CPC News Network >> party building >> The fifth national collection of typical cases of grass-roots party building innovation

Shuangqiao Street, Hanjiang District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province: integrated development, regional resonance, drawing the original heart of the Red Alliance

Shuangqiao Sub district Working Committee of Hanjiang District, Yangzhou City

10:13, October 14, 2019 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

Shuangqiao is the core area of Yangzhou, with nearly 90000 people living on 7.4 square kilometers of land. Business circles, state-owned enterprises, finance, public institutions, maker groups, social organizations and other diversified units are clustered here. The rapid development of nearly 20 years has enabled Shuangqiao to continuously improve, transform, break through and integrate. In 2018, the Red League for Party building came into being. It connected the regional party building service system with the red heart to heart bridge, reshaped the common value pursuit of different fields, industries and people, and echoed the new vision of urban party building, Constantly explore new paths and methods for the integrated development of grass-roots party building and social governance.

1、 Background and causes

With the vigorous development of urbanization and market economy, in the Shuangqiao area, a large number of social people, unit people, entrepreneurs, business circle people, retirees and other groups have become the most basic units of community life. In the narrow local areas of the city, all kinds of people "live together", adding to the difficulty of education and management for the most basic social governance, Effective integrated governance has become an urgent need. The original basic party building management can no longer meet the actual needs, resulting in the lack of cohesion and sense of belonging of multiple groups in the community. This has also become a new topic for the integration and development of grass-roots party building and social governance, and has gradually formed the soil for the development of regional party building integration.

In 2018, the exploration of the regional party building Red League made our grass-roots party building feel the benefits of innovation. Groups and units in different fields came together under the guidance of party building for the common goal. At the beginning, although there was a sense of looseness, the overall synergy has begun to take shape. The substantive regional governance model of party building has been quietly formed, and various groups All kinds of units have gradually become accustomed to "holding together for warmth", and the integrated development of party building has become a "new fashion".

2、 Exploration and Practice

1. From the object to the subject, what remains unchanged is the original intention of the party building service.

No matter how the times change, no matter how the affairs change, the original intention of our party building service has never changed. From the perspective of ideology, from the objective to the dominant, "improving ideological understanding and laying a solid foundation for work" was the main theme of the past party building work, which also reflects the passivity of ideology. Therefore, active service, active innovation and active thinking have become the endogenous driving force for the vigorous development of regional party building, Eliminating the passive factors in ideology, actively responding to the needs of society, residents and development, and changing the service consciousness are also compulsory courses on our original path, so the party building Red League has become the leader of this period in urban areas. In the face of reality, the original intention of grass-roots party members has never changed, from customers to owners in action. All kinds of new party mass service centers have entered communities, business circles, buildings, maker centers, and associations. This has also become the basic driving force for the Party to build the Red League. The seven "heart to heart bridge" party branches have also become linkage links in different fields Different groups play an electric conduction role, providing a basic carrier for various types of chemical reactions within the Red League of Party building, and fully reflecting the main position and leading attribute of the Party organization in social governance. Therefore, the innovative exploration of the Red League of Party building has proposed a new attempt for the transformation and development of grass-roots party building work, effectively mobilizing the participation of party members in the region.

2. From outside to inside, what remains unchanged is the inheritance of red genes.

Today, the concept of urban home has been more easily accepted by the masses. On the whole, walking in the city changes scenery. In addition to the traditional cultural landscape, our city has added a large number of "pocket" parks, which allows our residents to go out of their homes to give more choices, and also allows residents to shift their eyes from "home" to "community home" and "city home", Among them, the Red League for Party building actively integrates into urban homes. In the park system, it has built an open service point for Party building. More red elements have come into the sight of residents, allowing more "family members" to stop and feel the thick and red charm of the city. At the same time, more and more unit Party organizations are more willing to go into the service point for zero distance interaction with residents. From the perspective of details, the services provided by the Red League for Party building tend to be more embedded and detailed, which is different from the hard and rigid indoctrination in the past. We tend to let the masses accept and feel imperceptibly, and eliminate resistance from the source. For example, we change the form of activities, and hold various types of reading sharing meetings and project promotion meetings in business circles, communities, associations and buildings, Let the masses feel the past, present and future of the Party building service in an open form, and what is the advancement of the Party organization and the spiritual character of the Communist Party members of "loyalty, strength, responsibility, innovation, progress and vitality". From the perspective of effect, there was a lot of "shyness" in the past party building services. Grass roots party members and cadres had a strong sense of "passivity" when carrying out services. Now, the Red League pays more attention to affinity and integration, because the change of concept is more important for social governance and community governance. So far, the number of member units in the Red League has reached 70, and there are more than 50 party organizations in total, It serves tens of thousands of people, and there are various forms of open organizational life here every day. We always believe that governance starts from communication.

3. From the three lists to project operation, what remains unchanged is the pursuit of mutual benefit and win-win results.

In the regional party masses service center, the Party building Red Alliance studio plays a pivotal role. A map of party building indicates various party building resources and Red Alliance units in the region. With the overall planning function of the studio, various resources can be reasonably allocated, various needs can be reasonably met, and various projects can be reasonably implemented. Under the vision of "four couplets and four modernizations" of regional party building, In the process of using resources, meeting needs and sharing achievements, one after another Red Heart Connecting Bridge projects came into being. First, the list of services for the people. The main energy of the grass-roots party building work is to serve the people and facilitate the people, which is the basic indicator of the party building work, and is also the intuitive embodiment of "soft power". Since the establishment of the Red League, the function of "concentric circle" has been constantly enlarged, "Red League Council", "Wawa River Chief", "Red Housekeeper", "Little Migratory Bird" Such fresh examples confirm that the Red Alliance effect is affecting thousands of families. The second is the list of party building resources. The rapid development of the party building Red League can not be separated from the heavy resource support. 70 Red League units, such as Yangzhou University, Youke Workshop, Oriental Hospital, Yangfan Studio, Zhejiang Merchants Bank, have become unit resources into the Red League list. Through "contractual co construction" and "two-way service", they have really made each other closer and closer. Third, the list of Red League activities. In the past, most of the party building activities were "solo singing" in the streets and communities. Now, the party building activities are more diversified. Red League units actively participate in the activities, and the contents of the activities are more abundant. In May this year, we completed the first "Red League Good Neighbourhood Cultural Festival". Red League members and community members formed a team together, referring to the "running male" model, and changed the past polite contact The embarrassing situation of emotional maintenance. Breaking the regional boundaries, hierarchical barriers, and industrial barriers will not try any empty words. Because of the connection of Red Alliances, regional co construction is no longer a formal "addition", and everyone has turned to a beautiful reality to draw the most beautiful regional concentric circles.

4. From tradition to informatization, what remains unchanged is the exploration of refined management of party building.

Where the network develops, the party building work will cover. In order to steadily promote the Party's organization and work coverage, an online "Smart Red Alliance" platform has been added in the system of Party building Red Alliance, to implement "online navigation" for regional Party building, better give play to the political and organizational advantages of the Party organization, and better "navigation" of Red Alliance units. In July 2019, the "Smart Red Alliance" was officially launched, with 6 sections and 13 functions, realizing online interaction of party building work, online linkage of party building projects, and online flow of party building resources. Through mode iteration, "collective joint efforts" are used to supplement "individual micro efforts", and three functions of resource pool, demand sheet and project bridge are set up in the "Red League Service Hall" to "expose" the superior resources of each Red League unit, realize the scientific use and systematic distribution of party building resources in the region by the grass-roots party committee, effectively avoid the waste of party building resources, and provide "circle linkage" for the party building Red League, It has provided enough "stamina" for the sustainable and healthy development of grass-roots party building. Through service upgrading, "online navigation" is used to replace "offline maze". For a long time, the development of grass-roots party organizations has been limited to "within the wall". In addition, the restrictions of regional barriers have led to bottlenecks in the sustainable development of individual party organizations. The use of "Smart Red Alliance" has largely solved the difficulties of party organizations in project promotion and brand building, Use platform functions to conduct "online navigation" for grass-roots party organizations. For example, the "Red Alliance Circle" has been put into use, making "one-to-one" and "one to many" cross regional cooperation a reality. All types of party organizations communicate online and communicate online. Through conceptual innovation, with the "Red Alliance Symphony" and the "Unit Solo", since the Red Alliance was run for more than a year, more and more party organizations have organically combined organizational learning, brand interaction, resource superposition and point exchange under the "navigation" of the Red Alliance, and all party organization activities can generate points, Party members from different units can score online as long as they participate in activities of Red League units. The "unit solo" in the past has gradually become the note of "Red League Symphony". In the future, the "Smart Red Alliance" will become the "distribution platform" of party building resources, the "intercommunication platform" of information exchange, and the "display platform" of social governance. It is a comprehensive service body of grass-roots party building.

3、 Thinking and enlightenment

The regional party building of Shuangqiao takes the party building Red League as the link, and constantly gathers the "greatest common denominator" of the interests and demands of all parties, such as units, industries, and groups not affiliated to it. Under the leadership of the party building, work integration, emotional integration, demand integration, and interest integration are realized.

1. Continue to improve the utilization rate and scientific distribution of party building resources. The potential of the Red League for Party building is unlimited, with many members and relatively complex resources. Next, under the concept of "regional overall planning and intensive sharing", we will refine the demand, refine the project, and brighten the platform, so that resources within the Red League can be fully "flowing" and "shared", and promote the movement from "within the wall" of each organization to "outside the wall".

2. Continue to improve the new popularity and new strength of the Red Alliance. It is not easy to build the Red League at the beginning and strengthen it. The next step is to further improve the function and performance of the Red League, so that the Red League can continue to make efforts in regional party building, expand the "circle of friends" of party building to the level of social governance, and further integrate and develop with party building services and convenience services.

3. Continue to improve the regional linkage and regional expansion of the party building mechanism. The party building working mechanism of "four federations and four modernizations" has been recognized by everyone. It has achieved practical exploration, further standardized organizational settings, resource sharing, interest driven and incentive assessment, and has become the "driving shaft" of the party building Red Alliance. How to continuously amplify the "symphonic effect" of the party building Red Alliance will become the new goal of the party building Red Alliance.

(Editor in charge: Qiao Yeqiong, Qin Hua)
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