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The Taoist Association of Anxi County, Quanzhou City organized Taoists to come to Leixingfu Nunnery in Yongding Lake to carry out education on the theme of sinicization of Taoism

Published on: May 21, 2024 | Source: Chinese Taoist culture | Author: Unknown | Editor in charge: Cao Yang

On May 18, Lei Xingfu Nunnery in Yongding Lake, located in Huleishang North Village, Yongding District, was very bright and crowded. Cigarette filled Xingfu Temple welcomed 192 members from Anxi County Taoist Association in Quanzhou City to receive a new education baptism with the theme of "localization of Taoism in China".

The visiting staff of Anxi Taoist Association in Quanzhou, under the leadership of their leadership, carefully visited and studied the large-scale photo exhibition of "1929 Mao Zedong in West Fujian". They listened carefully to the commentator's on-site explanation of Chairman Mao Zedong's experience of curing and escaping from danger in Xingfu Temple, and passed through vivid pictures One by one, they reviewed the revolutionary years of the Fourth Red Army and Chairman Mao in western Fujian around 1929, and deeply felt the glorious course of the CPC's unremitting struggle. I received a lively education themed "Sinicization of Taoism" with great interest.

Located in Shanghu Village, Yongding Lake Lei Town, Yongding Lake Lei Xingfu Nunnery is a red temple with revolutionary history. In September 1929, Comrade Mao Zedong was pursued by the Kuomintang reactionary security corps and lived here for half a month. Due to the aggravation of malaria, the Party Committee of Yongding County convened an emergency meeting of the main party leaders and invited Wu Xiushan, an old doctor from Hulei, to diagnose Comrade Mao Zedong. During his stay in Xingfu Nunnery, Comrade Mao Zedong's condition improved day by day. After leaving Xingfu Nunnery, Comrade Mao Zedong safely arrived in Shanghang County through Jingtangbao and Hexi, laying a solid foundation for the success of the subsequent Gutian Conference. Therefore, Xingfu Nunnery is known as the "Red Palace" that helps great people to rebirth from nirvana, ignite revolution and help national hopes.

Since the first "Sinicization of Taoism" themed education base of Fujian Taoist Association was settled in Xingfu Nunnery on May 31, 2023, more and more religious groups in the province have gathered in Xingfu Nunnery for thematic education. It has complete software and hardware facilities and convenient transportation. Hulei Town, where Xingfu Nunnery is located, is a famous hometown of red flags, a famous old revolutionary base area, once the political, economic and cultural center of Yongding Soviet Area, and an important part of the central revolutionary base during the Agrarian Revolutionary War. It is also the location of the first rural party branch in Fujian Province in the west of Fujian Province of the Communist Party of China, which fired the first shot of the Yongding uprising that shocked Bamin. It is also the location of the first revolutionary committee in Yongding, Hulei Revolutionary Committee, which Mao Zedong personally created.

Fujian Taoist Association set up the first "localization of Taoism in China" themed education base in Leixingfu Nunnery, Yongding Lake, aiming to educate and urge the members of Taoism and believers to always adhere to the localization of Chinese religions, continue to carry out in-depth learning and education activities of "four histories", foster feelings of loving the party, patriotism and socialism, and infiltrate religions with excellent traditional Chinese culture, We will build venues for religious activities into the main front for carrying forward China's excellent traditional culture and cultivating socialist core values. To make our religion constantly adapt to the needs of our social development and progress, constantly enrich the connotation of the times, and better promote religious harmony, social harmony, and national harmony. (Contributed by Longyan Taoist Association)


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