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Pudong New Area Taoism conducts 2024 summer site fire safety knowledge training and fire safety emergency drill

Published on: June 19, 2024 | Source: Chinese Taoist culture | Author: Unknown | Editor in charge: Cao Yang

In the afternoon of June 17, Pudong New Area Taoist Association held the 2024 summer site fire safety knowledge training and fire safety emergency drill in Longwangmiao, Shanghai. The fire training and drill was presided over by Taoist Priest Zhong Zaihu, Vice President of the New Area Taoist Association, and attended by the principals of Taoist temples and fire commissioners in Pudong.

In terms of fire safety knowledge training, the fire officers and fighters gave detailed knowledge explanations in simple terms, rich and vivid, from the aspects of fire prevention knowledge in religious places, inspection and elimination of hidden dangers, fire fighting in the initial stage, guidance of evacuation and escape, publicity, education and training, and precautions for fire alarm. In the emergency drill, under the guidance of the commander and combatant, combined with the actual situation on site, the fire emergency evacuation drill and the practical drill of various fire rescue tools such as fire extinguishers and fire blankets were carried out.

This fire knowledge training and drill aims to strengthen the fire safety awareness, fire safety knowledge and fire safety skills of Taoist temples in the region. The Pudong New Area Taoist Association will guide all palaces in the region to further improve fire safety, continue to promote the establishment of standardized fire safety units in Pudong Taoist religious venues, and actively build Pudong Taoist safe palaces. (Contributed by Pudong Road Association)


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