latest product of the G series. What kind of shooting performance does the new function bring? Let's take a look at our evaluation.

    01 Full upgrade of parameters and specifications

    The new G7 X Mark III has a very large upgrade in specifications compared with the previous generation. The 1-inch stacked CMOS, up to 20 consecutive shots per second in normal mode, and no cropping 4K videos... Whether static shooting, high-speed capture, or video recording, the new machine's powerful specifications are enough to deal with various complex shooting topics.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Canon G7X series ushered in the third generation model

         In addition to the upgrade of basic hard parameters, this new machine also has many improvements in details. The larger skin gives it a comfortable and solid grip. The newly added microphone interface and vertical shooting information recording function provide a better video recording experience. The new silver black color matching also brings a higher appearance. In addition, compared with its specifications, the listing price of 4799 yuan is very sincere, continuing the high cost performance of Canon G7X series.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Compared with the previous generation, G7 X Mark III has been upgraded in terms of photography and video, and has better portability

     Evaluation of Canon G7 X Mark III camera
    For this camera , the author gave a comprehensive score of 7.8 points

    As for the evaluation score, according to the test data and use experience, the author gave this product a comprehensive score of 7.8 points. For the scores and specific specifications of the new machine, we will show them in the form of charts; Readers who want to know the specific performance of the camera and the effect of the proof, please continue to read the detailed evaluation——

    02 Small, portable and easy to use

    First, let's look at the overall appearance of this camera. In terms of modeling, G7 X Mark III continues the design style of the previous generation, with a compact body, sharp lines and matte texture coating; The new machine is equipped with a "mini" handle, which is the same as that of the previous generation, ensuring the grip feel during shooting. It is worth noting that this camera is available in full black and silver black. It is also the first silver body of Canon G7X series, which is full of retro literary sense. But this time we got all black models, which is a pity.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    In terms of overall design, G7 X Mark III continues the classic design of this series

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    The design of the control area on the back of the fuselage is also familiar

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    The small handle in the holding area further improves the hand feel and prevents slipping

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    By the way, this new machine also provides a silver version~(The picture is from Canon's official website)

    Next, let's look at the control. In terms of keys and dials, this camera also follows the classic layout of Canon G7X series. The top of the camera is the mode/exposure compensation dial, zoom dial, shutter and switch button, and the key area is the direction key, regular function button and adjustment dials that integrate multiple parameters. Lens ring+rear wheel, G7 X Mark III provides two parameter adjustment wheels in total, and both support customization, which is also the standard configuration of high-end 1-inch card machines.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    The set-top is still a composite wheel design, and the independent exposure compensation turntable is retained

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    The control area is also a classic layout

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    As an all-purpose portable computer, the configuration of set-top flash cannot be less

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    The lens specification is still equivalent to 24-100mm F1.8-2.8, which is very practical

    Let's talk about screen design. Flipping the touch screen has always been the advantage of Canon cameras, and the new G7 X Mark III is no exception. Its screen allows 180 degrees up and 45 degrees down, making it easy to take self shots and view from multiple angles; In addition, this camera supports full touch operation, and the touch screen can almost replace all buttons, which is very convenient for vlog recording, self taking group photos and other scenes, and also very friendly for beginners of photography.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Flipping the touch screen (supporting full function touch) is a consistent advantage of Canon's body

    Finally, let's talk about the body interface and battery. G7 X Mark III provides a USB Type-C interface, a microphone interface, and an HDMI interface, allowing users to connect an external microphone for sound reception, which can bring better video recording effects. With the newly added 4K video, this small card can shoot short films of high enough specifications. In terms of battery, the new model still uses NB-13L battery, which is common with the previous model, so it is much easier for old users.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    The new microphone interface allows external microphones to bring a more professional video sound receiving experience

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    USB and HDMI are still standard configurations, but upgraded to Type-C

    In general, the G7 X Mark III has a compact body and solid workmanship. At the same time, it takes into account the needs of beginners and professional players in the control experience, and continues the portable and easy-to-use features of this series. Next, enter the objective test phase to see how this camera performs in real time.

    03 Good picture quality of photography video

    In terms of pixels, Canon G7 X Mark III It is still at the level of 20 million, but we still need to see how its imaging quality is. The author carried out resolution run test for 24mm and 100mm respectively to see the specific resolution data together——

    Note: Due to the existing Adobe The ACR plug-in can't solve the RAW file of G7 X Mark III for the time being, so in this article, the author uses JPG format for testing and turns off all in machine post correction.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    24mm end sharpness run

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Sharpness run of 100mm end

    G7 X Mark III can output pictures with a resolution of 5472 × 3648 at most, so its horizontal and vertical data limits are 2736 and 1824 respectively in theory. From the actual running point, the wide-angle end of this camera can achieve the best picture quality at F8.0 aperture, and the best picture quality at the long focus end is at F5.6 aperture, and the resolution data can run full under the best picture quality. Although the edge image quality is somewhat fleshy when the aperture is large at the 24mm end, on the whole, the analytical power of this small card is good enough.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    G7 X Mark III real shot sharpness test (capture the area in the red box for 100% magnification)

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    100% magnification of center sharpness

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Edge sharpness 100% enlarged display

    Although the new machine is still 20 million pixels, the new stack CMOS, coupled with the DIGIC 8 processor, is bound to bring better performance in noise suppression. Next, let's see how the noise control capability of the new machine is——

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Canon G7 X Mark II I Noise control ability test results

    Sure enough, G7 X Mark III has made great progress in noise control. In terms of purity, the photos showed good performance in ISO 125-1600, and no obvious noise particles appeared until ISO 3200; In terms of details, even under the high sensitivity of ISO 6400, this small card machine can still bring more detailed textures, and the overall noise control ability can be said to be very outstanding. This camera has good usability for indoor dim light and outdoor night scene shooting.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    G7 X Mark III 4K video 100% enlarged display

    In addition to photo shooting, the video capability of G7 X Mark III is also the focus of the upgrade. The newly added 4K video can provide better picture quality, so the author conducted a full size screenshot of its 4K video. From the effect shown in the above figure, the video quality of the new machine is good, and it can bring excellent detail imaging performance.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    4K video has no cutting, and can shoot high-quality video with wide-angle lens

    Not only the resolution upgrade, the G7 X Mark III has also made a series of optimizations for the video recording experience, including 4K without cropping, vertical shooting information recording, built-in dynamic 5-axis anti shake, and so on. The non cropping 4K can make full use of the 24mm wide-angle lens, which is conducive to the video recording of large scenes. From the GIF image above, it can be clearly seen that 4K shooting in the same plane position will not lose perspective.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    G7 X Mark III supports vertical video recording

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Video taken vertically by the camera can be directly played vertically by importing it into the mobile phone, which can be said to be a "magic tool for dithering"

    As for the vertical shooting information recording function, the video captured by the camera can be played directly on the mobile phone, making it more convenient to browse video on the mobile terminal. From this point of view, the G7 X Mark III can be said to be a veritable "tremor artifact".

    The anti shake function needs no more words and can bring a more stable handheld shooting experience. The author also tested the anti shake effect of this camera, and compared the video effect before and after the anti shake is turned on——

    Canon G7 X Mark III Anti shake Capability Demonstration

    From the above video, the stability of the screen has been greatly improved after anti shake is turned on. This function is essential for vlog creators who are accustomed to taking photos while walking. In addition, this camera provides three anti shake modes of "low, standard and high", which users can choose according to their own shooting needs.

    04 Focus is fast enough for continuous shooting

    After seeing the imaging test, let's see how the capture of G7 X Mark III works. In terms of capturing power, the author mainly tests the three dimensions of focusing, focusing and continuous shooting to see how their focusing ability is when taking photos——

    Canon G7 X Mark III photo focusing performance demonstration

    In the specific test, the author tested the focusing speed of this camera by constantly switching the focal plane. According to the test results, the focusing speed of G7 X Mark III is good, and it basically achieves point to point. Although there will be some problems with the bellows when switching the far and near focal planes, the overall focusing is decisive and accurate, and the actual use experience is good.

    Canon G7 X Mark III video focusing performance demonstration

    Next, let's watch the video focusing. The author adopts the same test method as photographing focusing. From the actual effect, the automatic focusing speed of this camera in video shooting is slower than that in photos, but there is no problem with the bellows. The overall focusing feeling should be more smooth and natural, which is undoubtedly beneficial to the pursuit of smooth transition of video recording.

    Let's talk about continuous shooting. The continuous shooting speed of "single focusing (ONE SHOT mode) about 20 pictures/second, and focusing (AI SERVO mode) about 8.3 pictures/second" is one of the biggest performance highlights of this camera——

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Single focusing and continuous shooting GIF display (about 20 pieces/second)

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Focusing and continuous shooting GIF display (about 8.3 pictures/second)

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Zoom in the details of focusing and continuous shooting

    It has to be said that the camera's capturing power is very impressive. The maximum continuous shooting speed is about 20 pictures per second, which can freeze the moment when a fast vehicle is driving. In addition, from the perspective of the effect of capturing and magnifying the continuous focusing photos, the G7 X Mark III has excellent focusing accuracy, and the captured vehicles still have clear performance in details.

    Finally, let's talk about the new "high-speed RAW continuous shooting" mode of G7 X Mark III. With the electronic shutter, this camera can achieve continuous shooting of about 30 RAW photos per second (up to 70 continuous shots), which is very suitable for recording the moment of object movement. In order to show the magic of the new function, the author uses this camera to record the scene of "pouring coke into a cup"——

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    High speed RAW continuous shooting mode GIF display (about 30 pieces/second)

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    This mode is suitable for recording the moment of object movement, and the use experience is very convenient

    From the effect of live shooting, the new function sounds very "black technology", but it is very practical in shooting. Just press the shutter to easily capture every moment of high-speed moving subjects. In addition, because it shoots RAW files, the photo size and post space are much larger than ordinary video screenshots. In other words, this new mode can bring more convenient and high-quality capture experience.

    05 Comprehensive mobile phone

    After a series of tests, the evaluation of Canon G7 X Mark III is coming to an end. Compared with the previous generation, this new product has undoubtedly brought a very big upgrade. Whether it is static photography, dynamic capture and video recording, the new machine provides more comprehensive and powerful shooting parameters, which can achieve more rich shooting themes as a small card machine. The author also carried out a simple trial with this camera, and you can understand the actual shooting effect of this camera——

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Canon G7 X Mark III live sample film display

    From the perspective of imaging, the stack CMOS of the new camera can provide good enough photo texture, and thanks to Canon's excellent color adjustment style, this camera has a natural and bright straight out look. In addition, with the help of a large aperture standard lens, this small card can easily take photos of the background virtualization. In general, as a compact camera that can be put into your pocket, the real shooting effect of G7 X Mark III is still positive.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    Canon G7 X Mark III live sample film display

    The objective test only represents the hard parameters of the camera, while the actual shooting can explain the feeling of use. As far as the author's personal shooting experience is concerned, G7 X Mark III provides a simple and fast operating feel. With full touch operation and reasonable button and dial wheel design, any user can shoot a satisfactory work in a short time. Considering the needs of entry-level and professional users, it is also the consistent design concept of Canon G7X series.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    As the latest model of Canon G7X series, the new machine has all-round evolution, but there is still room for improvement

    Of course, any camera is not perfect, there are advantages and disadvantages. For the G7 X Mark III, the picture quality, continuous shooting and video have been upgraded in all directions. In contrast, the focusing performance is almost unchanged. Although the focusing speed is ideal enough, there is still room for improvement of the bellows when switching the focal plane and the coverage area of the auto focusing area. This is also where the next generation of G7X needs to improve.

     Evaluation of the new generation of Internet celebrity gadget Canon G7X3 card machine
    G7 X Mark III is undoubtedly an ideal choice for photography enthusiasts and vlog players

    In general, as the latest product of Canon G7X series, G7 X Mark III has delivered a satisfactory answer on the whole. The comprehensively upgraded parameters endow this camera with more powerful competitiveness. In terms of use experience, the new camera still retains the compact, easy-to-use and professional features of Canon G series. Whether you are a photographer or a vlog video player, this new machine will be an ideal portable equipment. The listing price of 4799 yuan also makes it cost-effective.

     Canon G7 X Mark III

    Canon G7 X Mark III

    [Distributor] Jingdong Mall

    [Product price] 4799 yuan

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Evaluation of Canon G7 X Mark III camera // true // report nine thousand three hundred and ninety-two The 1-inch card machine has always been the preferred portable camera equipment for many players. On the one hand, the 1-inch sensor has a higher imaging level than conventional equipment such as mobile phones; On the other hand, the configuration of "small body+large aperture zoom lens" not only brings excellent portability, but also can meet various complex shooting needs, which is very practical. Canon G7 X Mark III
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