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    There are many difficulties ahead! In depth analysis of 4K video tomorrow

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    We can't live without video nowadays. We can buy Blu ray discs to watch high-definition movies at home, or watch high-definition videos on the Internet on Youku, Tudou and YouTube. Of course, friends who like taking photos will also watch recorded videos taken with cameras and cameras at home. With the popularization and development of video recording equipment, people's requirements for video quality and definition are getting higher and higher. Full HD resolution video is not enough to satisfy people's appetite, so 4K resolution video was born. The display effect of 4K resolution video has obvious advantages, but there are many problems. Today, we will discuss the future trend and development of 4K resolution video.

     There are many difficulties ahead! In depth analysis of 4K video tomorrow

    ●  What is the 4K resolution?

    4K Resolution is an emerging resolution standard for digital movies and digital content. The name of 4K derives from its horizontal resolution of about 4000 pixels. Common 4K resolutions in the film industry include Full Aperture 4K (4096 × 3112), Academy 4K (3656 × 2664) and other standards.

     Cloudy to clear! In depth analysis of the future trend of 4K video
    Comparison of 4K resolution with other resolutions (click to zoom in)

         At present, the resolution of 4K video captured by civilian 4K video capture equipment is mostly 4096 × 2160, and some is 3840 × 2160. However, the resolution of 4K video display equipment (4K TV and 4K monitor) is basically 3840 × 2160, and there are still some differences.

    ●  Brief introduction to video development

    As early as the Han Dynasty in China, there was information about riding the horse lantern in Xijing Zaji. At that time, people used the simplest way to let others see the embryonic form of animation. But in the past 20 years, video has developed rapidly. As the post-80s generation, there was no such high-end product as computer when they were young. If you want to watch video, you can only watch it through TV. You can connect tape recorders to play video.

    In 1993, Sony, Philips, JVC, Panasonic and other electrical manufacturers jointly formulated the VCD standard. After it was introduced to China in 1994, you can see all kinds of films and serials. Moreover, we also have a VCD player with strong error correction ability, which can easily play any bad or pirated discs. However, the resolution of VCD playback image is only 352 × 240 or 352 × 288, it didn't look good at that time, but now the picture quality is really miserable

    From 1995 to 1996, in only one year, DVD went directly from the initial planning to the stage of product launch, and became a new milestone product of video watching. Compared with VCD, DVD has significantly improved its picture resolution, which can reach 720 × 480 and 720 × 576, realizing the playback level of 480p video. This is because the capacity of VCD is 600MB to 700MB, and the capacity of DVD is up to 4.7GB. DVD recorder also became a necessary type of optical drive at that time.

    In 2002, the "Blu ray Disc Alliance" led by Sony Group began to develop Blu ray discs. In 2004, the next generation of DVD discs was officially applied to the game console "PlayStation 3", and won everyone's praise and support. Now Blu ray discs are very popular, and many fans have begun to buy 3D Blu ray discs to enjoy movies at home. Blu ray discs can support a resolution of 1920 × 1080 and have capacities of 25GB, 50GB and higher.

     There are many difficulties ahead! In depth analysis of 4K video tomorrow
    1080p video is now popular

    In the development of CD, it has been more than ten years before people can watch videos with full HD resolution on CD. But the development of online video is more rapid than these. The image quality of early online video is not different from that of VCD, even much worse. With the rapid increase of network speed in China and the continuous improvement of people's requirements for video viewing, online video has reached 720p and 1080p levels. That is to say, we can connect a cable to the computer and see a lot of HD movies and videos without leaving the house. Moreover, the rapid development of mobile Internet and mobile Internet speed has enabled most users to see high-definition video through their mobile phones on the way to and from work.

    For videos taken by oneself, the development in recent years is even faster. It only took a few years to shoot 720p video, 1080p video, and now civil cameras and cameras can shoot 4K resolution video. With the popularity of 4K resolution video, people's attention is constantly increasing, and the number of supported devices is also increasing.

    The demand of people and the rapid development of the film and television industry have brought higher resolution and more delicate images of video. 4K resolution video came into being in this environment. But what about the future of 4K resolution? true // report two thousand nine hundred and forty-four We can't live without video nowadays. We can buy Blu ray discs to watch high-definition movies at home, or watch high-definition videos on the Internet on Youku, Tudou and YouTube. Of course, friends who like taking photos will also watch recorded videos taken with cameras and cameras at home. With the popularization and development of video recording equipment, people have higher and higher requirements for video quality and definition
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