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Anhai Campaign: An Example of the Combination of Our Political Offensive and Military Offensive

After the victory of Li Bo and Zhao Wei in the Anti Japanese War, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party fought fiercely for the Northeast. In May 1946, the Northeast Democratic United Army led by the Communist Party of China withdrew from Siping, and the Kuomintang army launched a fierce offensive against the North Manchurian Liberation Area. In order to cooperate with the North Manchurian War, the South Manchurian Army launched the Battle of Anshan Sea (City), forcing the four divisions of the Kuomintang Army to back up and blocking the Kuomintang Army's attack on the North Manchurian Liberation Area. The Anhai Campaign is a combination of our concentrated superior forces attacking the enemy and instigating the enemy's uprising details

Date: June 17, 2024

Viewing the Soviet War Mobilization from the "Eight Sons Joining the Army"

The data picture of Su Chunsheng and Yang Yi's engraving "Eight Sons Joining the Army" shows that Ruijin, the Red Capital, was a model county for "expanding its popularity" during the Soviet period, and also a model city for mutual support in the new era. During the Soviet period, Ruijin, a county directly under the central government, emerged many touching deeds, such as "eight sons joining the army", "seventeen pines", "eighteen red tassels", which is a vivid epitome of the Soviet people's enthusiastic response to the "red expansion" mobilization and active participation in the army, and also a good national defense activist in the new era details

Time: June 17, 2024

More than 70 years ago, the People's Navy braved the sea of thunder and opened the Yangtze River estuary!

On May 27, 1949, Shanghai was liberated. This city, which Chiang Kai shek boasted could be defended for half a year, was captured by the Chinese People's Liberation Army in just 16 days. Chiang Kai shek was unwilling. A blockade plan against important ports on the mainland was hatched at the Kuomintang military decision-making level. In June 1949, the Kuomintang publicly announced the implementation of the "Hong Kong closure policy" in the Central Daily: "Shanghai, Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, etc details

Time: June 17, 2024

Bayi Sharp Comments on Practicing New Equipment Training

With the acceleration of the informatization construction of our army, a large number of new equipment has been installed in the army, providing a better material basis for us to win the future war. In order to adapt to the future battlefield, new equipment training must be solidly carried out to create a new growth point of combat effectiveness. "All soldiers who have big ideas must first talk about their weapons." In modern warfare, integrated joint operations are the basic form of warfare. New equipment is an important achievement of scientific and technological progress and an important support for the formation of integrated joint operation capability details

Date: June 17, 2024

August 1 Sharp Comments | Achieve Your Dreams through unremitting struggle

Not long ago, many typical military and civilian youth went to some brigade level units and military and civilian colleges to carry out sharing and exchange activities. At the side of the tunnel, under the fighter plane, on the ship, on the campus... typical military and local youth share their ideals, beliefs and missions with grass-roots officers and young students through deeds sharing, interactive exchanges, observation and learning, practical experience and other forms. These young people in the military and civilian areas have a common characteristic, that is, they are down-to-earth and unremitting, details

Date: June 15, 2024

August 1 Sharp Comments

When Liu Wentang's department carried out education on party discipline, it took the newly revised Regulations on Discipline and Punishment of the Communist Party of China as the focus of study, requiring party members and cadres to thoroughly and systematically study party discipline and military discipline, build a solid ideological defense line, and truly stop knowing and doing, and stop ordering and doing, so that compliance with rules and disciplines becomes conscious action. Their practice is worth learning from. "The system should be known first, and the threat and punishment should be followed." To carry out Party discipline learning and education, Party members and cadres should be familiar with the Party's disciplinary provisions and rules and regulations details

Date: June 14, 2024

"Learning, Thinking and Practicing Xi Jinping's Economic Thought Series (2023)" was published

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 13 Another set of "Learning, Thinking, Practicing and Comprehending Xi Jinping's Economic Thoughts Series" edited by the Economic Daily and published by the People's Publishing House will be released nationwide today. The series includes Collected Works on Xi Jinping's Economic Thought Research (2023) and Collected Works on the Practice of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought Research (2023). Xi Jinping's economic thought is a scientific and open ideological and theoretical system that is constantly enriched and developed in practice, which guides the high-quality development of China's economy and scientific response details

Date: June 13, 2024

Military History Cultural Relics | Certificate of Meritorious Service

Certificate of Merit from Li Da, Yin Bangji and Chen Min for "Top Model Family". In the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall in Baota District, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, there is a well preserved certificate of "Top Model Family". The white coarse cloth is printed with the words "Comrade Chen Min: Special Model Family Member", and the certificate of award was inscribed by Lin Boqu, the then chairman of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Government, and Li Dingming, the vice chairman, and stamped. This is the government official of the Border Region during the Anti Japanese War details

Time: June 13, 2024

Guangdong Anti Japanese Military and Civilian Smash "Ten Thousand People Sweep"

Tang Yanzhong is located in the Dongjiang Column Memorial Hall at the foot of Luofu Mountain in Huizhou, Guangdong Province. To the south is the famous Bailian Lake, and to the west is Chongxu Ancient Temple, the national key cultural relics protection unit and the former site of Dongjiang Column Headquarters. On the west side of the square in front of the museum gate stands the statues of the soldiers of the Dongjiang Column; In the east is the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind. The memorial hall covers an area of 5584 square meters, with four exhibition halls, leading us to look for the footprints of our ancestors and experience the bloody years. In 1943, details

Date: June 13, 2024

Cultural China Travel, Mountains and Rivers Blood Veins, Great Pass Passage

Author: Ouyang Qiansen Xiongguan Overpass, Ouyang Qiansen Loushan Pass, Dajie (cloth paint, collected by the Chinese Art Museum) Shen Yaoyi's "Flying Reading" of the Red Army Battle Site at Loushan Pass Source: Xinhua News Agency's technical support: Wei Lu navigates Loushan Pass, strangles Bashu to the north, locks Guizhou and Guangxi to the south, is the throat of northern Guizhou, and is an important gateway on the traffic arteries of Sichuan and Guizhou. Loushan Pass is famous all over the world for its great victory. "The majestic pass is like iron, now details

Time: June 13, 2024

Bayi Sharp Comments | Write Glory in Undertaking

In the act of responsibility, he wrote that Rongguang Zhai Feng "there is no glory in life, only the wonderful spell..." In the big discussion on "the concept of struggle in the new era" held by a ministry, the speech of an official aroused everyone's resonance. For the majority of officers and soldiers, it is very important to develop the spirit of struggle, forge ahead in a new era, and write new glory in the act of undertaking. Numerous facts at all times and in all over the world show that only through wind and rain can we strengthen our muscles details

Date: June 13, 2024

Sixty years ago, Chairman Mao said: "Can I see such good things?"?

Sixty years ago, on June 10, 1964, He Long introduced to Chairman Mao Zedong the wonderful military competition scenes he had seen many times, which aroused Chairman Mao's strong interest. Then Chairman Mao commented on a briefing reflecting the situation of the competition: "Can I see such good things?" What is the "such good things" that Chairman Mao also wanted to see? On December 27, 1963, a telegram arrived at Mao details

Time: June 12, 2024

August 1 Sharp Review | Achieve Good Results in Overcoming Difficulties

Li Zhihua made great achievements in overcoming difficulties, officers and soldiers of a certain army department actively participated in equipment research, technical backbones of a certain navy detachment took the initiative to ask for ocean escort, pilots of a certain air force brigade challenged difficult flight courses... Since the launch of the "New Era Outlook on Struggle" discussion, the enthusiasm of officers and soldiers for striving to build a strong army has been effectively stimulated, and everyone has bravely shouldered the heaviest burden, Dare to chew the hardest bone and make great achievements in overcoming difficulties. "There are many people who can make great achievements like pulling a boat on the beach details

Date: June 12, 2024

The Eighth Route Army hit "friction experts" hard

Chang Hong, in November 1939, the Kuomintang diehards launched the first "anti Communist upsurge", ordered all tenacious forces to launch a large-scale attack on Taihang and the anti Japanese base areas in southern Hebei, in an attempt to "drive out the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang Mountains", "form an encirclement situation" against the Eighth Route Army in southeast Shanxi, and wait for an opportunity to "resolutely encircle and annihilate". After receiving the order, Zhu Huaibing (nicknamed "friction expert"), the 97th Army of the Kuomintang Army stationed in western Hebei, led his troops to attack the advance detachment and youth column of the 129th Division, killing and injuring them details

Date: June 11, 2024

Shangdang Bank, born in the smoke of gunpowder

In August 1938, in order to develop the economy of the base area, the Communist Party of China established the Shangdang Bank in Qin County, Shanxi Province. Shangdang Bank and its Shangdang banknotes played a significant role in combating counterfeit banknotes, stimulating production, adjusting finance, etc., greatly promoted the wartime economic stability and development of the base areas in southeast Shanxi, and accumulated some experience in currency struggle details

Time: June 11, 2024

Long March, Ten Thousand Miles, Remembering the Golden Mountain

Cao Shengjie and Jia Hao are located in the red themed cultural landscape at the 4114m high pass of Jiajin Mountain in Sichuan Province. On June 2, 1935, all the main forces of the Central Red Army passed through the Dadu River by Luding Bridge, making Chiang Kai shek's plan to encircle the Red Army in the area south of the Dadu River completely bankrupt. On the 7th, the Central Red Army occupied Tianquan. On August 8, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Revolution decided to quickly break through the Lushan and Baoxing defenses of the Kuomintang army details

Time: June 11, 2024

The Guerrilla Warriors Transferred to Deqing, Zhaoqing

Inside the former site of Tang Yanzhong's underground party group in Deqing. In the dense mountain forest of Binshan Hill, Mawei Town, Deqing County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, there is a flat floor ancient building with brick, wood and tile structure. It used to be Wenwu Palace, but it was rebuilt as Binshan Middle School in 1944. In January 1946, the underground party group of Deqing of the Communist Party of China was established in Binshan Middle School, marking the place with a bright red mark. In the War of Liberation, the Communist Party of China in Deqing details

Time: June 11, 2024

August 1 Sharp Review | Improve the Scientificity of Construction According to the Program

To improve the scientificity of building according to the outline, Wang Qingxuan's department listed specific countermeasures according to the Outline of Military Grass roots Construction according to different situations, aiming at the problems such as the lack of scientific co-ordination of some grass-roots units, which provided a powerful starting point for improving the ability of grass-roots units to build according to the outline and independently. This practice is worth learning from. "Everything is born when it is its root, and everything is accomplished when it is its way." The Outline of Military Grass roots Construction is a summary and distillation of our military's practical experience in grass roots construction over the years, and it is a discipline to build grass roots details

Date: June 11, 2024

August 1 Sharp Review | Draw Endeavour from Traditional Culture

Zhou Yongrui, who has learned from traditional culture, arrived at the Dragon Boat Festival one year ago. The vast number of officers and soldiers wrap dumplings, talk about folk customs, recite poems, taste traditional culture from a variety of activities, cultivate family and country feelings, and draw on the strength of progress. Gathering the essence of humanistic ideas and inheriting the genes of traditional virtues, the Dragon Boat Festival has become the common cultural memory of the Chinese nation, which has been passed down for thousands of years and is new. The Dragon Boat Festival has rich historical significance and cultural implications, like a link connecting history and the present, details

Date: June 10, 2024

Jun Zhengping: @ All the examinees, please be alert to these recruitment scams!

As Junjun's college entrance examination draws to a close, every graduate will face an important choice - filling in the application form. At this time, we should pay special attention. In the past years, there have been some unscrupulous elements who have committed enrollment fraud under the banner of military school enrollment. Especially, we should be very careful with sensitive words such as "targeted enrollment" and "internal indicators", and pay attention to identifying fraud tactics. Today, Jun Jun summarized some information about enrollment fraud in military schools details

Time: June 9, 2024
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