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Part I General Provisions
Chapter I General Requirements and Scope of Application
Chapter II Disciplinary Violations and Disciplinary Actions
Chapter III Rules for the Application of Disciplinary Actions
Chapter IV Disciplinary Sanctions Against Party Members Who Violate Laws and Commit Crimes
Chapter V Other Provisions
Part II Specific Provisions
Chapter VI Penalties for Violations of Political Discipline
Chapter VII Sanctions for Violations of Organizational Discipline
Chapter VIII Punishment for Violation of Integrity Discipline
Chapter IX Punishment for Violation of Mass Discipline
Chapter X Punishment for Violation of Work Discipline
Chapter XI Punishment for Violation of Life Discipline
Part III Supplementary Provisions

Copyright Information

Editor's Note

11:54 / 14:12
  • Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China in order to maintain the Party Constitution and other intra party laws and regulations, enforce Party discipline, purify the Party organization, safeguard the democratic rights of Party members, educate Party members to abide by discipline and laws, safeguard the unity of the Party, and ensure the implementation of the Party's theories, lines, guidelines, policies, resolutions, and national laws and regulations.

    Article 2 The Party's discipline building must adhere to the guidance of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party, and resolutely safeguard the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping in the Party Central Committee and the whole Party, We must firmly uphold the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, carry forward the great spirit of Party building, adhere to self revolution, implement the strategic principle of comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline, implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era, promote the solution of the unique problems of big parties, improve the system of comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline, and comprehensively strengthen the discipline building of the Party, To provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization.

    Article 3 The Party Constitution is the most fundamental law within the Party and the general rule of governing the Party. Party discipline is a rule of conduct that must be observed by Party organizations at all levels and all Party members. Party organizations and members must adhere to their original mission, firmly establish a political awareness, a sense of the overall situation, a sense of the core, and a sense of alignment, always be confident in the path, theory, system, and culture, earnestly practice the correct concept of power, political performance, and career, consciously abide by and maintain the Party Constitution, strictly implement and maintain the Party's discipline, and consciously accept the Party's discipline constraints, Model compliance with national laws and regulations.

    Article 4 The Party's disciplinary work shall follow the following principles:

    (1) Adhere to the principle that the Party should manage the Party and strictly govern the Party in an all-round way. We should stick to the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere for a long time, strengthen the education, management and supervision of Party organizations at all levels and all Party members, put discipline in the front, grasp the early stage and the small stage, and guard against small things.

    (2) All are equal before party discipline. Party organizations and members who violate Party discipline must strictly and impartially enforce discipline, and no Party organization or member is allowed to exist in the Party that is not subject to discipline.

    (3) Seek truth from facts. For violations of Party discipline by Party organizations and Party members, we should take the facts as the basis, take the Party Constitution, other intra Party regulations and national laws and regulations as the criterion, enforce discipline and law, accurately identify the nature of the behavior, distinguish different situations, and properly deal with them.

    (4) Democratic centralism. The implementation of Party discipline punishment shall be decided by the Party organization through collective discussion in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and no individual or minority is allowed to decide and approve without authorization. Party organizations at lower levels must implement decisions made by higher level Party organizations to deal with Party organizations and Party members who violate Party discipline.

    (5) Learn from the past to avoid the future, and cure the disease to save the patient. When dealing with Party organizations and Party members who violate Party discipline, we should combine punishment with education, and combine leniency with severity.

    Article 5 Deepen the use of "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, frequently carry out criticism and self-criticism, timely conduct conversation reminding, criticism education, order inspection, admonition, and make "red faced, sweating" become the norm; The majority of punishment for violation of Party discipline is light punishment and organizational adjustment; The number of Party discipline heavy punishment and major post adjustment is in the minority; Serious violations of discipline are suspected of committing crimes and criminal responsibility is extremely rare.

    Article 6 These Regulations are applicable to Party organizations and members who violate Party discipline and should be investigated for their responsibilities.

  • Article 7 Party organizations and members who violate the Party Constitution and other intra Party laws and regulations, violate national laws and regulations, violate Party and national policies, violate socialist morality, and jeopardize the interests of the Party, the country, and the people, and who should be given disciplinary treatment or punishment according to regulations, must be investigated.

    We will focus on investigating and dealing with corruption cases that have not converged or stopped since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the clues to problems are concentrated, the people are strongly concerned, political and economic problems are intertwined, and the spirit of the eight point central provisions is violated.

    Article 8 Types of disciplinary actions against Party members:

    (1) Warning;

    (2) Serious warning;

    (3) Dismiss Party posts;

    (4) Stay in the Party for inspection;

    (5) Dismissal from the Party.

    Article 9 Party organizations at higher levels shall be ordered to make a written inspection or to circulate a notice of criticism against party organizations that violate party discipline. For Party organizations that seriously violate Party discipline and cannot be corrected by themselves, the Party committee at the next higher level, after investigation and verification, may, according to the seriousness of the circumstances, give:

    (1) Reorganization;

    (2) Dissolution.

    Article 10 Party members shall not be promoted or further used within the Party within one year after being given a warning, or within one and a half years after being given a serious warning, nor shall they be recommended to non Party organizations for non Party posts higher than their original posts or further used.

    Article 11 The punishment of removing a member from his or her post within the Party refers to the removal of a member from his or her post within the Party elected or appointed by an organization within the Party. For those who hold two or more posts in the Party, the Party organization shall, when making a decision on punishment, make it clear whether to remove them from all their posts or one or more posts. If you decide to remove one of their positions, you must remove the highest position they hold. If you decide to remove more than two positions, you must remove them from the highest position. For those who hold positions in non Party organizations, it should be suggested that non Party organizations remove their non Party positions.

    If a party member who is removed from his post due to suspected violation of Party discipline during the case filing review should be given the punishment of removing his post within the Party according to the provisions of these Regulations after the review, he should be given the punishment of removing his post within the Party according to his original post. If a person should be punished by removing his post from the Party, but he does not hold a post in the Party, he shall be given a serious warning. At the same time, those who hold positions in non Party organizations should be advised to remove their non Party positions.

    If a party member is punished by being removed from his post within the Party or by being severely warned in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, he shall not hold a post within the Party or recommend to non Party organizations to hold a post equivalent to or higher than his original post within two years.

    Article 12 The punishment of staying in the Party for inspection can be divided into one year and two years. If a party member who has been detained for one year for observation and punishment still fails to meet the conditions for restoring the rights of a party member after the expiration of the period, the period of one year for observation and punishment shall be extended. The maximum period of observation in the Party shall not exceed two years.

    During the period when a Party member is detained for observation and punishment, he has no right to vote, vote or stand for election. If he shows true repentance during his stay in the Party for inspection, his rights as a member shall be restored after the expiration of the period; Those who persist in not changing or find other violations that should be punished by Party discipline shall be expelled from the Party.

    When a Party member is detained for observation, his post within the Party will be automatically removed. For those holding non Party posts, non Party organizations should be advised to remove their non Party posts. A Party member who has been detained for observation and punishment in the Party shall not, within two years after the restoration of the rights of a Party member, hold a post within the Party or recommend to non Party organizations a post equivalent to or higher than his original post.

    Article 13 When a party member is expelled from the Party, he or she may not re join the Party within five years, nor may he or she be recommended for a non Party post equivalent to or higher than his or her original post. If there are other provisions that prohibit re joining the Party, such provisions shall apply.

    Article 14 If a party member cadre is subject to party discipline punishment and needs to be dealt with at the same time, the party organization shall deal with it in accordance with the provisions.

    If a deputy to a Party congress at any level is punished by staying in the Party for observation or above, the Party organization shall terminate his qualification as a representative.

    Article 15 Members of the leading bodies of the Party organizations who have been reorganized shall be removed from their posts naturally, except those who should be removed from their posts within the Party or above.

    Article 16 The members of the Party organizations that have been disbanded shall be examined one by one. Among them, those who meet the requirements of Party members shall be re registered and participate in new organizations to lead Party life; Those who do not meet the requirements of Party members shall be educated and corrected within a time limit. Those who still do not change after education shall be discouraged or expelled; Those who violate discipline shall be investigated in accordance with regulations.

  • Article 17 Under any of the following circumstances, a lighter or mitigated punishment may be given:

    (1) Take the initiative to explain the problem that he should be punished by the Party discipline;

    (2) Be able to cooperate with the verification and review work and truthfully explain the facts of violation of discipline and laws in the process of organizing conversation, letter inquiry, preliminary verification and case filing review;

    (3) The problem that the accuser or other persons should be subject to party discipline punishment or legal investigation is verified, or they have other meritorious performance;

    (4) Actively recover losses, eliminate adverse effects or effectively prevent the occurrence of hazardous results;

    (5) Take the initiative to hand in or refund the disciplinary gains;

    (6) Other circumstances of lighter or mitigated punishment as stipulated in the Party regulations.

    Article 18 According to the special circumstances of the case, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall decide or the provincial (ministerial) level commission for discipline inspection (excluding the sub provincial municipal commission for discipline inspection) shall decide and submit it to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for approval. Party members who violate discipline may also be given a mitigated punishment beyond the range of punishment prescribed in these Regulations.

    Article 19 Party members who violate Party discipline shall be given a warning or a serious warning. However, if they have one of the circumstances specified in Article 17 of these Regulations or otherwise specified in the specific provisions of these Regulations, they may be criticized and educated, ordered to inspect, admonished or organized to deal with, and may be exempted from Party discipline punishment. A written conclusion shall be drawn on the exemption from punishment of a party member who violates discipline.

    If a party member has any indication or tendentiousness in his work style and discipline, or the violation of party discipline is minor, he may be reminded in conversation, criticized and educated, ordered to check, or admonished, and not given party discipline punishment.

    Party discipline responsibilities shall not be investigated if a party member's behavior causes losses or consequences, but is caused not by intention or negligence, but by force majeure and other reasons.

    Article 20 In any of the following circumstances, a heavier or aggravated punishment shall be given:

    (1) Forcing or instigating others to violate discipline;

    (2) Refusal to hand in or refund of disciplinary gains;

    (3) After being punished for violation of discipline, he should be punished by the Party discipline for intentional violation of discipline;

    (4) After being punished for violating discipline, it is found that he has not explained other problems that should be punished by Party discipline before being punished;

    (5) Other serious or aggravated punishments as stipulated by the Party laws and regulations.

    Article 21 If a party member is subject to a party disciplinary sanction within the period of impact of the party disciplinary sanction, the period of impact is the sum of the period of impact of the original sanction that has not yet been implemented and the period of impact of the new sanction.

    Article 22 The term "lighter punishment" refers to a lesser punishment within the range of punishment that should be given to violations of discipline as stipulated in these Regulations.

    A heavier punishment refers to a heavier punishment within the range of punishment that should be given to violations of discipline as stipulated in these Regulations.

    Article 23 A mitigated punishment refers to a punishment that is one notch less severe than the punishment that should be imposed on a disciplinary offence as prescribed in these Regulations.

    "Aggravated punishment" refers to a punishment that is more than the range of punishment that should be imposed on violations of discipline as stipulated in these Regulations.

    The provisions of this Regulation only provide for the punishment of one grade of disciplinary violations by expelling the Party membership, and the provisions of the first paragraph on mitigating punishment shall not apply.

    Article 24 A person who has two or more violations of discipline that should be punished by the Party discipline according to the provisions of these Regulations shall be dealt with together, and the punishment shall be increased by one file according to the highest punishment that should be received for several violations of discipline; If one of the violations of discipline should be punished by expulsion from the Party, it shall be punished by expulsion from the Party.

    Article 25 If one disciplinary violation violates two or more provisions of these Regulations at the same time, it shall be qualitatively dealt with in accordance with the provisions of heavier punishment.

    The constitutive elements of discipline violation stipulated in one article are all included in the constitutive elements of discipline violation stipulated in another article. If the special provisions are inconsistent with the general provisions, the special provisions shall apply.

    Article 26 If two or more persons jointly violate discipline intentionally, the leader shall be given a heavier punishment, except as otherwise provided in these Regulations; Other members shall be punished respectively according to their roles and responsibilities in joint disciplinary violations.

    Those who jointly violate discipline in economic aspects shall be punished according to the amount of individual participation and their role. The person who is the leader of a joint violation of discipline, if the circumstances are serious, shall be punished according to the total amount of joint violations of discipline.

    Those who instigate others to violate discipline shall be investigated for Party discipline responsibility according to their role in joint violations of discipline.

    Article 27 If the leading organ of the Party organization collectively makes a decision or commits other acts violating Party discipline, members with common intentions shall be punished as joint violations of Party discipline; Members who negligently violate discipline shall be punished according to their respective roles and responsibilities in collective violation of discipline.

  • Article 28 Party members who break the law and commit crimes shall be given party discipline punishment according to the provisions, so as to achieve the organic integration of applicable discipline and applicable law, and match the party discipline and government affairs.

    Article 29 If the Party organization finds in the discipline review that a Party member is suspected of committing crimes in violation of laws, such as corruption, bribery, abuse of power, dereliction of duty, rent-seeking of power, transfer of interests, malpractice for personal gain, waste of state assets, etc., it shall be punished by removing the post within the Party, retaining the Party for inspection or expelling the Party membership.

    Article 30 If the Party organization discovers in the discipline review that a Party member has committed an act specified in the Criminal Law, which does not constitute a crime but requires investigation of Party discipline responsibility, or has other illegal acts that undermine the order of the socialist market economy, violate the administration of public security, and damage the interests of the Party, the country, and the people, it shall, depending on the specific circumstances, give a warning or even expel from Party membership.

    Those who violate the national financial discipline and commit illegal acts in financial activities such as public fund revenue and expenditure, tax management, state-owned assets management, government procurement management, financial management and financial accounting management shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Party members who have lost their membership by whoring or taking or injecting drugs, which has seriously damaged the image of the Party, shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 31 If the Party organization finds that a Party member seriously violates discipline and is suspected of breaking laws and committing crimes during discipline review, it shall, in principle, first make a decision on Party discipline punishment, and then transfer it to the relevant state organ for handling in accordance with the law after the supervisory organ or the appointment and removal organ (unit) has given it administrative punishment in accordance with the provisions.

    Article 32 If a party member is detained or arrested according to law, the party organization shall suspend his voting rights, voting rights, right to stand for election and other party members' rights in accordance with the administrative authority. If the Party members' rights can be restored according to the handling results of the supervisory and judicial organs, they shall be restored in a timely manner.

    Article 33 If a party member commits a minor crime and the People's Procuratorate decides not to prosecute according to law, or the People's Court decides to be guilty according to law and is exempted from criminal punishment, he shall be given the punishment of removing his post in the Party, staying in the Party for inspection or being expelled from the Party.

    If a party member commits a crime and receives a fine, he shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 34 A party member who commits a crime shall be expelled from the Party in any of the following circumstances:

    (1) Being sentenced to the main punishment specified in the criminal law (including the declaration of probation) for intentional crime;

    (2) Being deprived of political rights unilaterally or additionally;

    (3) For negligent crime, he is sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years (not including three years) according to law.

    Those who are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or sentenced to public surveillance or criminal detention for negligent crimes shall generally be expelled from the Party. For individual members who may not be expelled from the Party, they shall report to the Party organization at the next higher level for approval in accordance with the provisions on the limits of authority for approving the punishment of party members who violate discipline.

    Article 35 If a party member is investigated for criminal responsibility according to law, the party organization shall, according to the effective judgments, rulings and decisions of the judicial organs and the facts, nature and circumstances recognized by them, impose party discipline sanctions in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. If a party member is a public official, the supervisory organ shall impose corresponding administrative sanctions or the appointment and removal organ (unit) shall impose corresponding sanctions.

    If a party member is subject to administrative punishment, or punishment or administrative punishment given by the appointment and removal organ (unit) according to law, and should be investigated for party discipline responsibility, the party organization may, according to the facts, nature and circumstances identified in the effective punishment and administrative punishment decision, give the corresponding party discipline punishment or organizational treatment according to the provisions after verification. Among them, if a party member is subject to a punishment of being removed from office or above according to law, he shall be given a punishment of being removed from office or above within the Party in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

    If a party member violates national laws and regulations, the rules and regulations of enterprises, institutions or other social organizations and is subject to other sanctions, and should be investigated for party discipline responsibility, the party organization shall, after verifying the facts, nature and circumstances identified by the relevant parties, give the corresponding party discipline punishment or organization treatment in accordance with the provisions.

    After the party organization makes the party discipline punishment or organization handling decision, if the supervisory organ, judicial organ, administrative organ, etc. change the original effective judgment, ruling, decision, etc. in accordance with the law, which has an impact on the original party discipline punishment or organization handling decision, the party organization shall make a new corresponding treatment according to the changed effective judgment, ruling, decision, etc.

  • Article 36 If a probationary party member violates Party discipline and the circumstances are relatively minor, and can retain the qualification of a probationary party member, the Party organization shall criticize and educate him or extend the probationary period; If the circumstances are relatively serious, their qualifications as probationary party members shall be revoked.

    Article 37 Party members whose whereabouts are unknown after violating discipline shall be dealt with according to different circumstances:

    (1) If a party member commits a serious disciplinary offence and should be expelled from the Party, the Party organization should make a decision to expel him from the Party;

    (2) Except for the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph, if the whereabouts of a person are unknown for more than six months, the Party organization shall remove him from the list in accordance with the provisions of the Party Constitution.

    Article 38 If a party member who violates discipline dies before the party organization makes a decision on punishment, or finds that he has committed serious violations of discipline after his death, he shall be expelled from the Party if he should be given a disciplinary sanction; For those who should be given the following punishment of staying in the Party for inspection, a written conclusion and corresponding punishment should be made for violating the Party discipline.

    Article 39 Division of persons responsible for disciplinary violations:

    (1) The term "directly responsible person" refers to a party member or leading cadre of a party member who, within the scope of his or her duties, fails to perform or incorrectly performs his or her duties, and plays a decisive role in causing losses or consequences;

    (2) The main leading responsible persons refer to the leading cadres of the Party members who, within the scope of their duties, fail to perform or incorrectly perform their duties in charge of the work and are directly responsible for the losses or consequences caused;

    (3) Important leaders refer to the leading cadres of the Party members who, within the scope of their duties, fail to perform or incorrectly perform their duties in the work they are in charge of or participate in the decision to do, and who bear secondary leadership responsibility for the losses or consequences caused.

    The term "leading responsible persons" as mentioned in these Regulations includes the main leading responsible persons and the important leading responsible persons.

    Article 40 The term "voluntary disclosure" as mentioned in these Regulations means that a party member suspected of violating discipline should disclose his own problems to the relevant organization before organizing a talk letter inquiry and preliminary verification, or disclose problems that the organization has not mastered during the talk letter inquiry, preliminary verification and case filing review.

    Article 41 If a Party member cadre who holds a rank or a separate rank sequence is punished for violating Party discipline, and it is necessary to adjust his rank or a separate rank sequence, the provisions of these Regulations on non Party posts shall apply.

    Article 42 When calculating economic losses, all the property losses actually caused at the time of filing shall be calculated, including various expenses and expenses paid to recover the losses caused by disciplinary violations. The economic losses sustained from the filing of the case to the disposal of the case shall be counted together.

    Article 43 Economic benefits obtained from disciplinary violations shall be confiscated or refunded or compensated. The disciplinary gains and compensation for economic losses voluntarily handed over shall be accepted and confiscated or returned to the relevant units and individuals in accordance with regulations.

    With respect to the position, rank, title, educational background, academic degree, award, qualification and other benefits obtained from disciplinary violations, the discipline inspection authority handling the case or its superior discipline inspection authority shall recommend the relevant organizations, departments and units to correct in accordance with the provisions.

    Party members who are dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Articles 37 and 38 of these Regulations shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this Article if it is confirmed through investigation that they have obtained benefits from disciplinary violations.

    Article 44 After the decision of party discipline punishment is made, it shall be announced to all the party members in the grass-roots organization of the party to which the party member subject to punishment belongs and himself/herself within one month. If he/she is a member of the leading group, he/she shall also be announced to the leading group of the party organization to which he/she belongs, and the materials of the punishment decision shall be included in the file of the person subject to punishment according to the cadre's management authority and organizational relationship; For those who are punished by the removal of their posts or above within the Party, they shall also go through the corresponding change procedures of their posts, salaries, jobs and other relevant benefits within one month; If it involves the removal or adjustment of their non Party posts, they shall suggest non Party organizations to remove or adjust their non Party posts in a timely manner. Under special circumstances, with the approval of the organization that made or approved the decision to make the sanction, the time limit for handling may be appropriately extended. The longest processing period shall not exceed six months.

    Article 45 The organ that executes the decision on party discipline punishment or the unit to which the party member subject to punishment belongs shall report the implementation of the decision on punishment to the organ that made or approved the decision on punishment within six months.

    If a party member refuses to accept the party discipline punishment he has received, he may appeal in accordance with the Party Constitution and relevant provisions.

    Article 46 If a Party member is punished for violating Party discipline, the Party organization does not need to cancel the punishment after the expiration of the period of influence.

    Article 47 The terms "above" and "below" mentioned in these Regulations include the number of the same level and number, unless otherwise indicated.

    Article 48 The general provisions of these Regulations are applicable to other inner-party laws and regulations with provisions on party discipline punishment, except for those with special provisions in other inner-party laws and regulations issued or approved to be issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

  • Article 49 If they are not consistent with the Central Committee of the Party on major issues of principle and have actual words or actions or cause adverse consequences, they shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 50 Those who publicly publish articles, speeches, declarations and statements that adhere to the bourgeois liberalization position, oppose the four basic principles and oppose the reform and opening up decisions of the Party through the Internet, radio, television, newspapers, magazines, leaflets, books, etc., or by means of lectures, forums, seminars, symposiums, etc., will be expelled from the Party.

    In case of publishing, broadcasting, publishing or publishing the articles, speeches, declarations, statements, etc. listed in the preceding paragraph, or providing convenient conditions for the above-mentioned acts, the persons directly responsible and the leaders responsible shall be given a serious warning or be dismissed from their posts within the Party; If the circumstances are serious, the party shall be detained for inspection or expelled from the party.

    Article 51 If anyone commits one of the following acts through the network, radio, television, newspapers, leaflets, books, etc., or by means of lectures, forums, seminars, symposiums, etc., and the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Publicly publish articles, speeches, declarations, statements, etc. that violate the Four Cardinal Principles, violate or distort the Party's reform and opening up decisions, or have serious political problems;

    (2) Deliberate on the major policies of the Party Central Committee and undermine the Party's centralization and unity;

    (3) Defacing the image of the Party and the country, or slandering or slandering the leaders and heroes of the Party and the country, or distorting the history of the Party, the People's Republic of China, and the people's army.

    In case of publishing, broadcasting, publishing or publishing the contents listed in the preceding paragraph or providing convenient conditions for the above-mentioned acts, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a serious warning or be dismissed from his post within the Party; If the circumstances are serious, the party shall be detained for inspection or expelled from the party.

    Article 52 Those who produce, sell or disseminate newspapers, periodicals, books, audio-visual products, electronic reading materials, as well as online text, pictures, audio and video materials, which are one of the contents listed in Articles 50 and 51, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who carry, post or deliver newspapers, periodicals, books, audio-visual products, electronic reading materials and other contents listed in Article 50 and Article 51 into or out of the country without authorization, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    If anyone reads, browses or listens to newspapers, periodicals, books, audio-visual products and electronic reading materials, as well as online text, pictures, audio and video materials, which are one of the contents listed in Articles 50 and 51 without permission, and the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a warning, a serious warning or be dismissed from his post in the Party.

    Article 53 Those who organize secret cliques or other activities to split the Party within the Party shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who participate in secret cliques or other activities to split the Party shall be given the punishment of staying in the Party for inspection or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 54 Those who engage in unorganized activities within the Party, such as uniting groups, forming parties for personal gain, forming cliques, political affiliation, cultivating personal power, or gain political capital through activities such as exchanging interests and creating momentum for themselves, shall be given a serious warning or be dismissed from their posts within the Party; If it causes the deterioration of the political ecology of the region, department or unit, it shall be punished by staying in the Party for inspection or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 55 Those who engage in speculation, make friends with political fraudsters or are used by political fraudsters shall be given a serious warning or be dismissed from their posts in the Party; If the circumstances are serious, the party shall be detained for inspection or expelled from the party.

    If he acts as a political fraud, he shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from his post in the Party, staying in the Party for inspection or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 56 Leading cadres of Party members who act on their own in places under their own authority or departments in charge, engage in mountain stronghold doctrine, refuse to implement the major policies set by the Central Committee of the Party, or even engage in another set of policies behind the Central Committee of the Party, will be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for inspection or expelling from the Party.

    If the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party is not carried out, or the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party is not firm, discounts and adaptations have been made, resulting in adverse political effects or serious consequences, a warning or serious warning will be given; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    Those who engage in departmental or local protectionism regardless of the overall situation of the Party and the country shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 57 If the leading cadres of Party members have misplaced views on political achievements, violate the new development concept, deviate from the requirements of high-quality development, and cause great losses to the interests of the Party, the country and the people, they shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who engage in "image projects" and "performance projects" that waste money and labor shall be given heavier or heavier punishment.

    Article 58 Those who are disloyal to the Party, dishonest, duplicitous, deceitful, duplicitous, and have a negative political impact will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 59 Those who make, spread or spread political rumors and undermine the unity of the Party shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who have bad political conduct, falsely accuse anonymously, intentionally frame up or make other rumors, thus causing damage or adverse effects, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 60 Those who make decisions on major policy issues that should be decided by the Central Committee of the Party without authorization and make claims to the outside world shall be given serious warnings or dismissed from their posts within the Party to those who are directly responsible and those who are responsible for leadership; If the circumstances are serious, the party shall be detained for inspection or expelled from the party.

    Article 61 Those who fail to ask for instructions and report major issues to the organization in accordance with relevant regulations, and those who are directly responsible and those who are responsible for leadership, if the circumstances are relatively serious, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 62 Those who interfere with the patrol work or fail to implement the rectification requirements of the patrol work shall be given a warning or a serious warning if the circumstances are minor; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 63 In case of any of the following acts against the review of the organization, a warning or serious warning shall be given; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Colluding with others or forging, destroying, transferring or concealing evidence;

    (2) Prevent others from exposing and providing evidence;

    (3) Shielding the accomplices;

    (4) Providing false information to the organization to cover up the facts;

    (5) Other acts of censorship against the organization.

    Article 64 Those who organize or participate in the assembly, procession, demonstration and other activities of the opposition party's basic theory, basic line, basic strategy or major principles and policies, or organize lectures, forums, reports, symposiums and other ways to oppose the party's basic theory, basic line, basic strategy or major principles and policies, causing serious adverse effects on planners Organizers and key members will be expelled from the Party.

    Other participants or those who support the above activities by providing information, materials, property, venues and other means, if the circumstances are relatively minor, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who are coerced into participation without knowing the truth and show true repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not be punished.

    Those who participate in other assemblies, processions, demonstrations and other activities without the approval of the organization, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 65 Those who organize or participate in organizations aimed at opposing the leadership of the Party, the socialist system or the government shall be expelled from the Party as planners, organizers and key elements.

    Other participants, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 66 Those who organize or participate in guilds or cult organizations shall be expelled from the Party as planners, organizers and key elements.

    Other participants, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Participants who do not know the truth and show true repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not be punished.

    Article 67 Those who are engaged in or participate in provoking and destroying ethnic relations, causing trouble or participating in ethnic separatist activities shall be expelled from the Party as planners, organizers and key elements.

    Other participants, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who are coerced into participation without knowing the truth and show true repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not be punished.

    Those who commit other acts in violation of the Party's and the State's national policies, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 68 Those who organize and use religious activities to oppose the Party's theories, lines, principles, policies and resolutions and undermine national unity shall be expelled from the Party as planners, organizers and key elements.

    Other participants shall be dismissed from their posts within the Party or kept in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who are coerced into participation without knowing the truth and show true repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not be punished.

    Those who commit other acts in violation of the religious policies of the Party and the State, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 69 Party members who believe in religion should strengthen ideological education and ask them to correct within a time limit; If there is still no change after Party organizations help and educate them, they should be advised to quit the Party; Those who refuse to withdraw after persuasion shall be expelled; Those who participate in using religion to incite activities shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 70 If it organizes superstitious activities, it shall be given the punishment of removing its post within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who participate in superstition activities or engage in superstition activities by themselves and cause adverse effects shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Participants who do not know the truth and show true repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not be punished.

    Article 71 Those who organize and use clan forces to confront the Party and the government, hinder the implementation of the Party and the state's principles and policies as well as decision-making and deployment, or undermine the construction of the Party's grass-roots organizations, will be expelled from the Party as planners, organizers and key elements.

    Other participants shall be dismissed from their posts within the Party or kept in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who are coerced into participation without knowing the truth and show true repentance after criticism and education may be exempted from punishment or not be punished.

    Article 72 Those who apply for political asylum in foreign embassies (consulates) or foreign embassies (consulates) in China, or flee to foreign embassies (consulates) or foreign embassies (consulates) in China after violating discipline shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who publish articles, speeches, declarations, statements, etc. of opposition parties and governments outside the country (territory) shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Those who intentionally provide convenient conditions for the above-mentioned acts shall be given the punishment of staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 73 In foreign-related activities, if his words and deeds have a bad political impact and damage the dignity and interests of the Party and the country, he shall be dismissed from his post within the Party or kept in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 74 In case of failing to fulfill the main responsibility and supervision responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, or failing to fulfill the main responsibility and supervision responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, which causes serious damage or serious adverse effects to the Party organization, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 75 Leading cadres of Party members who do not report, boycott, struggle, let go, and engage in unprincipled unity and harmony in violation of political discipline and political rules and other wrong thoughts and behaviors, causing adverse effects, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 76 Those who violate the Party's fine traditions, working practices and other Party rules and regulations and cause adverse effects or serious consequences in politics shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

  • Article 77 Those who violate the principle of democratic centralism and commit one of the following acts shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the following punishment:

    (1) Refusing to implement or arbitrarily changing major decisions made by the Party organization;

    (2) In violation of the rules of procedure, individuals or a small number of people make decisions on major issues;

    (3) Deliberately evading collective decision-making, deciding on major issues, appointment and removal of important cadres, arrangement of important projects and use of large funds;

    (4) Collective violation in the name of collective decision-making.

    Article 78 If the party organization at a lower level refuses to implement or changes the decision of the party organization at a higher level without authorization, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 79 Those who refuse to implement the decisions on distribution, transfer, exchange, etc. of the Party organization shall be given a warning, a serious warning or be dismissed from their posts within the Party.

    Those who refuse to implement the above decisions of the Party organization in special periods or emergencies shall be given the punishment of staying in the Party for inspection or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 80 In the review of Party organization discipline, if a party member who is obligated to testify according to law and regulations refuses to testify or deliberately provides false information, if the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 81 A person who commits one of the following acts, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be given a warning or a serious warning:

    (1) Violation of the provisions on reporting personal related matters and concealment;

    (2) When organizing the interview and letter inquiry, fail to explain the problem to the organization;

    (3) Failing to report as required or failing to report the whereabouts of individuals truthfully;

    (4) Fill in the personal file information truthfully.

    Whoever commits the act specified in the second paragraph of the preceding paragraph and simultaneously provides false information and covers up facts to the organization shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Article 63 of these Regulations.

    Whoever tampers with or forges personal files shall be given a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Those who conceal serious mistakes before joining the Party shall generally be expelled; Those who have joined the Party for many years and consistently performed well, or made outstanding contributions in their work, will be given a serious warning, removed from their posts within the Party, or kept in the Party for investigation.

    Article 82 If a leading cadre of a Party member organizes or participates in a spontaneous association of fellow townsmen, alumni, comrades in arms, etc. in violation of relevant regulations and the circumstances are serious, he or she shall be given a warning, a serious warning or be dismissed from his or her post in the Party.

    Article 83 A person who commits one of the following acts shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Conduct unorganized activities such as canvassing and supporting elections in democratic recommendation, democratic assessment, organizational investigation and intra party elections;

    (2) In the voting and election activities stipulated by the law, they violate the organizational principles and engage in unorganized activities, organize, encourage and induce others to vote and vote;

    (3) Conduct other activities in violation of the Party Constitution, other intra Party laws and regulations and relevant articles of association during the election.

    Those who engage in organized canvassing and bribery, or canvassing and bribery with public funds, shall be given a heavier or heavier punishment.

    Article 84 In the process of selecting and appointing cadres, those who violate the regulations on the selection and appointment of cadres, such as favoritism, exclusion of dissidents, official vows, intercession and intervention, running errands and demanding officials, sudden promotion or adjustment of cadres, will be given a warning or a serious warning if the circumstances are relatively minor; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    In case of serious consequences caused by personnel negligence and mistakes, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 85 In promoting the ability of leading cadres to go up and down, if they engage in humanism and commit one of the following acts, those who are directly responsible and those who are responsible for leadership, if the circumstances are serious, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the following punishment:

    (1) Avoiding organizational adjustment with party discipline and government affairs;

    (2) Replacing party discipline and government affairs with organizational adjustment;

    (3) Other acts of evading the importance and dealing with the light.

    Article 86 Those who conceal or distort the truth of the facts in the recruitment, assessment, promotion, evaluation and appointment of professional titles, honorary commendation, awarding academic titles, conscription, placement of ex servicemen, etc. of cadres and workers, or use their power or influence of their positions to seek benefits for themselves or others in violation of relevant regulations, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who resort to fraud to obtain positions, ranks, titles, benefits, qualifications, educational qualifications, academic degrees, honors, titles or other benefits shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 87 If a party member's right to vote, vote or stand for election is infringed, and the circumstances are relatively serious, a warning or serious warning shall be given; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    If a party member's right to vote, vote and stand for election is obstructed by means of coercion, threats, deception, solicitation, etc., he or she shall be dismissed from his or her post in the Party, kept in the Party for inspection, or expelled from the Party.

    Article 88 In case of any of the following acts, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Obstruction and suppression of criticism, accusation and accusation, or withholding and destroying criticism, accusation and accusation materials without permission, or deliberately disclosing them to others;

    (2) Suppressing the defense, defense and testimony of Party members, resulting in adverse consequences;

    (3) Suppressing the appeal of Party members, causing adverse consequences, or failing to handle the appeal of Party members in accordance with relevant regulations;

    (4) Other acts that violate the rights of Party members, resulting in adverse consequences.

    Those who retaliate against critics, informants, accusers, witnesses and other personnel shall be given heavier or heavier punishment.

    Article 89 In violation of the provisions of the Party Constitution and other intra Party laws and regulations, if a person who does not meet the requirements of a party member is recruited as a party member by fraud or other means, or if a party member identity certificate is issued for non party members, the person who is directly responsible and the person who is responsible for the leadership shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    If a party member is recruited in violation of the relevant procedures, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 90 Those who obtain foreign nationality or permanent residence qualification or long-term residence permit outside the country (territory) in violation of relevant regulations shall be given the punishment of revoking their posts in the Party, staying in the Party for inspection or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 91 Those who, in violation of relevant regulations, apply for exit (entry) certificates for private purposes, pass to Hong Kong and Macao, or enter or leave the country (border) without approval, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    If a person who has been approved to go abroad for private purposes but has gone abroad beyond the scope of approval, such as changing the route without authorization, failing to return within the time limit without justified reasons, and the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 92 If a party member in an overseas organization or a temporary overseas group (group) leaves the organization without authorization, or a party member engaged in foreign affairs, confidential, military and other work contacts and contacts with an overseas organization or personnel in violation of relevant regulations, he or she shall be given a warning, a serious warning or be dismissed from his or her post in the Party.

    Article 93 If a member of an overseas organization or a temporary overseas group (group) leaves the organization for less than six months and returns automatically, he or she shall be dismissed from his or her post within the Party or detained in the Party for investigation; Those who have left the organization for more than six months shall be treated as having left the Party on their own, and shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who deliberately provide convenient conditions for others to leave the organization shall be given a warning, a serious warning or be dismissed from their posts within the Party.

  • Article 94 Party members and cadres must correctly exercise the power entrusted by the people, be honest and upright, oppose the idea and phenomenon of privileges, and oppose any act of abuse of power and seeking personal gain.

    If his spouse, children, their spouses and other relatives and other persons with special relationships accept the other party's property by taking advantage of his power or position influence to seek benefits for others, and if the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 95 If they mutually use their power or influence of their positions to seek benefits for the other party and its spouse, children and their spouse and other relatives, side staff and other special related persons to conduct power transactions, they shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 96 Those who connive at or acquiesce in the spouse, children, their spouse and other relatives, side staff and other special related persons taking advantage of their own authority or position influence to seek personal gains, if the circumstances are relatively minor, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    If a party member cadre's spouse, children, their spouse and other relatives and other special related persons receive remuneration without actually working, or receive remuneration that is significantly higher than the standard remuneration of the same rank even though they actually work, and the party member cadre knows about it and does not correct it, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply.

    Article 97 Those who accept gifts, cash gifts, consumer cards (coupons), securities, equity, other financial products and other property that may affect the fair performance of official duties, if the circumstances are minor, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who accept other properties that obviously exceed the normal exchange of gifts shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 98 Gifts, cash gifts, consumer cards (coupons), securities, equities, other financial products and other properties that obviously exceed the normal exchange of gifts to public officials, their spouses, children, their spouses and other relatives, and other special related persons. If the circumstances are serious, a warning or serious warning will be given; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Giving gifts in the name of lecture fees, project fees, consulting fees, etc. in disguised form shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 99 Borrowing money, housing, vehicles, etc. from management and service objects that may affect the fair performance of official duties, if the circumstances are serious, a warning or serious warning will be given; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    Those who obtain large returns through private lending and other financial activities, which may affect the fair performance of official duties, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 100 Those who take advantage of their functions and powers or influence of their positions to handle wedding and funeral celebrations and cause adverse effects shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party; Those who take advantage of the opportunity to make money or commit other acts that infringe on the interests of the state, the collective and the people shall be given heavier or heavier punishment until they are expelled from the Party.

    Article 101 Those who accept or provide banquets or travel, fitness, entertainment and other activities that may affect the fair performance of official duties, if the circumstances are relatively serious, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 102 Those who obtain, hold or actually use sports fitness cards, club membership cards, golf cards and other consumer cards (coupons) in violation of relevant regulations, or enter or leave private clubs in violation of relevant regulations, if the circumstances are serious, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 103 Those who engage in profit-making activities in violation of relevant regulations and commit one of the following acts, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) To run businesses;

    (2) Owning shares or securities of unlisted companies (enterprises);

    (3) Buying and selling stocks or investing in other securities;

    (4) Engaging in paid intermediary activities;

    (5) To register a company abroad or invest in shares;

    (6) Other acts of engaging in profit-making activities in violation of relevant regulations.

    Those who buy and sell stocks by using the information obtained in the restructuring and restructuring of participating enterprises, targeted additional issuance, merger and investment, land use right transfer and other work, or make abnormal profits by purchasing trust products, funds and other means by taking advantage of their power or position, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Any person who, in violation of relevant regulations, holds a part-time job in an economic organization, social organization or other unit, or who is approved to hold a part-time job but obtains extra benefits such as salary, bonus and allowance, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph.

    Article 104 Taking advantage of power or position influence to seek benefits for spouses, children, their spouses and other relatives and other special related persons in terms of approval and supervision, resource development, financial credit, bulk purchase, land use right transfer, real estate development, project bidding and public finance revenue and expenditure, if the circumstances are relatively minor, a warning or serious warning will be given; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who take advantage of their functions and powers or influence of their positions to help their spouses, children, their spouses and other relatives and other special related persons to take deposits, sell financial products, operate special resources of rare and special products and seek benefits shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 105 If, after leaving his post or retiring (leaving) from work, he accepts the employment of enterprises, intermediaries and other units directly related to the original work business in the area and business scope under the jurisdiction of his original post in violation of relevant regulations, or if an individual is engaged in profit-making activities directly related to the original work business or the business under the jurisdiction of his original post, if the circumstances are minor, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, the party shall be given the punishment of removing the post within the party; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained in the Party for investigation.

    If a leading cadre of a Party member leaves his or her post or takes a post as an independent director or supervisor of a listed company or fund management company in violation of relevant regulations after retirement, if the circumstances are relatively minor, he or she shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained in the Party for investigation.

    Article 106 After leaving office or retiring (leaving) from work, taking advantage of the original functions and powers or the influence of the position to seek benefits for the spouse, children, their spouses and other relatives and other special related persons in business activities. If the circumstances are relatively minor, a warning or serious warning shall be given; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    If his spouse, children, their spouses and other relatives as well as other persons with special relationships accept money or property from the other party after leaving his or her job or taking advantage of his or her original functions and powers or the influence of his or her position, if the circumstances are serious, he or she shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 107 If the spouse, children and spouse of a leading cadre of a Party member, in violation of relevant regulations, engage in business activities in the area and business scope under the jurisdiction of the leading cadre of the Party member that may affect his or her fair performance of official duties, or have other acts that violate the prohibition of business operations, the leading cadre of the Party member shall correct them in accordance with the regulations; If he refuses to make corrections, he shall resign his current post or be adjusted by the organization; If he does not resign his current post or does not obey the organization to adjust his post, he shall be given the punishment of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 108 If the Party and state organs run enterprises through commerce in violation of relevant regulations, the persons directly responsible and the leaders responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 109 If a leading cadre of a Party member violates the work and life security system and seeks special treatment for himself, his spouse, children, their spouse and other relatives, staff members around him and other special related persons in terms of transportation, medical care, security, etc., if the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 110 Those who infringe upon the interests of the state and the collective in the distribution and purchase of housing, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 111 Taking advantage of his power or position influence to encroach on public or private property not under his own management, or encroaching on public or private property by means of symbolic payment of money, or paying free or symbolic remuneration to accept services or use labor services, if the circumstances are minor, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    If the expenses that should be paid by the person, spouse, children, their spouse and other relatives, side staff and other individuals with specific relationships are paid or reimbursed by subordinate units, other units or others by taking advantage of their power or position influence, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply.

    Article 112 If anyone, by taking advantage of his power or influence of his position, occupies public property for personal use in violation of relevant regulations for more than six months, and the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Those who occupy public property for profit-making activities shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Those who lend public property to others for profit-making activities shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 113 In case of organizing and participating in banquets, entertainment and fitness activities paid with public funds in violation of relevant regulations, or purchasing or distributing gifts, consumption cards (coupons), etc. with public funds, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible, if the circumstances are minor, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 114 If the person who is directly responsible and the person who is responsible for the leadership, if the circumstances are relatively minor, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 115 In case of one of the following acts, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning if the circumstances are relatively minor; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Travel with public funds or travel with public funds in the name of study and training, investigation and research, staff recuperation, etc;

    (2) Change official itinerary and travel by chance;

    (3) Participate in the investigation activities organized by the enterprises under their management and subordinate units, and take the opportunity to travel.

    For those who travel abroad (abroad) with public funds in the name of investigation, study, training, seminar, investment invitation, exhibition, etc. in disguised form, the persons directly responsible and the leaders responsible shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 116 In case of violating the reception management regulations, receiving beyond the standard or scope, or taking the opportunity to eat and drink, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible, if the circumstances are serious, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 117 In case of equipping, purchasing, replacing, decorating or using official vehicles in violation of relevant regulations or committing other acts in violation of regulations on the administration of official vehicles, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible, if the circumstances are serious, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 118 In case of any of the following acts in violation of the regulations on management of conference activities, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning if the circumstances are serious; If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be given the punishment of removing the post within the Party:

    (1) Meeting in scenic spots where meetings are prohibited;

    (2) Decide or approve the holding of various festivals and celebrations;

    (3) Other behaviors in violation of management regulations of conference activities.

    Those who hold the activities of commendation and demonstration of reaching the standards through evaluation without authorization, or charge fees for the activities of commendation and demonstration of reaching the standards through evaluation, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 119 In case of one of the following acts in violation of the regulations on office space management, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning if the circumstances are serious; If the circumstances are serious, the Party shall be given the punishment of removing the post within the Party:

    (1) To decide or approve the construction and decoration of office buildings, training centers and other halls and offices;

    (2) Provide and use office space beyond the standard;

    (3) Renting or borrowing office space without approval;

    (4) Rent or occupy guest rooms or other places with public funds for personal use;

    (5) Other violations of office space management and other regulations.

    Article 120 Those who engage in power sex trade or give property to engage in money sex trade shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 121 In case of any other violation of the incorruptibility discipline, a warning or even expulsion from the Party membership shall be given according to the specific circumstances.

  • Article 122 In case of one of the following acts, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning if the circumstances are relatively minor; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Raise funds and apportion expenses from the masses beyond the standard and scope, and increase the burden on the masses;

    (2) Detain or take over the money and goods of the masses or punish the masses in violation of relevant regulations;

    (3) Withholding the property of the masses, or defaulting on the money of the masses in violation of relevant regulations;

    (4) Collect fees in violation of relevant regulations in management and service activities;

    (5) When dealing with matters involving the masses, create difficulties for the masses and ask for help;

    (6) Other acts infringing upon the interests of the masses.

    Those who commit the above acts in the field of rural revitalization shall be given heavier or heavier punishment.

    Article 123 In case of interference in the autonomy of production and operation, which causes heavy losses to the property of the masses, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 124 In social security, social assistance, policy support, distribution of relief funds and materials and other matters, those who favor relatives and friends and are obviously unfair shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 125 Those who use clans or mafia forces to bully the masses, or connive at mafia related activities, or act as "protective umbrellas" for mafia forces, will be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 126 In case of any of the following acts, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning if the circumstances are relatively serious; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the following punishment:

    (1) If problems involving the vital interests of the masses such as production and life can be solved in accordance with policies or relevant regulations but are not solved in time, they are lazy and inefficient, causing adverse effects;

    (2) Negative response to the demands of the masses in line with the policy, prevarication and wrangling, and damage the relationship between the party and the masses, cadres and the masses;

    (3) Bad attitude towards the masses, simple and rude, causing adverse effects;

    (4) Practicing fraud, deceiving the superior and concealing the inferior, and harming the interests of the masses;

    (5) Other acts of omission, disorderly act, slow act, and false act that harm the interests of the masses.

    Article 127 When the state property and people's life and property are seriously threatened, those who can save but do not save, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be given a warning, a serious warning or be dismissed from their posts within the Party; If the circumstances are serious, the party shall be detained for inspection or expelled from the party.

    Article 128 If the party affairs, government affairs, factory affairs, village (residential) affairs, etc. are not disclosed in accordance with the provisions, and the right to know of the masses is infringed, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible, if the circumstances are serious, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Article 129 In case of any other violation of the provisions of the mass discipline, a warning or even expulsion from the Party membership shall be given depending on the specific circumstances.

  • Article 130 In case of irresponsibility or neglect of management in work, ineffective implementation, inspection and supervision of the decisions and arrangements of the higher authorities, resulting in large losses to the interests of the Party, the country and the people and public property, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If heavy losses are caused, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for inspection or being expelled from the Party.

    Leading cadres of Party members who passively avoid or shirk responsibility for problems that exist before they take office and fall within the scope of their duties, thus causing serious damage or adverse effects, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 131 Those who do not dare to fight, are unwilling to take responsibility, and retreat in the face of major conflicts, crises and difficulties, causing adverse effects or serious consequences, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 132 If one of the following acts has caused serious damage or serious adverse effects, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Enthusiastic in making public opinion and floating on the surface;

    (2) Simply implement the meeting and documents with meetings, and do not take action in actual work;

    (3) Detach from reality, do not conduct in-depth investigation and research, and engage in arbitrary decision-making and mechanical implementation;

    (4) Violating the relevant regulations of the Fine Arts Association and engaging in cultural activities;

    (5) In the work of supervision, inspection and assessment, it is necessary to increase the weight layer by layer and leave excessive marks to increase the work burden of the grassroots;

    (6) Other formalistic and bureaucratic behaviors in work.

    Article 133 In case of failing to perform or improperly performing the duties of publicity, education, supervision and management in the management of meals in official activities or in the dining room of the unit, resulting in food waste and serious adverse effects, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 134 If one of the following acts is committed in the organization's staffing work, causing adverse effects or serious consequences, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Unauthorized adjustment of responsibilities, establishment of institutions, verification of the number of leadership positions and staffing beyond the scope of the "three determinations";

    (2) Illegal interference in the establishment of local institutions;

    (3) Other behaviors in violation of the organization staffing management regulations.

    Article 135 In the complaint reporting work, if one of the following acts has caused adverse effects or serious consequences, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Failing to accept and handle complaint reporting as required;

    (2) Inadequate handling of large-scale group visits led to the expansion of the situation;

    (3) Inadequate attention and implementation of suggestions on improving work and policies put forward by the Party Committee and the government's letter and visit departments have resulted in the problem not being solved for a long time;

    (4) Other behaviors of failing to perform or improperly performing the duties of complaint reporting.

    In case of failure or incorrect performance of duties, which leads to the occurrence of complaint reporting matters and causes adverse effects or serious consequences, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 136 If a Party organization commits one of the following acts, the person directly responsible and the person responsible for leadership shall be given a warning or a serious warning if the circumstances are relatively serious; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the following punishment:

    (1) During the period when a party member is being put on file for review, he/she is allowed to travel abroad, go abroad, resign without authorization, or communicate with, promote his/her position, promote his/her rank, further use, reward him/her, or go through retirement procedures;

    (2) After being investigated for criminal responsibility according to law, a party member who fails to give Party discipline punishment according to regulations, or who violates national laws and regulations, shall be given Party discipline punishment instead of punishment;

    (3) After the decision on party discipline punishment or the appeal review decision is made, the decision on party membership, position, rank, treatment, etc. of the punished person is not implemented in accordance with the provisions;

    (4) After being punished by Party discipline, Party members fail to carry out daily education, management and supervision on the punished Party members in accordance with the cadre management authority and organizational relationship.

    Article 137 If the accountability is abused or seriously irresponsible in the accountability work, resulting in adverse effects, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 138 If the person under his management defectes due to his irresponsible work, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    If the person under his management escapes due to his irresponsible work, the person who is directly responsible and the leader responsible, if the circumstances are relatively serious, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 139 For statistical fraud, the person who is directly responsible and the leader responsible, if the circumstances are relatively minor, will be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    If serious consequences are caused due to negligence in statistical fraud, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 140 In case of failing to report or failing to report truthfully the matters that should be reported when the superior inspects or inspects the work or reports the work to the superior, causing serious damage or serious adverse effects, the person directly responsible and the person in charge shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

    Those who connive at, instigate, hint or force the lower level to tell lies or report false information when the higher level inspects or inspects the work or reports to the higher level shall be given a heavier or heavier punishment.

    Article 141 Those who interfere and interfere in market economic activities in violation of relevant regulations and commit one of the following acts, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, Party membership will be expelled:

    (1) Intervention and intervention in construction project contracting, land use right transfer, government procurement, real estate development and operation, mineral resources development and utilization, intermediary services and other activities;   

    (2) Intervention and intervention in restructuring, merger, bankruptcy, property right transaction, asset verification, asset evaluation, asset transfer, major project investment and other major business activities of state-owned enterprises;

    (3) Intervention and intervention in the approval of various administrative permits and fund lending;

    (4) Intervention and intervention in economic disputes;

    (5) Intervention and intervention in the use, distribution, contracting and leasing of collective funds, assets and resources.

    Article 142 Those who violate relevant regulations to interfere in and interfere in judicial activities, discipline enforcement activities, inquire about the case, say hello, explain the truth to the relevant local or department, or influence judicial activities, discipline enforcement activities in other ways, if the circumstances are minor, will be given a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Whoever, in violation of the relevant provisions, interferes with or interferes in the distribution of public financial funds, project approval review, meritorious deeds, honors, awards and other activities, and thus causes heavy losses or adverse effects, shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    Article 143 If the trustee who has the obligation to report and register the intervention and meddling acts in accordance with the relevant provisions fails to report or register in accordance with the provisions, and the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 144 Those who divulge, spread or spy on or steal the undisclosed matters of the Party organization concerning the selection and appointment of cadres, discipline review, inspection and patrol, or other contents that should be kept confidential shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    If the party organization privately keeps information related to the selection and appointment of cadres, discipline review, patrol inspection and other aspects, and the circumstances are relatively serious, a warning or serious warning will be given; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 145 In the process of examination and admission, those who disclose test questions, commit fraud in the examination room, alter test papers, enroll in violation of relevant regulations, etc. shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 146 If he or she improperly seeks to use public funds to go abroad, if the circumstances are relatively minor, he or she shall be given a disciplinary warning; If the circumstances are serious, a serious warning shall be given; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 147 If a member of a temporary overseas group (group) or personnel extends his stay abroad without authorization, or changes his route without authorization, the person directly responsible and the leader responsible shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 148 If a member of an overseas organization or a temporary overseas group (group) violates the laws and decrees of the country or region or does not respect the religious customs of the country or region, if the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of being dismissed from their posts within the Party, staying in the Party for investigation or being expelled from the Party.

    Article 149 In the Party's discipline inspection, organization, propaganda, united front work, organ work and other work, those who fail to perform or incorrectly perform their duties, resulting in losses or adverse effects, shall be given a warning or even expelled from the Party depending on the specific circumstances.

  • Article 150 In case of extravagance, extravagance, hedonism, and pursuit of low-grade tastes, resulting in adverse effects, a warning or serious warning shall be given; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 151 In case of any improper relationship with others, which causes adverse effects, a warning or serious warning shall be given; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Whoever has sexual relations with another person by taking advantage of his power, upbringing, subordination or other similar relationships shall be given a heavier punishment.

    Article 152 The leading cadres of Party members who do not attach importance to the construction of family style and cause adverse effects or serious consequences to their spouses, children and their spouses who are out of control and lack of education shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given a disciplinary sanction of removing his post within the Party.

    Article 153 Those who violate social public order and good customs and have improper words and deeds in public places and cyberspace, causing adverse effects, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

    Article 154 If there are other serious violations of social ethics and family virtues, the party shall be given a warning or even expelled from the party according to the specific circumstances.

  • Article 155 The Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with these Regulations and in combination with the actual situation of their own work, formulate individual implementation provisions.

    Article 156 The Central Military Commission may, in accordance with these Regulations and in the light of the actual situation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, formulate supplementary or individual provisions.

    Article 157 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.

    Article 158 These Regulations shall come into force as of January 1, 2024.

    Before the implementation of these Regulations, if a case that has been closed needs to be reviewed and reconsidered, the provisions or policies at that time shall apply. If a case that has not yet been closed is not considered a disciplinary violation according to the regulations or policies at the time when the act occurred, but is considered a disciplinary violation according to these Regulations, it shall be handled in accordance with the regulations or policies at that time; If the regulations or policies at the time of the act are deemed to be in violation of discipline, they shall be dealt with in accordance with the regulations or policies at the time of the act, but if these Regulations do not consider it to be in violation of discipline or are less serious, they shall be dealt with in accordance with these Regulations.

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Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision magazine
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