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Longxi, Gansu: Practice and Reflection on the Implementation of the "Three Indexes" Assessment Mechanism

Organization Department of CPC Longxi County Committee

16:56, October 15, 2019 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

In recent years, Longxi County, Gansu Province, focusing on comprehensively improving the institutionalization, standardization and refinement of the management of grass-roots party organizations and party members and cadres, combined with promoting the standardization of party branch construction, has established and implemented a "three index" evaluation mechanism in the rural areas of the county, namely, the fortress index of grass-roots party organizations, the pioneer index of party members, and the service index of township and village cadres, which has effectively stimulated the vitality of grass-roots organizations, It has enhanced the awareness of Party members, improved the level of service, and provided beneficial exploration for strengthening the daily management of rural grass-roots party organizations and party cadres in the new era.

1、 Background motivation

To establish and improve the assessment and evaluation system for grass-roots party building, and to build a management model and system for grass-roots party organizations and party members and cadres that adapt to grass-roots party building in the new situation and match the modern management system, are not only the internal requirements for strengthening and improving party building, but also an important measure to carry out the standardization of party branch construction, and are driven by assessment and evaluation, It is an urgent requirement to give play to the political advantages of grass-roots party organizations and guide and promote the scientific development of various undertakings at the grass-roots level. At present, with the profound transformation of rural economy and society, especially the new stage of rural reform and development, there are still some shortcomings in the management of rural grass-roots party organizations, party members and rural cadres, such as extensive and single ways, no codes of conduct, no standards for measurement, difficult daily management, assessment and evaluation, and difficult to play their roles, In particular, the difficulty in the assessment and evaluation of rural party members is a major problem in the education and management of rural party members. The assessment of party spirit consciousness of party members mainly relies on qualitative evaluation and other more general methods, without a unified, specific and measurable "ruler". On the basis of in-depth research, pilot work and summary of norms, Longxi County, centering on "what to test and how to test", improved and standardized the evaluation mechanism of "three indexes", namely, the fortress index of grass-roots party organizations, the pioneer index of party members and the service index of rural cadres, strengthened the application of evaluation results, strived to draw a "standard image", established a "reference system", standardized "measurement" and lit up a "supervision board" It not only provides new ideas and concepts for the management and evaluation of rural grass-roots party organizations and party members and cadres in the county, but also forms a good atmosphere of competing for positions, comparing and learning to catch up, which effectively promotes the process of poverty alleviation and building a well-off society in an all-round way.

2、 Exploration Practice

First, the classification is customized according to the post to ensure the pertinence of the assessment content. In order to provide evidence for the evaluation of the "three indicators", the Organization Department of the County Party Committee, on the basis of formulating a regionalized management system, dividing the responsibility areas of Party members, and carrying out the post setting and responsibility determination of Party members without posts, determines the evaluation contents and key points by classification according to the working functions, characteristics, nature and requirements of different types of Party organizations and Party cadres at different posts, It not only reflects the difference of work requirements, but also reflects the unity of work objectives. Among them, the evaluation content of the index of the fortress of the party organization is determined according to the actual situation of the village and community, mainly including deepening the implementation of the project of "acting as agent in the village, strengthening the foundation for the people", the project of "connecting the party with the masses" and the activity of "building a fortress for poverty alleviation, becoming a pioneer for wealth", implementing the basic system within the party such as "three meetings and one lesson", strengthening the construction of the team, the construction of the party members, and the construction of democracy and politics at the grass-roots level The construction of venues and collective economy; The evaluation content of the party member pioneer index is determined by reference to the job position, age structure and physical condition, mainly including promoting the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies and one action" learning and education, participating in the life of the party organization, paying party dues, completing the tasks assigned by the party organization, implementing the system of regionalized (networked) management of party members and fixed activity days of party members Take the lead in implementing targeted poverty alleviation goals and tasks; The evaluation content of the rural cadre service index is determined according to different posts such as government cadres, village (community) cadres, village (community) cadres, and cadres selected to serve in the village. It mainly includes the implementation of preferential agricultural policies, participation in theoretical and business studies, performance of job responsibilities, and compliance with party discipline and laws and regulations. At the same time, according to the work needs, the township party committee regularly adjusts and refines the assessment content to ensure its pertinence and effectiveness.

The second is to level by level, quantify and refine, and improve the accuracy of evaluation indicators. According to the evaluation contents and key points of the "three indexes", the fortress index, the responsibility statement of double guarantee and one visit and the task statement of the pioneer index are formulated in a unified way. Each index is further decomposed and refined into several specific evaluation elements, and different scoring weights are given to strive for "accurate portrayal" to make the evaluation more specific and accurate. The village and community party organization fortress index includes three parts: basic item, pioneer item and deduction item, of which the basic item is 60 points, and the pioneer item and deduction item are both 40 points at the highest. The township party committee shall formulate the detailed evaluation rules according to the Responsibility Statement for Target Management of Rural (Community) Grassroots Party Organization Construction in the County and the responsibility statement for fortress index, in combination with the annual work priorities and phased tasks, Quantitative scoring criteria. The Pioneer Index of Party Members closely follows the performance of basic obligations, observance of social morality, promotion of poverty alleviation and development, and playing an exemplary role by Party members. It is detailed into 17 evaluation indicators, including 60 points for basic items, 30 points for excellent items, 10 points for pioneer items, and 40 points for deduction items. The rural cadre service index focuses on ensuring targeted poverty alleviation, serving grassroots people, and promoting social development, and is divided into 16 evaluation indicators. It is divided into three categories: township cadres, village community cadres, and cadres selected and assigned to villages at all levels. It is objectively, comprehensively, and accurately evaluated according to three parts: basic items, plus points, and minus points. By refining the quantitative indicators, the evaluation of "three indexes" is really transformed from "soft constraints" to "hard leverage".

The third is to organize and implement at different levels, and pay attention to the scientificity of the evaluation method. Based on enhancing the accuracy and scientificity of the evaluation of the "three indexes", the general requirements and evaluation principles of serving the overall situation, combining reality, dynamic management, mass participation, openness and fairness were put forward, and the method of combining peacetime with annual, qualitative and quantitative was adopted. The evaluation of the index of the fortress of the party organization was carried out quarterly, self evaluation of the party organization Evaluation of township leading group members and satisfaction evaluation of party members and the masses; The vanguard index of Party members is assessed by the Party branch where the Party member belongs on a monthly basis through quantitative assessment, analysis and comparison, and comprehensive assessment. The integral management is carried out on an annual basis; The evaluation of rural cadre service index is carried out by the township party committee in the form of monthly evaluation, quarterly ranking, and annual evaluation to achieve both qualitative and quantitative evaluation, forward understanding and reverse evaluation, common evaluation and post function evaluation. At the same time, a system of regular publicity and feedback of the evaluation results of the "three indicators" has been established to widely accept the supervision of Party members and the masses. Establish assessment documentary files, classify and record the organizational assessment, democratic assessment, and personal self-evaluation, and regularly collate and summarize them. On the basis of quantitative assessment scores, comprehensively study and judge the assessment and evaluation grades of "three indexes", effectively overcoming the shortcomings of "dividing scores by closing the door" and "determining the grade by hammering" in the past cadre assessment, It enhances the operability and effectiveness of assessment and evaluation.

The fourth is to analyze, compare and apply, and enhance the guidance of the evaluation results. Give full play to the role of "wind vane" and "baton" of assessment, and incorporate the assessment results into the responsibility list of township and village (community) party building work and the important content of work review and assessment, as an important basis for the village and community party organizations and party members to evaluate and rank, classify management, select the best, and daily management, annual assessment, select the best, select and appoint rural cadres. For the advanced party organizations and vanguard party members evaluated, and the rural cadres whose annual service index evaluation results are "good", the township party committees will select the best to commend and reward, and especially recommend to the county party committee for commendation. For the village (community) party organizations, party members and village cadres ranking lower in the annual assessment, the township party committee shall timely supervise the rectification and improvement or organize the disposal according to the regulations. On this basis, we paid attention to data analysis, vertical and horizontal comparison, and comprehensive research and judgment, and found problems and weaknesses in our work in a timely manner, which provided decision-making reference for strengthening the construction of grass-roots party organizations, improving the education and management of party members and cadres, and strengthening index evaluation, and effectively enhanced the role of evaluation results in guiding work and serving the overall situation. Since the implementation of the "Three Indexes" evaluation mechanism, the county party committee has successively selected and commended 104 advanced grass-roots party organizations, 554 outstanding poverty alleviation party branch secretaries, Communist Party members, and rural cadres, and promoted and reused township cadres with outstanding performance and recognized by the masses. At the same time, the township party committees, according to the star rating, determined and rectified the post entering party organizations at a ratio of 10%, disposed of unqualified party members, and adjusted or held accountable rural cadres with poor service awareness and style.

3、 Preliminary results

First, we have tested the vitality of the grassroots. Through the evaluation of the "three indicators", guide and urge rural party members and rural cadres in different positions to clarify their identities, and also promote rural party organizations and party cadres to show their service commitment and "show" their service performance, and the vitality of rural grass-roots party organizations in serving poverty alleviation, service development, and serving the masses has been newly released, The sense of responsibility and service ability of the majority of Party members and rural cadres have been constantly enhanced, and the atmosphere of comparing learning, service, dedication and performance has become increasingly strong, forming a good pattern of catching up and striving to be the pioneer, which has effectively promoted the in-depth development of poverty alleviation, project construction, industry cultivation, rural reform and other work.

Second, the organizational life was strictly examined. Through the implementation of the "Three Indexes" assessment, the primary party organizations have further strengthened their main responsibility to strictly control the party, the political enthusiasm, democratic awareness and legal awareness of rural party members have further strengthened, and the proportion and frequency of party members' participation in "three meetings and one lesson", theme party days, and organizational life meetings have significantly increased, It effectively solved the problem that some party members were not active in organizing activities and it was difficult to manage floating party members in the past. In particular, some party members who had not participated in organizational life for many years returned to the organization, and the organizational life within the party was more regular and standardized, and more attractive in line with the "local atmosphere", which promoted the normalization and institutionalization of learning and education of "two learning and one doing". Some veteran Party members said that the regular and strict organizational life made them feel that the good traditions of the Party had returned.

Third, the Party spirit consciousness was strengthened. Some village and community party organizations, in combination with village rules and regulations, family customs and family instructions, express the standard of qualified party members as specific norms such as "six leading and six not doing" in plain peasant language, quantify them into a number of points, and set star grades according to the level of party members' points; Some villages have also set up a "performance platform" and a "red and black list" to accept the supervision and comments of the party members and the masses, so that the management of the party organization has a "benchmark", the behavior of party members has a "standard", and the measurement of party members has a "scale". It has also strengthened the party spirit consciousness and collective sense of honor of rural party members, and promoted the play of the vanguard and exemplary role of rural party members. Some party members said frankly: "In the past, when conducting evaluation, everyone was a good man and put forward a suggestion and ticked off. Now it is real, and the points show up, which makes the party look disgraceful and affects the image of the party".

Fourth, we have verified the style of cadres. By improving the evaluation mechanism, rural cadres have records, scores and evaluations of their daily actions and words, how well their work is carried out, how well their services are handled and how well they play their roles. They rely on action scores, data to speak, and listen to the public's evaluation. In particular, the party organization regularly highlights the ranking of points, forcing them to self examine, self pressure, and catch up, It has reversed the situation that rural cadres did more than they did and did worse. Many people report that there are fewer rural cadres working in government offices, more entering villages and households, less loafing around, more doing solid work, and a better style of work.

Fifth, the distance between the cadres and the masses was shortened. By strengthening the assessment, the implementation of the village office, shift duty, "double guarantee and one visit" responsibility system and the "four handling" work method has also been vigorously promoted. At present, 74% of the township forces in the county have sunk to the front line, and more than 3300 rural cadres have contracted village households, visited the people, and assisted in handling civil affairs, so that the people really feel that the grass-roots party organizations are the strong backing for them to become rich and go to a well-off society, Cadres are intimate people who solve their difficulties. They feel that their difficulties are helped, their opinions are listened to, their affairs are handled, and their problems are understood, so they are more willing to speak their heart and heart to the cadres. The relationship between the party, the masses, cadres, and the masses is more harmonious, ensuring the smooth progress of all work.

4、 Reflection and enlightenment

First, the implementation of the "three indexes" evaluation must be "anti floating and realistic" in the overall service situation. Practice has proved that evaluation leads the work "direction" to a large extent. The evaluation mechanism of "three indexes" should focus on stimulating the vitality of grass-roots party organizations and party members, promoting poverty alleviation and rural economic and social development, especially at present, where the "horn" of strict Party governance is blowing, where the focus of grass-roots party building services to ensure poverty alleviation, and the "three indexes" The key points of the appraisal work should be followed up. Through scientific and fair evaluation, we should guide rural grass-roots party organizations and the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen their sense of service, change their work style, focus on the needs of poverty alleviation and the needs of the farmers, and adhere to the principle of hard work, take the initiative to act actively, and compete with each other to catch up with and surpass others in various work, such as public visits, policy publicity, paired assistance, promoting rural income, solving problems and promoting targeted poverty alleviation.

The second is to implement the "three indexes" assessment, which must be based on the "false and realistic". Scientific evaluation indicators are an important guarantee to promote the effectiveness of evaluation work. According to the characteristics of different periods of development, different geographical regions, different types of organizations and different party members and cadres, we should promote activities such as the promotion and upgrading of party organizations and the commitment of party members by combining the normalization and institutionalization of learning and education of "two learning and one doing", the project of "acting as agents in villages, strengthening the foundation for the people", the project of "connecting the party with the masses", and the activities of "building a fortress for poverty alleviation and becoming a pioneer for wealth", Set up "differentiated" evaluation indicators, achieve both scientific design and careful operation, both strict in law and simple in practice, and strive to change concepts into facts, abstract into concrete, qualitative into quantitative, to ensure that the "three indicators" evaluation work is carried out in a coordinated manner, with simultaneous efforts in the same direction, with the same frequency and in the same place. We should pay attention to the role of evaluation in "physical examination", give more prominence to process management, give full play to the role of organization departments and township party building offices, and collect evaluation information as widely as possible, so that evaluation can not only effectively promote the implementation of work, but also accurately evaluate the performance and team vitality at the grass-roots level, and ensure that the evaluation process and results are objective and fair.

Third, the implementation of the "three indexes" assessment must be strict in the implementation of the system. The vitality of the system lies in the implementation. No matter how good the system is, it will certainly form a "broken window effect". We should earnestly strengthen the organizational leadership and business guidance for the evaluation of the "three indexes", strictly follow the prescribed procedures, persevere in the evaluation work, and resolutely prevent formality and gust of wind. We should explore innovative forms of evaluation, guarantee the right of Party members and the masses to know, expand the participation of Party members and the masses, and ensure that the examination is accurate and the performance of Party organizations and Party cadres is verified. In combination with the situation and work needs, we should introduce new media and new means, reform and improve the evaluation system in a timely manner, actively explore the evaluation forms and long-term mechanisms that are easy to operate, easy for party members to participate, can be recognized by the masses, and can reflect the effect, so that the evaluation methods and procedures are more scientific and simple, more contemporary, open and flexible, and constantly enhance the actual effect of the evaluation work.

Fourth, the implementation of the "three indexes" evaluation must be guided by "deviation prevention and correction". Evaluation is a means, and the correct and effective use of evaluation results is the key to the role of evaluation, which is largely related to the vitality of evaluation. To this end, we must strengthen the application of the "three indexes" evaluation results, establish a clear direction of "rewarding the good and punishing the bad, rewarding the diligent and punishing the lazy", and directly link the evaluation results with the assessment of grass-roots party building goals, the assessment and inspection of cadres, the democratic evaluation of party members, material rewards, the selection of the best, promotion and appointment. The heavy award will be given, the bold use of the reuse, and the firm punishment of the punishment, The serious accountability of this accountability makes the evaluation of the "three indexes" truly become the "baton", "vane" and "measurement". At the same time, we will pay more attention to integrating assessment into daily management work, and implement strict requirements into daily work, into every daily work, into every grass-roots party organization and every party member and cadre, so that pressure can be transferred layer by layer, responsibility can be implemented layer by layer, work can be done at all levels, and all levels can be connected and rooted, It forces grass-roots Party organizations and Party members and cadres to concentrate on their work and entrepreneurship, and promotes the institutionalization and normalization of strict management and supervision.

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Yan Yan)
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