
    Get What You Need at Different Prices

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Chen Liang
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    The annual "Double Eleven" is coming tomorrow. At this time of year, Tmall Mall will launch a series of large-scale promotional activities, and photographic equipment products often have large discounts. I believe that many readers are eager to buy a new camera for themselves or their families. Today, the author would like to make an inventory of several worthy camera products in the current market, including SLR, no reverse and portable cameras. Those who want to "cut their hands" should not miss them.

     Get What You Need at Different Prices

    · High cost performance all-around: Canon EOS M3

    Compared with SLR products, the non reflective camera is favored by many new users for its more fashionable appearance, easier operation and more portable volume. The author also recommends several non reflective products for you here. First, we recommend Canon EOS M3, which is the third product of Canon EOS M series no reflection camera. It carries about 24.2 million pixels APS-C frame CMOS sensor to bring more detailed picture quality performance, and DIGIC 6 processor also makes this product have good noise control ability.

     Get What You Need at Different Prices
    Canon EOS M3

    In addition to its performance, Canon EOS M3 is also remarkably maneuverable. The design of independent exposure compensation paddles and front and rear dual paddles allows veteran photographers to quickly adjust shooting parameters, while the design of flip touch screen makes it easier to take self shots and view from multiple angles, making it easier for new photographers and beginners to get started.

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    The EOS M3 flip screen can easily realize the self timer function

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    EOS M3 has enough convenient handling

    In terms of body design, Canon EOS M3 is equipped with a wide handle, and the skin at the holding position further improves the comfort during use. In addition, EOS M3 has good body workmanship quality, and provides black and white body colors. With its fashionable appearance and balanced and comprehensive performance, it is believed that it can meet the needs of different users.

     Get What You Need at Different Prices
    EOS M3 live shot sample

     Get What You Need at Different Prices
    EOS M3 live shot sample

     Get What You Need at Different Prices
    EOS M3 live shot sample

    This time, the author recommends the Canon EOS M3 dual lens set, including an 18-55mm standard lens and a 55-250mm telephoto lens. The combination of these two lenses is competent for shooting portraits, landscapes, or documenting cultural customs during the journey. The price of less than 5000 yuan also makes it have a good price performance ratio among products of the same level. Users with high requirements for portability and image quality can consider starting with it.

    Canon EOS M3 double lens set (18-55mm, 55-250mm)

    [Reference price] 4799 yuan (original price 5249 yuan)

    [Preferential activities] Double 11 rush, free 32G memory card

    [Dealer] Official flagship store of Tmall Canon

    [Purchase link] Click to buy

     Recommended first choice of Canon EF series lens, a must for scenery shooting true // report one thousand six hundred and ninety-seven The annual "Double Eleven" is coming tomorrow. At this time of year, Tmall Mall will launch a series of large-scale promotional activities, and photographic equipment products often have large discounts. I believe that many readers are eager to buy a new camera for themselves or their families. Today, the author would like to make an inventory of several worthy camera products in the current market
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