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    Spring Festival Photography Recommendation 2: The Story of Houhai and Those Old Hutongs

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Chen Liang
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    Yesterday, the author recommended Beijing Grand View Garden to everyone, and today, he recommends Houhai, a place with original Beijing. Houhai is a must go place when you come to Beijing. It is different from the Great Wall in the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven in the Bird's Nest. There is no magnificent scenery here, but its quiet and serene charm has a different flavor, which can help you find a sense of belonging. Let's take the camera and leave, to explore the taste of old Beijing hidden in ordinary alleys.

     Spring Festival Photography Recommendation 2: The Story of Houhai and Those Old Hutongs

    Houhai is said to be "the sea". In fact, it is a huge artificial lake, which was a clear pool exclusive to the royal family in the old days. It is said that the waters of Houhai, connected with the dragon vein of the Forbidden City, have been a treasure land of geomancy since ancient times. Therefore, eminent monks of all ages built temples here, while princes and ministers chose sites and built gardens on the shore. Now there are many shops here, which has become a good place for tourists.

     Spring Festival Photography Recommendation 2: The Story of Houhai and Those Old Hutongs

     Spring Festival Photography Recommendation 2: The Story of Houhai and Those Old Hutongs

     Spring Festival Photography Recommendation 2: The Story of Houhai and Those Old Hutongs

     Spring Festival Photography Recommendation 2: The Story of Houhai and Those Old Hutongs

    Houhai is the most quiet water area in Beijing. Without the hustle and bustle of the city, a lake is sparkling. In the face of such beautiful scenery, it is natural that camera records are indispensable. Use a wide-angle or telephoto lens to record the beautiful scenery here.  

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Spring Festival Photography Recommendation 2: The Story of Houhai and Those Old Hutongs // true // report six hundred and ninety Yesterday, the author recommended Beijing Grand View Garden to everyone, and today, he recommends Houhai, a place with original Beijing. Houhai is a must go place when you come to Beijing. It is different from the Great Wall in the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven in the Bird's Nest. There is no magnificent scenery here, but its quiet and serene charm has a different flavor, which can help you find a sense of belonging. Let's take photos
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