chinese English
Yiwuku 2019-08-12 16:02 five thousand eight hundred and twenty-three
Men's intelligent dithering is the same black technology bracelet, and the sample content of the website; Example of default Chinese content, one key switch language view in the top right corner, automatic memory language selection

Men's intelligent dithering with black technology bracelet

  • Product No.: forty-nine
  • Product classification: Wearable device
  • Current price ¥ 69.50
    Fashion color screen step counter waterproof alarm clock heart rate information reminder
    Bilingual custom text
    One click switch language in the top right corner
  • Online purchase Online consultation

Men's intelligent dithering is the same black technology bracelet, and the sample content of the website; Example of default Chinese content, one key switch language view in the top right corner, automatic memory language selection

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