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Make good use of investigation and research "heirloom" to find the "golden key" of high-quality development

Yang Jiajun, general secretary of Xi Jinping, an omnimedia reporter of Hunan Daily, pointed out profoundly that "investigation and research are the basis of planning and the way to success. Without investigation, there is no right to speak, and without investigation, there is no right to make decisions." Since the theme education was carried out, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee has made good use of investigation and research, which is the "heirloom" of the Party, and implemented the "four grassroots" system, Deeply carry out the activities of "going to the grass-roots level, finding problems, finding ways and promoting development", guide party members and cadres to go deep into the front line to find out the truth and solve problems, details

Date: January 31, 2024

Highlight problem orientation and conduct in-depth investigation and research

Zhongyin actively explored and carried out "people call me", "take action upon complaint", etc., and unblocked the channels for people to reflect their opinions; Start with the most direct and realistic interest issues that the people care most about, and focus on handling the "key little things" that the people care about; Focusing on people's livelihood demands and other aspects, we carried out in-depth research at the grass-roots level, and implemented the theme of "big start, big investigation, and big rectification"... Since the launch of the theme education, all regions have highlighted the problem orientation, in-depth investigation and research, and focused on solving the people's urgent needs and anxieties details

Date: January 29, 2024

Make good use of investigation to study this heirloom

● Liu Dongfeng and Wang Yutang attach great importance to investigation and research, which is an important heirloom of our party's leadership in various historical periods of revolution, construction and reform. Investigation and research is not only a method of work, but also a major issue related to the success or failure of the cause of the Party and the people. Investigation and research are the basis and way of making things happen, the heirloom of our party, and the basic skill of doing all kinds of work well. New era and new journey, effectively prevent and resolve risks, overcome difficulties and challenges details

Date: January 29, 2024

Investigation and research should have excellent skills

■ Liu Zeyu and Sun Zhen often say that good style is indispensable for research. In fact, if we want to achieve research results, we must not only have a good style of work, but also have hard skills. Investigation and research is a basic skill for good leadership, and investigation and research ability is an integral part of the overall quality of leading cadres. Research has always been a job of seeing ability and kung fu. It is not as simple as "wind, scenery and light", nor can it be obtained by listening to reports and holding symposiums details

Date: January 29, 2024

The highest level of investigation and research

Lv Dewen, a professor of the School of Social Sciences of Wuhan University, pointed out in the book "Doing Research on Grounding" that many people who do research are keen to learn analytical techniques. These technologies can be used to help us analyze data, but they belong to the "end", and the real "root" is ourselves. Only with the ability to understand, feel the experience, and analyze and judge, can we put forward good questions, form good views, and make good research. When we are the "method" details

Date: January 29, 2024

Investigation and research

[Typical case] On August 12, 2023, Luo, the secretary of a county party committee, investigated 15 sites one day, and left after shaking hands with grassroots cadres, saying two sentences, and taking a few shots. He did not understand and solve the practical difficulties of grassroots, and the public responded strongly, which was exposed by new media, causing serious adverse effects. Luo was warned and punished by the Party. [Problem analysis] In the above case, Mr. Luo knew that the investigation should not go through the motions, but still divorced from reality to create a "catwalk style" tone details

Date: January 28, 2024

Research on Grass roots Investigation from the Perspective of Modernization of National Governance

Lv Dewen [Abstract] As an "evidence-based" governance technique, grass-roots investigation and research is a process of modern countries to discover, understand and build grass-roots. After the establishment of grass-roots political power, national governance began in grass-roots society, and grass-roots society and grass-roots politics gradually merged, shaping the concept of "grass-roots" with special connotation, attracting many disciplines to carry out grass-roots research. Grass roots investigation and research mainly focus on the discussion of people and institutions details

Time: January 26, 2024

Deeply investigate and study, and offer more practical measures

The Diary of Xu Yingjian, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and chairman of Guizhou Jinzhijian High tech Materials Co., Ltd. On Wednesday, January 24th, Duoyun, as a member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, felt honored and proud, and also felt deeply responsible. I will stick to the era responsibility of CPPCC members to fulfill their duties for development and the people, conduct in-depth investigation and research, and offer more pragmatic strategies. The generation of each proposal, details

Time: January 25, 2024

Research on "Fried Cold Rice" with "Three Questions"

This article is adapted from: "Fried Cold Rice" on the People's Forum is a typical manifestation of formalism, referring to the chaos of new bottles of old wine, soup and dressing. As the second batch of thematic education is drawing to a close, the majority of Party members and cadres should firmly refrain from formalistic research, make in-depth plans to determine "topics", seek the whole "problems" from facts, and "solve problems" for the people for a long time, so as to promote the investigation and research to go deeper and more practical. Prepare "new food materials" for topic selection, plan and define "topics" in depth, and follow the correct path“ details

Date: January 24, 2024

Thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and further improve the investigation and research work of the People's Congress in the new era

This article is transferred from: Luo Yongkuan, director of the Research Office of the Standing Committee of Anyang Municipal People's Congress on the People's Forum. It is an urgent need to improve the quality of the work of the People's Congress in the new era, and it is also an urgent need for the People's Congress to perform its functions, exercise its powers, and play a good role. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in the report to the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "Carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the Party, promote Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, to take the lead in in-depth investigation and research, and rush to do practical things, seek practical recruitment details

Date: January 23, 2024

Solid investigation and research, active performance of duties

"As a member of the CPPCC, I have always asked myself to do more work and provide more services within my field and ability, hoping to provide some reference for the development of the industry." On January 20, after the day's research work, Lin Guangjin, a member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, chairman and president of Qianlinzhou Group, opened the proposed proposal again and considered it word for word, Check each data to ensure that the content is accurate. When going out for research, Lin Guangjin always takes out his notes habitually details

Date: January 22, 2024

"Three Insistences" to Strengthen the Investigation and Research Style of Young Cadres

This article is transferred from: People's Forum Network survey and research is the basic skill to do a good job, but also an important link to strengthen the construction of cadres' style. Young cadres should take the lead in carrying out in-depth investigation and research, innovate the methods of mass work, think about problems from the perspective of the people, be good at studying new situations, solving new problems, summing up new experience, exploring new laws in investigation and research, take the initiative to do practical things, seek practical solutions, seek practical results, and break down formalism and unrealistic style in investigation and research. Stick to the problem details

Date: January 19, 2024

Grasp the basic point of field investigation and research

◇ Li Xiaozhuang's field research is the soul of Chinese sociology. Field investigation and research is to put forward and solve real problems in practice. Its core is to get out of the study, throw away the "book bag", lean down to investigate and study the "land gnawing", and turn the real knowledge of solving real problems in practice into real knowledge. Facing the complicated society, as a sociologist in China, we must firmly grasp the new changes of the new situation, the new changes of the new contradictions, and new ideas details

Date: January 19, 2024

Sociologists' Social Investigation and Research

◇ Chen Xin thinks that at present, China has moved from an agricultural society to an industrial society, and has gradually stepped into an information society and an intelligent society. In the process of social change, many new situations and problems have emerged. For example, how is China's overall economic development, what are the characteristics of its social structure, and what are the characteristics of people's ideological and value orientations? These issues need in-depth investigation and study. Therefore, how to conduct investigation and research has become an important topic. details

Date: January 19, 2024

Young cadres should establish the style of investigation and research "problem solving"

This article is adapted from: The young cadres of the People's Forum Network, like a vigorous "seed", should fully absorb the "source" of investigation and research, take investigation and research as "hoe", dig deep into the grassroots, figure out problems, and rush to "solve problems". Breaking the motif, analyzing the difficult problems, answering the real questions and concluding the changed questions in the front line; It has become a common practice to practically promote the investigation and research of "problem solving" in the process of observing people's conditions, making practical moves, rejecting forms and seeking development. Establish a solid foundation, and research should focus on "observing people's conditions" details

Date: January 18, 2024

[Guangming Forum] Promote the style of pragmatism and do a good job of investigation and research

Han Xudong [Guangming Forum] In June 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Inner Mongolia that we should vigorously promote the style of pragmatism, do a good job in investigation and research, work hard on investigating the truth, making practical moves, and seeking practical results, work hard, lay a solid foundation, take steps, and make significant and substantial progress in avoiding formalism and bureaucracy, Take this theme education as an opportunity to carry forward the investigation and research. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement provides us with details

Date: January 18, 2024

Make good use of investigation to study this "heirloom"

Since the launch of the second batch of thematic education by our reporter Huang Jing, the Guiyang CPPCC in Guizhou Province has formulated the "four lists" of task list, learning list, research list and question list in accordance with the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, in combination with the actual situation, to firmly and effectively promote thematic education. The CPPCC Guiyang Municipal Committee, through the investigation list, comprehensively promoted five types of investigation, namely, spot investigation, special investigation, typical case anatomy investigation, deepening reform investigation, case contracting and case leading investigation, and formed details

Date: January 17, 2024

Do a good job of "four highlights" and do a solid investigation and research

Since last year, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture has thoroughly studied and implemented the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on investigation and research and the spirit of the important instructions of "four grassroots", earnestly practiced the "five character formula" and "five step investigation method", and promoted the investigation and research to go deep and practical with the "four highlights". Highlight "click order+order form" to make the topic "accurate". Wenshan Prefecture focuses on the main situations and key issues in 12 aspects, and adopts the method of superior points and self determination to accurately determine details

Date: January 16, 2024

Convey, study and implement the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Politburo) Themed Education Special Democratic Life Conference, deploy and publicize ideological and cultural work, promote research, statistics, science and technology, etc

News from our newspaper (reporter Xu Shaoting and Zeng Shuhui) On January 10, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to convey, study and implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on the theme of democratic life of education, study and implement the spirit of the National Propaganda Ministers' Meeting and the symposium on cultural heritage protection, Deliberate the 2024 Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee Daxing Investigation and Research, Promote Key Work Plan, research and deploy statistics, science and technology innovation platform construction and other work. Province details

Date: January 11, 2024

Adhere to the problem oriented, in-depth investigation and research, and gather strong joint forces to promote high-quality development in Hunan

Hunan Daily, January 10 (full media reporter Liu Yanjuan, Sun Minjian, Chen Ang, Zhang Lu) On the afternoon of January 9, Shen Xiaoming, secretary of the provincial party committee, presided over the 2023 provincial committee of democratic parties, the provincial federation of industry and commerce, and non party personages' participation in the deliberation and administration of government and listened to the report on the results of the special research. He stressed that the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on doing a good job in the party's united front work in the new era should be thoroughly implemented, and "the party committee should set questions, party research, and the government should adopt details

Date: January 11, 2024
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