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Strengthening Cultural Self confidence in Consolidating Cultural Subjectivity

Under the new era background of Zhang Yilin, only by maintaining and strengthening the subjectivity of Chinese culture can we stand in the increasingly heated national cultural soft power competition, and can we maintain national autonomy and independence in cultural exchanges. Therefore, we should closely focus on the strategic task of promoting cultural prosperity and building a cultural power. In the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, we should always maintain cultural self-confidence, unswervingly support and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over cultural work, and promote details

Date: September 18, 2024

To further deepen reform comprehensively, we must adhere to the overall leadership of the Party

The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese style Modernization adopted by Yang Zhengjun and Huang Xuan at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to "improve the leadership of the Party in further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese style modernization", and highlighted that "adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in further comprehensively deepening reform". At present, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical period, and the comprehensive deepening of reform has also entered a critical period, a deepwater area details

Date: September 18, 2024

Benefit and prosper agriculture with scientific and technological innovation

Author: Shi Zhile, Guangming Daily (September 18, 2024, 2nd edition) [News Essay] In Qiemo, Xinjiang, with the help of saline alkali water reduction seawater technology and ecological intelligent constant temperature circulation system, 100000 high-quality marine fish have successfully settled in the hinterland of the desert, opening up new space for local industrial development; In Qingtian, Zhejiang Province, the standardized cold chain packaging process has greatly extended the freshness period of waxberry, and the fresh waxberry has been exported to Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and other countries details

Date: September 18, 2024

Cooperate and co govern, innovate social governance at the grass-roots level of public security organs

□ Miao Jinxiang and Miao Ruiyang pointed out at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that we should adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, improve the urban and rural grass-roots governance system under the leadership of the Party organizations, which combines autonomy, rule of law and rule of virtue, and improve the social governance system of co construction, co governance and sharing. How to adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, strengthen and innovate grass-roots social governance, and improve the ability to maintain security and stability has become an important issue for public security organs. Adhere to the Party's details

Date: September 18, 2024

Constantly satisfy people's yearning for a better life

Chen Huazhou and Yu Yue's Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese style Modernization stressed that ensuring and improving people's livelihood in development is a major task of Chinese style modernization. In view of this, we must unswervingly implement the people centered development concept, adhere to the principle of doing our best and acting according to our ability, improve the basic public service system, strengthen the construction of inclusive, basic and comprehensive people's livelihood, and solve the problems that people care about most, most directly and most details

Date: September 18, 2024

Improve the style of writing from the research of problems

Author: Chen Jinlong, Guangming Daily (September 18, 2024, 1st edition) [Talk about improving the style of writing] At present, the issue of style of writing has aroused widespread concern and profound reflection in the society, an important reason is that some articles are aimless and have nothing to say, just "circling" in the cold conceptual world, not touching the hot real world. Such articles are no different from word games and concept labyrinths, which make people feel lost after reading them details

Date: September 18, 2024

Standardize personal online help seeking

■ In recent years, Zhao Weicheng of Zhou Zhongzhi has released help seeking information on WeChat friends circle, public account, microblog, "Shuidiqian" and other platforms due to his or her family's serious illness, which has become a social phenomenon familiar to people. Statistics show that from 2016 to 2023, about 450 million users have donated 62.6 billion yuan to more than 3 million patients through the "Water Drops Fund". However, some confusion also appeared in personal online help seeking. For example, there are details

Date: September 17, 2024

Deeply grasp the theoretical logic and civilization implication of Sanming's spiritual civilization construction

□ Lin Mi's socialist spiritual civilization construction is the practical cornerstone of the Chinese nation's "spiritual standing and stability" in the wave of world modernization. Sanming's spiritual civilization construction is not only a banner of our socialist spiritual civilization construction, but also contains rich modernization and civilization connotation. Today, we should focus on the theme of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, closely follow the core keywords such as "socialism" and "modernization", and start from "Chinese modernization" details

Date: September 17, 2024

Promote the high-quality development of Chinese sports culture

At the Paris Olympic Games, Zhong Xiaohong, the Chinese delegation, with the best report card of the overseas Olympic Games, demonstrated the self-confidence, sunshine, courage and upward spirit of Chinese youth in the new era, and demonstrated the good image of a big country, a big team, and a civilized teacher. Sports culture is an important part of the country's cultural soft power, and is a strong endogenous power to promote the construction of a sports power and socialist modernization. On the new journey, we must take Xi Jinping's cultural thought as the guide to promote the high quality of Chinese sports culture details

Date: September 13, 2024

Adhere to the overall leadership of the Party to ensure the smooth progress of comprehensively deepening reform

Wu Zengli's core tip is that adhering to the comprehensive leadership of the Party is the fundamental reason for comprehensively deepening reform in the new era to achieve historic achievements. To ensure that the reform position is not shifted, the direction is not biased, and always move towards the correct political direction, and always keep the value orientation firmly, we must adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the Party. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a historic meeting held at a critical period of comprehensively promoting the construction of a powerful country and national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization. Reviewed and approved by the plenary session details

Date: September 9, 2024

The main focus of youth's cultural mission

Zhou Yanwei "It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point." Youth are the future and hope of the country, carrying the mission and responsibility of promoting cultural prosperity and building a socialist cultural power, and should be guided by Xi Jinping's cultural thought, To promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture and enhance the international influence of Chinese culture details

Date: September 9, 2024

Grasping the "Three Musts" and Accelerating the Formation of New Quality Productivity

Zhang Xiaoyan, Tian Dingxiang, the new quality productivity, is a new type of productivity that represents new technology, creates new value, adapts to new industries, and reshapes new momentum. At present, China is on the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. Fully exploring the formation path of new quality productivity will help to pool momentum for promoting Chinese style modernization. To speed up the formation of new quality productivity, we must adhere to the guidance of scientific theory. To achieve high-quality development and move towards "new", we must adhere to the principle of learning details

Date: September 9, 2024

Contribute youth power to create a new situation of Langfang's propaganda, ideology and culture work

Xu Haoran, College of Marxism, Hebei University

Xu Haoran, College of Marxism, Hebei University, made a contribution to the new situation of Langfang's propaganda and ideological and cultural work. Xu Haoran's propaganda and ideological and cultural work is related to the future and destiny of the Party, the long-term stability of the country, and the national cohesion and centripetal force. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, focusing on the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, systematically planned a series of measures to do a good job in propaganda, ideology and culture. Youth are the pillars of rejuvenation and pioneers of a strong country. Based on deepening the cultural system details

Date: September 6, 2024

Actively integrate into the spirit of the plenary session Further Deepen the Reform and Innovation of Ideological and Political Courses

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee held by Qin Chenchen, a teacher of the Marxism College of Chuzhou University, was an important meeting held at a critical period when China comprehensively promoted the construction of a powerful country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization. The plenary session proposed that "education, science and technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for Chinese modernization" and "comprehensive education reform should be deepened". College ideological and political course teachers should deeply understand the spirit of the plenary session, actively integrate the spirit of the plenary session into the ideological and political course, and further deepen the thinking details

Date: September 6, 2024
[Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee]

Promote the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee to be integrated into the ideological and political courses in colleges and universities

It is a major political task for the whole party and the whole country at present and in the future to study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China from Ma Qin to Zhang Zhe. Ideological and political courses bear the important responsibility of educating people for the Party and the country. We should actively promote the integration of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee into the ideological and political courses in colleges and universities, and ensure that young students learn and understand the spirit of the Plenary Session in an all-round way at the first time. You have to learn one step first. Ideological and Political Course in Colleges and Universities is the Key Course to Implement the Fundamental Task of Building Morality and Cultivating People details

Date: September 6, 2024

Academic discussion | Research on the value and path of building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation in colleges and universities

□ Ma Li college students are in the "jointing and booting stage" of their life. The shaping of values, the establishment of ideals and beliefs, and the formation of ideas play a vital role in their future development. As the foundation of national unity, the consciousness of the Chinese nation community embodies the common ideals, beliefs, goals and value pursuits of the people of all ethnic groups. It has strong spiritual leadership and charisma, and can actively guide students to cultivate family and country feelings, build ideological defense lines, and strive to grow into details

Date: September 6, 2024
[Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee]

Perfect the system and mechanism of developing new quality productive forces according to local conditions

The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese style Modernization (hereinafter referred to as the Decision), which was deliberated and passed at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, pointed out that we should "improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productive forces according to local conditions", It emphasizes "improving relevant rules and policies, accelerating the formation of production relations more suitable for the new quality productivity, promoting the convergence of various advanced production factors to the development of new quality productivity, and significantly improving total factor productivity". Gan details

Date: September 6, 2024

Improve the quality of rural party members and cadres

□ Cai Yan's rural grass-roots party organization is the basis of all the work and combat effectiveness of the Party in rural areas, and is the bridge and link for the Party to connect with the masses and serve the masses in rural areas. We should promote rural revitalization, create tens of thousands of strong rural grass-roots party organizations, and cultivate tens of thousands of outstanding rural grass-roots party organization secretaries. Since the party discipline learning and education was carried out, the majority of rural grass-roots party organizations and party members and cadres in China have taken learning, knowing, observing and abiding by the discipline as the goal to learn and educate the party discipline details

Date: September 6, 2024

Identification of Chinese medicine culture in ideological and political education in medical colleges

Zhang Jin, Lu Zhenbo

Traditional Chinese medicine is widely used for its originality, economy and practicality. In the new era, strengthening the construction of TCM culture has become a major and urgent issue to promote the development of TCM industry. Medical colleges and universities are an important field of medical education in China. Strengthening the construction of traditional Chinese medicine culture in colleges and universities can not only enhance the cultural self-confidence and professional identity of medical students, but also can inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, which is conducive to the cultivation of profound cultural heritage, comprehensive medical nutrition and innovative thinking details

Date: September 6, 2024

Let "Maple Bridge experience" radiate new vitality in grass-roots governance

□ Wang Dezheng's grass-roots social governance is an important part of the national governance system and an important guarantee of social harmony and stability. As a major feature of China's social governance, the "Maple Bridge Experience" has played an important role in promoting grass-roots governance. This paper will discuss the inheritance and innovation of "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, and analyze its enlightenment and contribution to the modernization of grass-roots social governance. The Core Connotation and Historical Evolution of "Maple Bridge Experience" details

Date: September 6, 2024
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